
第9章 谈天说地





A:Hi,Andrew! A: 嘿,安德鲁! B:Oh,hi,Lisa! What are the odds that I run into you on the subway! B: 噢,莉萨!真巧啊,竟能在地铁上碰到你! A:I know! I wouldn't have expected to see you either! Where are you heading to? A:是啊!我也没想到能在这儿碰到你!你这是要去哪儿啊? B:I am going to see a friend.He's just moved to a new apartment,so he's holding a house warming party.So,how's your job hunting? B: 我去见个朋友。他刚搬了新家,办了个暖屋会。对,你工作找得怎么样了? A: No big bites yet,just had a couple of nibbles.The job market is very competitive this year,and there are always bigger fish in the sea. A:没什么好的,倒有一些小的机会。今年就业市场的竞争太强了,时不时会遇到强人。 B: I am sure you will find something. B: 我相信你会找到工作的。


A:Hello.Mary,how's it going? A: 嘿,玛丽,最近怎么样? B: Well,I am trying to find a job. B: 嗯……我在找工作。 A: Had any luck? A:有什么眉目了吗? B: I've submitted my resume to some companies and had a couple of interviews,but so far I haven't had any positive feedback. B:我把简历提交给了一些公司也面试了几回,但目前为止还没有得到准信儿。 A:Take it easy.I am sure you will find one eventually.It's just a matter of time. A: 别急,我相信你最终会找到的,只是时间问题。 B:I hope so.But this year the job market is extremely competitive. B: 希望如此吧。今年的人才市场竞争格外激烈。


A: Hi,Allen,will you be free this Friday night? A: 嘿,艾伦,你这周五有空么? B:I think so,why? B: 应该有,怎么了? A:Well,Joy and I have just moved into a new apartment,so we want to invite old friends over for a get together.You want to come over? A: 我和乔伊刚搬了新家,我们打算邀请一些老朋友过来聚一聚。你能来吗? B: Sounds great.What is your place like? B:好啊,你们的新家什么样? A: Well,it's not too big,about 60 square meters.We've got two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a small living room. A:不是很大,大概有60平方米。我们有两间卧室、一个厨房、一个浴室和一个小客厅。 B: That sounds pretty good. B: 听上去不错。


A:Last time at your place,I had a great time! A: 上次去你们那里玩得很开心! B:I am glad that you enjoyed it,but I am afraid we have to look for a new place again. B: 很高兴你玩得不错,但恐怕我们又得再找个新地方住了。 A:But you just moved in.What happened? A: 可是你们不是才搬进去的吗,出什么事儿了? B: It was rather unpleasant.We were very satisfied with the place until we came back from the Spring Festival.I came back first and couldn't believe my eyes when I unlocked the door.The place was a mess.The floor was littered with bags and garbage,and there were clear traces that our beds had been slept on. B:说起来让人很不痛快。过完春节之前我们对住的地方还是挺满意的。我先回来的,但当我回来打开房门的时候,简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。我们屋里乱得一塌糊涂,满地的袋子和垃圾,床也有明显被人睡过的痕迹。 A:That's terrible! A:太恶劣了!


A: Hi,Daniel,have you heard that George,our monitor,has bought a house? A: 嘿,丹尼尔,你听说没有,我们班长乔治买了个房子? B: Oh,really? How did he pay for it? B: 真的吗?他怎么付的款? A: He took out a mortgage loan.His parents paid for the down payment.He and his girlfriend will pay the monthly payments to the bank. A: 他按揭贷款买的房。他父母给付的首付,他和他女朋友每月给银行交月供。 B: Well,I think it's the wise thing to do right now.The real estate market is going down,so the price is dropping and the mortgage rates are low. B:嗯,我觉得现在这么做挺明智的。房地产市场比较低迷,房价一直在降,房贷利率也很低。 A: But even though the price has dropped,it's still obscenely high. A: 可是尽管房价降了些但还是出奇得高。


A: Our lease runs out in a month.We should start looking for a new place soon,or we can renew the lease for another six months.What do you think? A: 我们的租期再有一个月就到期了。我们得赶紧开始找新的地方住,或者我们可以将租约再延长六个月。你觉得怎么样? B: I don't know.Maybe we should just renew the lease.I really don't want to go through all this again. B: 我不知道。也许我们就把合同再延长一下就好,我真的不想把从找房到租房这事儿从头到尾再来一遍。 A:Yeah,I know,it's tedious. A: 是啊。我知道,这太麻烦了。 B: I guess so.But do you really want to move to a new place? B: 也许吧,但你真想搬到新的地方住吗? A: That's true. A: 没错。





A:Hi,Sophia,long time no see,how are you? A: 嘿,索菲娅,好久不见了,你还好吗? B: Not bad.I just quit my job. B: 还不错,我刚刚辞职了。 A:Oh dear! What happened? I thought you liked your job. A: 天啊!怎么了?我还以为你喜欢你的工作呢。 B: Well,my job was alright,but I was tired of the rigid work schedule. B: 哦,我的工作还行,只不过我厌倦了死板的工作日程。 A: I guess you've done the right thing.Often I hear people complaining about their jobs,but you are the first person that I know who had the guts to really quit. A:我觉得你做的没错。我经常听别人抱怨他们的工作,可是你是我认识的第一个真正有勇气辞职的人。 B: At the present I can still afford this kind of freedom with my savings. B: 现在我的储蓄依然还可以让我负担得起这种自由。


