
第14章 Buried Treasure(3)


We went to the State landoffice and had a practical, what they call a “working,” sketch made of all the surveys of land from the old mission to the Alamito River. On this map I drew a line due southward to the river. The length of lines of each survey and section of land was accurately given on the sketch. By these we found the point on the river and had a “connection” made with it and an important, wellidentified corner of the Los Animos fiveleague survey—a grant made by King Philip of Spain.


By doing this we did not need to have the line run out by a surveyorsurveyor n.测量员, 检查员. It was a great saving of expense and time.


So, Lee Rundle and I fitted out a twohorse wagon team with all the accessoriesaccessories n.[计]附件, and drove a hundred and fortynine miles to Chico, the nearest town to the point we wished to reach. There we picked up a deputy county surveyor. He found the corner of the Los Animos survey for us, ran out the five thousand seven hundred and twenty varas west that our sketch called for, laid a stone on the spot, had coffee and bacon, and caught the mailstage back to Chico.


I was pretty sure we would get that three hundred thousand dollars. Lee Rundles was to be only onethird, because I was paying all the expenses. With that two hundred thousand dollars I knew I could find May Martha Mangum if she was on earth. And with it I could flutter the butterflies in old man Mangums dovecot, too. If I could find that treasure!

But Lee and I established camp. Across the river were a dozen little mountains densely covered by cedarbrakes, but not one shaped like a packsaddle. That did not deter us. Appearances are deceptivedeceptive adj.欺骗性的. A packsaddle, like beauty, may exist only in the eye of the beholder.


I and the grandson of the treasure examined those cedarcovered hills with the care of a lady hunting for the wicked flea. We explored every side, top, circumference, mean elevation, angle, slope, and concavityconcavity n.凹度 of every one for two miles up and down the river. We spent four days doing so. Then we hitched up the roan and the dun, and hauled the remains of the coffee and bacon the one hundred and forty nine miles back to Concho City.


Lee Rundle chewed much tobacco on the return trip. I was busy driving, because I was in a hurry.


As shortly as could be after our empty return Goodloe Banks and I forgathered in the back room of Snyders saloon to play dominoes and fish for information. I told Goodloe about my expeditionexpedition n.远征, 探险队, 迅速, 派遣 after the buried treasure.


“If I could have found that three hundred thousand dollars,” I said to him, “I could have scoured and sifted the surface of the earth to find May Martha Mangum.”


“She is meant for higher things.” said Goodloe. “I shall find her myself. But, tell me how you went about discovering the spot where this unearthed increment increment n.增加, 增量was imprudently buried.”


I told him in the smallest detail. I showed him the draughtsmans sketch with the distances marked plainly upon it.


After glancing over it in a masterly way, he leaned back in his chair and bestowed upon me an explosion of sardonicsardonic adj.讽刺的, superior, collegiate laughter.


“Well, you are a fool, Jim.” he said, when he could speak.


“Its your play.” said I, patiently, fingering my doublesix.


“Twenty.” said Goodloe, making two crosses on the table with his chalk.


“Why am I a fool?” I asked. “Buried treasure has been found before in many places.”


“Because,” said he, “in calculating the point on the river where your line would strike you neglected to allow for the variation. The variation there would be nine degrees west. Let me have your pencil.”


Goodloe Banks figured rapidly on the back of an envelope.


“The distance, from north to south, of the line run from the Spanish mission,” said he, “is exactly twentytwo miles. It was run by a pocketcompass, according to your story. Allowing for the variation, the point on the Alamito River where you should have searched for your treasure is exactly six miles and nine hundred and fortyfive varas farther west than the place you hit upon. Oh, what a fool you are, Jim!”


“What is this variation that you speak of?” I asked. “I thought figures never lied.”


“The variation of the magneticmagnetic adj.磁的, 有磁性的, 有吸引力的 compass,” said Goodloe, “from the true meridian.”


He smiled in his superior way; and then I saw come out in his face the singular, eager, consuming cupiditycupidity n.贪心, 贪婪 of the seeker after buried treasure.


“Sometimes,” he said with the air of the oracle, “these old traditions of hidden money are not without foundation. Suppose you let me look over that paper describing the location. Perhaps together we might—”
