
第15章 Buried Treasure(4)

The result was that Goodloe Banks and I, rivals in love, became companions in adventure. We went to Chico by stage from Huntersburg, the nearest railroad town. In Chico we hired a team drawing a covered springwagon and camping paraphernaliaparaphernalia n.随身用具. We had the same surveyor run out our distance, as revised by Goodloe and his variations, and then dismissed him and sent him on his homeward road.


It was night when we arrived. I fed the horses and made a fire near the bank of the river and cooked supper. Goodloe would have helped, but his education had not fitted him for practical things.


But while I worked he cheered me with the expression of great thoughts handed down from the dead ones of old. He quoted some translations from the Greek at much length.


“Anacreon,” he explained. “That was a favorite passage with Miss Mangum—as I recited it.”


“She is meant for higher things.” said I, repeating his phrase.


“Can there be anything higher,” asked Goodloe, “than to dwell in the society of the classics, to live in the atmosphere of learning and culture? You have often decrieddecry v.谴责 education. What of your wasted efforts through your ignorance of simple mathematics? How soon would you have found your treasure if my knowledge had not shown you your error?”


“Well take a look at those hills across the river first,” said I, “and see what we find. I am still doubtful about variations. I have been brought up to believe that the needle is true to the pole.”


The next morning was a bright June one. We were up early and had breakfast. Goodloe was charmed. He recited—Keats, I think it was, and Kelly or Shelley—while I broiled the bacon. We were getting ready to cross the river, which was little more than a shallow creek there, and explore the many sharppeaked cedarcovered hills on the other side.


“My good Ulysses,” said Goodloe, slapping me on the shoulder while I was washing the tin breakfastplates, “let me see the enchanted document once more. I believe it gives directions for climbing the hill shaped like a packsaddle. I never saw a packsaddle. What is it like, Jim?”


“Score one against culture,” said I. “Ill know it when I see it.”


Goodloe was looking at old Rundles document when he ripped out a most uncollegiate swearword.


“Come here,” he said, holding the paper up against the sunlight. “Look at that.” he said, laying his finger against it.


On the blue paper—a thing I had never noticed before—I saw stand out in white letters the word and figures: “Malvern, 1898.”


“What about it?” I asked.


“Its the watermark.” said Goodloe. “The paper was manufactured in 1898. The writing on the paper is dated 1863. This is a palpable fraud.”


“Oh, I dont know.” said I. “The Rundles are pretty reliable, plain, uneducated country people. Maybe the paper manufacturers tried to perpetrate a swindle.”


And then Goodloe Banks went as wild as his education permitted. He dropped the glasses off his nose and glared at me.


“Ive often told you you were a fool.” he said. “You have let yourself be imposed upon by a clodhopperclodhopper n.<口>庄稼汉,乡巴佬. And you have imposed upon me.”


“How,” I asked, “have I imposed upon you ?”


“By your ignorance.” said he. “Twice I have discovered serious flaws in your plans that a commonschool education should have enabled you to avoid. And,” he continued, “I have been put to expense that I could ill afford in pursuing this swindling quest. I am done with it.”