A: Oh,Jenny,what a rare thing running into you! How's the bohemian life treating you? A: 噢,珍妮,遇到你真的是很稀罕,你的波西米亚生活怎么样了? B:Hello,Sally.Well,life goes on.Really there's nothing too exciting about working at home. B: 哦,萨莉你好,生活总是在继续。在家工作真的没有什么特别让人激动的地方。 A: You think so? I've always believed that is the most ideal working pattern.You have all your time to yourself and are free to do whatever you want. A: 你这么觉得吗?我一直认为那是最理想的工作方式。你所有的时间都能自由支配,你想做什么就能做什么。 B:Well,freedom is a relative term I guess.Now I can't say I am totally free.On the contrary,I think compared to those who work in a company,I've paid a higher price for my freedom. B: 我觉得自由只能算是个相对的说法。现在我不能说我完全是自由的。恰恰相反,我觉得和在公司里上班的人比起来,我为我的自由付出了更高的代价。


A: We live a rather passive life.It's like we are where the contracts are,which oftentimes come on an unstable basis. A:我们的生活方式很被动,合同在哪儿,我们就得在哪儿,可是合同的来源也不固定。 B: I think it's more of a question of individual preference.For me,I don't like to spend a lot of my time and energy dealing with relations with colleagues at the workplace,which can be really complicated and annoying.What fascinates me about a bohemian life is that you are in charge of yourself. B: 我觉得这更多的是个人喜好的问题。对我来说,我不想把很多时间精力花费在处理工作中和同事的关系上,这经常很复杂,也很让人讨厌。波西米亚式的生活最吸引我的地方就在于你能够支配你自己的时间。 A:That's also true.But believe me,the bohemian life isn't really free. A: 没错。可是相信我,波西米亚式的生活并不是真正的自由。 B:That's right... B: 没错……


A: Hello,Mark,how's it going recently? A: 你好,马克,最近怎么样? B:Two friends and I are preparing to set up our own cartoon studio,but we still need another person to take care of sound editing.You know anyone that might be interested? B:我和两个朋友打算开一个动画制作工作室,不过我们还需要再找一个人负责声音剪辑。你认识的人里面有没有人会感兴趣? A: Well,I happen to have a friend who's been working as a sound editor since he graduated.I heard that he's looking for a new contract.Maybe he will be interested. A: 哦,我碰巧有一个朋友,打从毕业开始就一直做声音剪辑的。我听说最近他正在寻找新的合同机会,也许他会感兴趣。 B:Well,that sounds good.If he is interested,he can start working with us right away. B: 哦,听起来不错。如果他感兴趣的话,马上就可以和我们一起工作。


A: Hi,Lisa,I heard that you've started a beauty shop online,is that true? A: 喂,莉萨,我听说你在网上开了个美容小店,是真的吗? B:Yeah,I also give people suggestions on how to choose cosmetics that best suit their skin type. B: 是啊,我还给人们建议,告诉他们如何选择最适合自己皮肤类型的化妆品。 A: Not bad.Do you still work at the same company? A: 不错,那你还在以前的公司上班吗? B:No,I resigned from my old position,so now I work full time at home. B:不上了,我辞掉了那份工作,现在我在家里做全职。 A:That's cool.I think if I were you,it would have been a really difficult choice to make. A: 这可真酷。我觉得要是我是你,一定很难做决定。





A: Recently I've been giving private English lessons to a teenager,which is a new experience for me. A: 最近我一直在给一个小孩做英语家教,我以前没做过。 B: Sounds nice.How is the kid? B: 听起来不错。那孩子怎么样? A:Well,he's thirteen years old now.As a boy born in the 90s,I think his experience is typical of his generation.Honestly,I feel very sorry for him. A: 他今年十三岁了。作为一个90后的小孩,我觉得他的经历在他那一代小孩子中很典型。说实话,我很替这个小孩难过。 B: How come? The classes are not good? B: 为什么呢?上课不太顺利? A: It's not that the classes are not good.I try to make the lessons challenging and fun but the kid doesn't seem to be too enthusiastic about learning English.It's very hard to get him to say anything besides a simple yes or no. A:不是说课不好,我努力地使我们的课程有挑战性,并充满乐趣,可是那孩子似乎对学习英语不太感兴趣,他除了会简单地说“yes”或“no”之外,让他再说点别的就很困难了。


A:I'm guessing that it's more of his parents' ideas than his own.I've spoke with his parents a couple of times,but it seems that to them it doesn't matter whether their son is interested or not,he has to learn math simply because they themselves believe math is important. A:我觉得他来上课可能更多的是他家长的意思。我和他父母谈过几次,但是对他们而言似乎他们的孩子是不是感兴趣并不重要,孩子要学数字只是因为他们自己觉得数学很重要。 B:I see.That is very common among Chinese parents now.They enroll their kids in various classes they believe to be important and don't consider their kids' interest at all. B: 我明白了。现在中国的父母普遍如此啊。他们让孩子报告参加各种各样他们自己认为重要的补习班,根本不考虑孩子是不是感兴趣。 A:Yeah.It might be hard to learn something you're not interested in.But it's impossible to teach someone who doesn't want to learn. A:是啊,也许要学自己不感兴趣的东西很困难,但要教一个不想学习的人几乎就是不可能的事情。


A:Hey Kay,I think I need to talk to you. A:喂,凯特,我想我们需要谈一谈。 B: Oh,about what sweetheart? B: 哦?谈什么呢,亲爱的? A: Well,it's a bit hard to say it,but I think maybe we should slow down a little bit.I kinda want more of my own time. A: 哎,怎么开口呢?我觉得我们俩的关系或许应该先放一放再说。我有点想多有点属于自己的时间。 B:Slow down? What do you mean? You don't love me any more? Sweetheart,you're making me nervous. B: 放一放?什么意思?你不爱我了吗?亲爱的,你让我觉得有点紧张。 A: No,it's not like that.I love you.But with the national college entrance exam coming up,I need to focus on my studies more.You know both my parents hope I can go to a top university.I don't want to let them down. A:不,不是那样的。我爱你,可是就要高考了,我要集中精力多学习。你知道我的爸爸妈妈都希望我能去一所重点大学,我不想让他们失望。


A:Hi,Maggie,I'm sorry for keeping you waiting.I was about to leave the office when a student came in to talk with me about his problem. A: 喂,玛吉,很抱歉让你久等了。我刚要离开办公室,有一个学生进来了,要跟我讲他的问题。 B:It's okay,Rob.Actually,I've just arrived.What's wrong with your student? B: 没关系,罗伯特,其实我也是刚到。你的学生怎么了? A: You know those born in the 1990s don't have a good reputation for being independent.This boy is particularly so.I remember the first day he came to college,the entire family came with him including his grandparents on both sides of the family,all centering on him. A: 你知道大家往往都说90后的学生自立能力不强,这个男孩子尤其如此。我记得他第一天上大学时,他全家都来了,爷爷奶奶,外公外婆,爸爸妈妈全都围着他转。 B: He is so spoted. B: 他可真是被惯坏了啊! A: Yeah,so they brought along virtually everything! I can hardly think of any reason the boy needs to go shopping,ever! A: 是啊,他们往往什么都带过来。我当时真的觉得那男生用不着出去买任何东西了。


A: Hi,Justin,could you read this? A:喂,贾斯廷,你能读出这个吗? B: It's from the status of my cousin on QQ.She always uses these bewildering symbols for her QQ status. B: 这是我表妹的QQ签名,她的QQ签名总是用一些稀奇古怪的符号。 A: So she is born in the 1990s? A: 那她是90后吧? B: Yep.What's about those born in the 1990s? B:是的,90后怎么了? A: Well,these kids claim to have their own culture—what they call the non mainstream culture of Generation 90s,as distinct from the mainstream culture.It's no wonder you can't read your cousin's status,because it's written in their own language—the Mars language. A: 哦,这些孩子声称有自己的文化,他们称其为90后非主流文化,以便同主流文化区别开来。你看不懂你表妹的签名没有什么奇怪的,因为她是用他们自己的语言,火星文写的。 B:The Mars language? Sounds quite interesting. B:火星文?听起来挺有意思的。


A:Hi,Rob,how's the boy you mentioned to me last time? A:喂,罗伯特,你上次和我提起的那个男生怎么样? B:He's doing well I think.I heard he's been going out with his roommates now,which was totally unheard of before. B:我觉得他还不错。我听说现在他开始和室友一起出去玩了,这在以前可是没有过的事。 A:That's good for him.Hanging out with friends will certainly help him to fit in. A:那对他很好。和朋友们在一起玩肯定可以帮助他合群。 B:Yeah,that's true.Young adults like him normally have a sense of superiority. B:嗯,是这样。像他这样的年轻人通常都会有一种优越感。 A:I agree. A:我同意你的看法。


A:Hi,Matt.Would you be interested in making an investment with assured returns? A:喂,马特,你会有兴趣做一些稳赚的投资吗? B:What do you mean? Couldn't spend up all your own pocket money,eh? B: 你什么意思呢?你是不是花不完你的零花钱了? A:No,I am serious about it.I have an idea that I am sure we can make money from.The only problem is that I don't have enough money to start it up.If you are interested,maybe we can pull our resources together. A:不是的,我是很认真的。我现在有一个想法,我确信我们一定能从中赚到钱。唯一的问题就是我没有足够的钱来开始运作,要是你感兴趣的话,或许我们可以把钱凑起来。 B: Sounds interesting,but I want to hear you “great idea” first. B:听起来挺有意思,不过我想先听一听你的“好主意”。





A: Oh my god! You must have lost at least 5 kg! What have you been doing,Mon? A: 哎呀天啊!你肯定最少瘦了十斤!莫,你最近做什么了? B: Well,recently I've been on a diet. B: 哦,最近我在节食。 A:It's quite effective.How do you arrange your meals? Do you eat less than before? A: 很有效果。你是怎么安排饮食的?比以前吃得少吗? B:Of course,if you want to lose some weight,you have to reduce the amount of calories you take in,but you have to do it in a gradual and persistent manner. For example,I've swapped whole milk for skimmed milk,and I said goodbye to French fries the day I decided to go on a diet. B: 当然要少,如果你想减肥的话,必须减少卡路里的摄入量,可是你要循序渐进地坚持下去。比如说我现在不喝全脂牛奶了,改喝脱脂的了。决定开始节食那天,我就和炸薯条说再见了。 A: I wish I had as much perseverance as you do. A:我希望我有和你一样的毅力就好了。2.非诚勿扰

A: I signed up for an account on a match making website.Guess what? A: 我在一个速配的网站上注册了一个账户,你猜怎么样? B:What? B: 怎么着? A: I've been receiving emails from interested girls almost every day. A: 我几乎每天都收到对我感兴趣的女性的邮件。 B: Oh yeah? Good for you.Are they attractive? B:哦,是吗?对你来说可真不错,她们漂亮吗? A:Many are pretty good looking.There are a few that even asked me out,but I haven't replied yet. A: 很多长得都很漂亮。有几个甚至还约我出去呢,不过我还没有回复。 B:Why not? B: 为什么没有回复? A: I don't know.Maybe I am not confident enough to meet girls this way. A: 不知道,也许我对通过这种方式认识女孩还不太有信心。


A:Hi,Kevin,how is it going? A:喂,凯文,最近怎么样? B: Well,it's alright,actually it's great.I just broke up with my girlfriend. B: 哦,还行吧,其实应该说很棒。我刚和我的女朋友分手了。 A:Why are you so happy then? Aren't you supposed to be mourning about the past love? A:那你为什么这么开心呢?难道你不应该为失去的爱感到悲伤吗? B: Well,not really,I am glad to be single again. B: 哦,并不是这样,我很高兴我又恢复了单身。 A:I think the problem with you guys is that the chemistry between you two stopped working,so now you found your characters don't match any more. A: 我觉得你们俩的问题就在于两人之间的吸引力已经不存在了,所以才会发现两个人的性格不合。 B: Maybe you are right.But for the time being,I want to be alone. B: 也许你是对的,可是现在我还是想一个人待一段时间。


A: Hey,Charlie,how do you enjoy your wonderful single life? A: 喂,查利,你的单身生活过得快活吧? B: Turns out that the single life is not as great as I thought.Maybe I am getting old,now I am not as keen to go out as I used to be.I am not even interested in meeting new girls. B: 结果是单身生活不像我想得那样棒。也许我已经老了,我不像以前那样喜欢出去玩了,甚至对认识新的女孩都提不起兴趣了。 A: Oh? That's unusual.I thought guys are never tired of meeting new girls. A: 哦?这可有点不同寻常。我以为男生从来不会对认识新的女孩感到疲倦。 B:Well,in the beginning it was exciting.But later I found I don't really want to see girls that much.I mean it's nice to talk with them,but you get bored soon. B:哦,刚开始的时候还很让人兴奋,可是后来我发现我并不是真正那么喜欢认识女孩了。我的意思是,和她们聊天很好,可是很快我就觉得无聊了。 A: That's a good point. A:这没错。5.相亲

A: Hi,Eliza,did you go on the blind date the other day? How was it? A: 喂,伊莱扎,你前两天去相亲了吗?怎么样? B: Not very good.The whole time I was thinking how I could get out of that place! B: 不太好,当时我一直都在想我怎么才能够离开那个地方。 A:What went wrong? A: 哪里不对劲了? B: Well,it wasn't what I had in my mind.Things became awkward the moment we recognized each other. B:哦,和我想的不太一样。从我们认出对方那一刻起,事情就很让人尴尬。 A:How did he look like? A: 他长得怎么样? B: He's not bad looking,but personally not my cup of tea. B: 他长得还行,可是并不是我喜欢的类型。


A: My youngest cousin got married during the vacation.Now I am the only one in the entire family that is still single.So each time there was a family reunion,everybody asked me when I planned on getting married. A: 我最小的表妹假期时结婚了,现在整个家里就我一个人还单身。所以,每次家人团聚的时候,所有的人都问我什么时候结婚。 B: I know.This can be extreme pressure. B: 我知道,你的压力一定很大。 A: Yeah,even my parents seem to be worried. A:是啊,现在连我的父母都开始着急了。 B: I completely understand your feeling,although I can sympathize with your parents. B:我完全明白你的感觉,尽管我也理解你的父母。 A: Yeah,I know they are just worried.Most of my friends that I grew up with at home have got married.Some even have had a child.Then here I am,single and drifting. A: 是啊,我知道他们只是着急了。家里大多数和我一起长大的朋友都结婚了,有的甚至都有孩子了,可是再看看我,还在一个人漂着。


A: There was a strange noise coming down from upstairs that kept me up all night. A: 昨天晚上楼上一直有很奇怪的声音传下来,我一晚上都没有睡着。 B: You could have gone upstairs and knocked on the door. B:你可以去楼上敲门看看。 A:But no one lives there.An old man used to live in the apartment,but two months ago he passed away. A:可是没有人住那里。以前那个公寓里住的是一位老大爷,两个月以前他去世了。 B:That's weird. B: 那可有点奇怪。 A:Yeah,I was scared last night. I've never wanted a boyfriend that badly. A:是啊,我昨晚很害怕。我从来没有那么想找一个男朋友。 B: Oh yeah? Maybe you should get a boyfriend. B:哦,真的吗?也许你应该找一个男朋友。 A:Maybe.But it's easier said than done.There are fewer and fewer nice guys of our age left.And I don't want to settle for anyone. A:也许吧,可是说起来容易,做起来就难了。我们这个年龄的好男人越来越少了。我谁也没看上。





A:Hi,Sean,how's it going? A: 喂,肖恩,最近怎么样? B:I am retiring next month. B: 我下个月就退休了。 A: Wow,retirement is great! It's like paid holiday forever.I couldn't wait for my retired life to start. A:啊,退休太棒了,相当于无限期的带薪假期。我真的等不及开始我的退休生活了。 B: I'm afraid that if you were the one approaching retirement,you wouldn't feel the same way as you do now. B:恐怕要是你是快退休的那个人,你就不会像现在这么想了。 A:You bet I would.I would be thrilled to death.As a matter of fact,there are so many things I will do and I think I will be even busier. A: 我一定还会这么想的。我会高兴地不得了。事实上,我已经做好计划怎么利用我的退休时间了。我要做很多事情,我觉得我会更忙。


A: Hi,what are you reading in the newspaper? A:喂,你在报纸上看什么呢? B:An article about the aging problem of the Chinese society. B:一篇关于中国社会老龄化问题的文章。 A:Oh? Sounds interesting.What does it say? A: 哦?听起来很意思。上面说什么了? B:Well it says in the year 2045,there will be 400 million Chinese people above 60,accounting for about 30% of the entire population. B: 上面说,到2045年时,中国60岁以上的人口会有4亿,大约占总人口数的30%。 A: That's a lot of people. A:那可不是个小数目。 B:Yeah,China's population is aging at an alarming reat.It's the only country with more than 100 million people aged above 60 years.You know there will be many accompanying problems with the growth of aged population.And the way many sociologists see it,they are especially severe given the circumstances of the Chinese society. B: 是啊,中国人口的老龄化速度很惊人。中国是世界上唯一一个60岁以上的人口超过一亿的国家。要知道,老龄化会带来很多相关的问题。很多社会学家都认为,在当前中国的社会环境下,这些问题尤其严重。


A: Susan,when was the last time the kids came back? A:苏珊,孩子们上次上什么时候回来的? B: Three weeks ago for your birthday.You forgot already? B: 三个星期以前你过生日的时候。你已经忘了吗? A:Don't talk to me like that.I am getting old and I forget about things.I don't need constant reminder of that. A:别那样和我说话,我现在老了,记性不好了,我不需要有人时不时地提醒我这一点。 B:Today I am going to join the club for senior citizens. B: 我今天要去加入老年人俱乐部。 A: That's all it's about to join it! You come to know new people and you have fun together. A: 加入俱乐部不就是为了交新朋友吗?你去那里认识新的朋友,然后一起找乐子。


A:Hi,dear,I am trying to sort out our family album.Do you remember when we took this picture? A:喂,亲爱的,我在给我们的家庭影集分类,你记得我们是什么时候拍的这张照片吗? B:Let me see.Oh,this one.It was taken from the house warming party in dad's place.See that's the painting we gave them as a present. B:让我看看。哦,这一张啊,这张是在爸爸家的暖房聚会上拍的,你看,那幅画是我们送给他们的礼物。 A: Oh yeah,now I remember.It must be almost twenty years ago,right? A: 哦,是的。现在我想起来了,差不多20年了吧? B:Well,more than that.I think it was about 30 years ago.Remember we just moved downtown after I got the job? I think it was in 1979. B:哦,20多年了。我觉得差不多有30年了。你记得吗,那时我找到工作后我们刚搬到城里来?我觉得是在1979年。 A:Oh,yeah,you are right,it was taken in 1979.It was a great time.And dad and mom looked so young. A:哦,是啊,你是对的,是在1979年照的。那次玩得很开心。爸爸和妈妈看起来真年轻。


A:Hi,Paul,how's it going? A: 喂,保罗,最近怎么样? B:Quite well.What about you? B: 很不错,你呢? A:Well,I visited my grandfather in the retirement home yesterday. A: 我昨天去养老院看望了我的爷爷。 B: How was it? I heard retirement home can be really depressing. B:那里怎么样?我听说养老院的气氛会很压抑。 A:Well,it depends on the place you stay in I guess.The one my grandfather stays is very well equipped.It has wide doors and elevators,you know,very convenient for the wheelchairs.The room of my grandfather is almost like a VIP suite.It has everything you need,specially catering to the needs of old folks. A:哦,我觉得要看你去什么样的养老院,我爷爷待的地方条件很好。你知道这样对于轮椅的进出就很方便。我爷爷住的那个房间和VIP套房差不多。里面有他需要的一切,专门就是针对老人的需要而设计的。


A: Hi,Monica,do you know they just opened a new chub for old people around the corner? A: 喂,莫妮卡,你知道他们在拐角处新开了一个老年活动室吗? B:Well,I noticed something new was there,but I didn't get a chance to have a look.Have you been? What's it like? B: 哦,我看见那里新开了个地方,不过还没有去看。你去看过吗?那里什么样? A: Yeah.I dropped by once and found it quite nice.The place is big and it has several different rooms. A:是的,我去看了一次,感觉还不错。地方很大,里面有很多不同的房间。 B: Yeah,I am sure I will.It's great that they finally have something like this.I've been rather bored these days.There's really not much we could do at home. B:是啊,我相信我会喜欢的。他们终于成立了这样的一个地方,这太好了。我这些天一直觉得很无聊,在家里能做的事情太少了。 A:I understand.That's why I was quite excited to discover this place. A:我知道,就是因为这样所以我发现这个地方时特别兴奋。


A:Hi,Gary,how's your Chinese class? A:喂,加里,你的汉语课上得怎么样了? B:Quite well.Today we learnt how to write Hanzi,the Chinese characters.They are very difficult but also very interesting. B:还可以。今天我们学习了怎么写汉字,很难,不过也很有意思。 A:I know.So why would you choose to learn Chinese after you retired? A:我知道。你为什么选择在退休以后学习汉语呢? B:Well,the company I used to work with has a couple of branch offices in China,so I flied between Italy and China throughout the year.I like China,I like the people. B:哦,我以前工作的公司在中国有几个办事处,所以我一年到头经常在意大利和中国之间飞来飞去。我喜欢中国,喜欢这里的人。 A:That's very nice. A:那很不错。 B:Yeah,I am glad I made the choice to come to China. B:是啊,我很高兴选择了来中国。





A: Hey,John,what brings you to my door? A:喂,约翰,你怎么会登门来访呢? B: Well there's something that's been bothering me for a long time and I feel like I should discuss it with you. B: 有一件事情我一直以来都觉得很烦,我觉得我应该和你谈一谈。 A: Sure,what can I help you with? A:当然可以,你想让我做什么? B: It's your lawn.It is disgusting.Don't you think it's time you did something about it? B: 我想说说你的草坪,看起来真的是很邋遢。你不觉得你现在该做点什么吗? A: I guess you have a point.But with all due respect,this is my lawn and I'll tend to it when I have the time. A: 我觉得你说有道理。不过恕我冒昧,这是我的草坪,我有时间的时候自会收拾。 B: You are being very unreasonable.I'm not the only one that feels this way. B: 你真是不讲道理。不是只有我一个人这样觉得。 A: I really don't care how anyone feels about my lawn. A: 我一点都不在乎别人怎么想我的草坪。


A: Hi,Steve,never thought I would run into you in this cafe! How's it going? A:喂,史蒂夫,真没有想到会在这个小咖啡馆里见到你!最近怎么样呢? B: Never been better,thank you very much,and yourself? B:好极了,谢谢你关心,你自己呢? A: Just the same old song.Working 9 to 5 and spending the evenings with the family and kids.How's work treating you? A: 和以前没有什么两样。每天从九点上到五点,晚上和家人孩子在一起。你的工作怎么样? B: As a matter of fact,I recently resigned from my position as service manager from the restaurant. B: 其实,我最近刚从餐厅辞职,不做服务经理了。 A:Oh,why? Had a hard time with your colleagues? A: 哦,为什么呢?和同事关系处得不好? B:Actually throughout my 5 year tenure at the restaurant I've rarely had a cross word with my colleagues.In fact,I think what I'm going to miss most about the restaurant are the wonderful people I've had the honor and privilege of working with. B: 实际上,我在餐厅工作的五年时间,从来没和同事说过一句难听的话。其实我觉得我最怀念餐厅的地方就是我那些亲爱的同事们,能和他们一起工作真是我的荣幸。


A: Melissa,what are you doing at the mall. A: 梅莉萨,你怎么会在商场里呢? B:I need to get a birthday present for my boyfriend Charlie.His birthday is next week. B: 我得给我的男朋友查利买一件生日礼物,他下周就要过生日了。 A: I think Charlie is an easy person to shop for.And I am sure he will be grateful for any gift you should give him. A:给查利买东西很容易。而且我相信,不管你送给他什么生日礼物,他都会很感动。 B:I know he is very easy going.But I want my gift to be the best. B:我知道他人很随和,什么都行,可是我想送给他最好的礼物。


A:Hey,Ben,the other day I ran into your roommate Peter and he didn't seem to be too happy with you.What's the problem with you guys? A: 嘿,本,前两天我碰到你的室友彼得,他好像对你有点不太满意。你们两个人之间怎么了? B:What did he say? I didn't realize there was a problem. B: 他说什么了?我不知道有什么问题。 A: I think he's beginning to see you as a fair weather friend rather than a reliable roommate. A:我觉得他好像开始认为你是个酒肉朋友,算不上个可以依赖的室友。 B: I'm still not sure I understand.Would you be able to elaborate further? B:我还是不明白。你能再说说吗? A: He was complaining about how you want to divide the hydro bill. A: 他向我抱怨你们两人分水费的方法。 B: Oh yeah.The other day we talked about splitting the bill by me paying 30% and him paying the remaining 70%.He seemed to agree with it at the time.I didn't know he has a grudge about it. B:哦,对,前两天我们决定我付30%的水费,他付剩下的70%。他当时似乎没有什么意见啊。我不知道他心里一直不满呢。


A: Hey,Jacob,have you seen Peter recently? A: 嘿,雅各布,你最近见过彼得吗? B:Yeah,I just spoke with him. B: 是啊,我刚和他说过话。 A:Well,you know Peter's girlfriend Kate,also happens to be my best friend.Last night Kate called me,and said she was very upset and disappointed with Peter and that she thought it was time to end their relationship. I was thinking maybe you know Peter's side of the story. A: 哦,你知道彼得的女朋友凯特是我最好的朋友。昨晚凯特给我打电话,说她很难过,对彼得很失望,还说她觉得该结束这段恋爱。我想也许你知道彼得这边的情况。 B:As far as I know,no.He was pretty normal when I talked with him just now. B: 就我所知,他没什么事。刚才我和他说话的时候他还很正常。 A: Well. A: 哦。





A: Your birthday is coming in a week.Where do you want to eat? A:再过一个星期你就要过生日了,你想去哪里吃饭呢? B:I had wanted to have hot pot,but the other day a friend visited me and we had hot pot already. B: 我原本想吃火锅,不过前两天一个朋友来看我,我们就吃了火锅。 A: Well,we should go to a special place for you birthday. A:你过生日我们应该去一个特别的地方。 B: You are right.You know what? I have an idea now. B:你说得对。你猜怎么样?我现在有一个主意了。 A: Oh?What is it? A: 哦?什么主意? B:I think I want to try a western restaurant.You know I have never been to one before. B:我觉得想去吃吃西餐。你知道我没有吃过西餐。


A:Hello,I'm Julia,nice to meet you. A: 你好,我是朱莉娅,很高兴认识你。 B:Hi,Julia.The name's Stephen,nice to meet you too. B: 你好,朱莉娅,我叫斯蒂芬,也很高兴认识你。 A:So where do you come from? A: 你是哪个国家的呢? B: From the States. B:我来自美国。 A: Oh,I see.How long have you been in China? And what do you do here? A: 哦,我知道了,你在中国待了多长时间了?你在这里做什么呢? B:I came here two months ago.I got a job teaching English in a private school. B: 我两个月以前来的,我在一家私立学校里教英文。


A:Watch out! There's a car behind you. A:小心,后面有车! B:Oh,thank you.I didn't see it coming in my way. B: 哦,谢谢你,我没看到它朝着我的方向开过来。 A:I guess traffic in Toronto is very different from it is here. A:我猜多伦多的交通和这里一定差别很大吧。 B: Yeah.you really have to watch where you're going at all times here in China. B:是啊。在中国,你要一直盯着你的路。 A: I can see how traffic can appear very chaotic for a foreigner in China. A:我能理解,对于外国人来说,中国的交通一定看起来很混乱。


A: Hey,Matthew,you look tired,didn't you just come back from your vacation? A: 嘿,马修,你看上去很累,你不是刚度假回来吗? B: Man I am wiped.I think I'm more tired after this vacation than before I left.New York is not a good place to visit if you are looking for a relaxing vacation. B: 老兄,我可是累坏了,我觉得度完假回来比之前还累。如果你想过一个放松的假期的话,纽约可不是一个好地方。 A:Oh yeah.New York is a destination for adventure and a chance to experience a big city. A: 哦,是这样。如果想找冒险的感觉,或是想感受一下大城市,那去纽约就对了。 B: Yeah,I agree New York was not the wisest choice. B: 我同意纽约不是最明智的选择。


A: Hey,Tom,I was so amazed at the Chinese athletes' performance at the Beijing Olympic Games.They've won the most gold medals among all the countries,haven't they? A:嘿,汤姆,中国运动员在北京奥运会上的表现让我特别惊讶。他们在所有的国家中赢得的金牌数最多,对吗? B:That's true.Although America has won the most medals,silver and bronze medals cannot be compared with gold medals. B: 是的。尽管美国的奖牌总数最多,但是银牌和铜牌可没法和金牌相比。 A: Yeah,I know.The Chinese table tennis team and gymastics team are unbeatable.I really enjoyed watching the game. A: 是的,乒乓球和体操队无人可比,看比赛时我很开心。 B: Yeah,table tennis and gymnastics are the pride of the Chinese people. B: 是啊,乒乓球和体操是中国人的骄傲。 A: Yeah,true.There are many athletes that gained superstar status after their performance in the Olympic Games. A: 是的,很多运动员因为在奥运会上的精彩表现而成了超级明星。


A:Hey Karen! This is the first time seeing you here at the gym.What a nice surprise. A:嘿,凯伦,我是第一次看你来健身房,真的很惊讶。 B:Yes.As you can clearly see,I'm in pretty horrible shape. B:是啊,你都能看出来,我现在身体状况可差了。 A:Well, you've taken the first step to get yourself back to shape.Many people find the most difficult part of staying fit is getting their lazy butts to the gym. A:哦,那你现在可迈出了恢复健康的第一步了。很多人发现健身最难的部分就在于怎么能克服惰性而真正地到健身房去。 B:If you say so.It sure doesn't feel that way. I don't know the first thing about exercising.You seem to work out quite frequently,what do you suggest? B:随你怎么说,我自己可不这么觉得。关于锻炼,我什么都不知道。好像你经常来这里,有什么建议吗? A:It all depends on what types of goals you have in mind for yourself. A:这就看你给自己定的什么目标了。





A: As we all know the earth that we live on is a beautiful planet.A: 大家都知道,我们居住的地球是个美丽的行星。B: Of course. Our planet,the earth is made up of land and oceans,mountains and rivers,plants,animals and people. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser,and most of the gas drifted away leaving behind bodies of solid matter. These bodies eventually collected together to form solid earth.B: 当然是的。我们的地球是由陆地、海洋、高山、河流、植物、动物和人类构成的。后来,这颗星球变得越来越小,密度越来越大,大部分气体飘走了,只留下一些固体的物质。这些物质最后汇集到一起,形成了坚硬的地球。A: Then the inside of the solid earth became hot and molten causing certain materials to rise to the surface. This probably resulted in the formation of the earth's layers.A: 后来,坚硬的地球内部变热熔化,使某些物质升到地球的表面。这兴许是地层形成的原因。B: Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard,while the core is probably hot and molten. B: 今天的地表层,或者叫做地壳,又凉又硬,而地核或许依然很热,处于熔化状态。


A: As we all know,in dry soil,air always occurs in the spaces between the grains. A: 正如我们都知道的那样,在干燥的土壤里,颗粒之间的空隙里总会有空气的。 B: You're right. If there were no air in the soil,nothing would be able to live in it. B: 你说得对。如果土壤里没有空气,里面就不会有生命。 A: We've learned that the grains in a sandy soil are large while those in a clayey soil are tiny. Because of this,a sandy soil has larger spaces between the grains while a clayey soil has smaller spaces. A: 我们已经知道,沙土里的颗粒大,而粘土里的颗粒较小。由于这一原因,沙土的颗粒之间的空隙就大,而粘土颗粒之间的空隙就小。 B: Therefore,there is more air in dry sandy soil than in dry clayey soil. B: 因此,干燥沙土地里的空气就比干燥的粘土地里的空气多。


A: In the oceans around Antarctica the temperature of the water is freezing,always below zero,do you know? A: 在南极大陆周围的海洋里,水是冻结的,温度总是在零度以下,你知道吗? B: I know this. But there are still fish in the water. B: 我知道。但是水里照样有鱼生存。 A: I've ever read a magazine,it says that there may be 63,000 fish per cubic metre. A: 我曾读过一份杂志,上面说每立方米的水里可以有63000头鱼。 B: Isn't it astonishing? Well,the squid lives in the dark at a great depth at the bottom of the ocean. It can grow to a length of 15 metres. It is eaten by a type of whale called the sperm whale,which is over 18 metres long. B: 真令人惊讶!唔,枪乌鱼生活在海洋底部的黑暗处。它能长到15米长,它是一种长达18米之多,叫做抹香鲸的鲸鱼的食物。 A: It is really inconceivable. A: 不可思议吧。


A: The air in Beijing is seriously polluted. Look! I can even see the floating dirt overhead. A: 北京空气污染很严重。瞧,我都能看到我头顶上漂浮着的尘土。 B: Yes,air pollution in China is extremely serious,especially in cities with heavy industry. B: 是的,我国的空气污染相当严重,尤其是一些重工业城市。 A: Isn't there any protecting measure adopted by government for the sake of people's health? A: 难道政府没有为了人民的健康采取一些保护措施吗? B: There are many. But some depurating devices are not so effective. Some effective devices are so expensive that manufactures can't afford. B: 采取过很多措施。问题在于很多净化设施效果不明显。净化效果好的设备又特别昂贵,很多厂家支付不起。 A: That's it. A: 确实。


A: No one could survive without water. But you see,water pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. A: 没了水我们谁都活不了。但你看吧,水污染正使越来越多的水没办法供人饮用。 B: Yeah. Water pollution has long been a major concern among the environmental issues. B: 是啊。长期以来水污染一直都是环境问题中备受关注的。 A: But what are the sources of water pollution? A: 但它是由什么引起的呢? B: There're many causes,but which could generally be divided into two categories,i.e. direct and indirect contaminant sources. B: 有很多原因,但可以归为两类,即直接污染和间接污染。 A: I see. For the sake of us all,we should take an active part in the prevention of it. A: 我知道。为了我们自身,我们大家都应该积极投入到防止水污染的活动中去。


宗教、宗教信仰,是伴随着人类的需要而产生的,又由于各族人的需求存在着差异,所以也就产生了形形色色的宗教。但是宗教也不是一成不变的,随着人类的不断发展,人类的需求也在不断的变化,这就使宗教也不断的变革。信仰基督教的人希望可以得永生,耶稣基督说:无论世人犯什么样的罪,只要诚心忏悔(注意:不是改过,也不是将功补过),就可以得到上帝的原谅,死后依然可以上天堂。 中国人的宗教有许多,主要有佛道儒,但并不怎么专一,可以三样都信,也可以三样都不信,反正没有约束。久而久之,就形成一种情况,似乎什么都信,但又好像什么都不信。 中国人同样根据自己的需求对宗教进行改革。



A: Susan. Where are you going? Have you forgotten our picnic? A: 苏珊。你要去哪里?难道你忘了我们的野餐? B: Oh. Gosh! I particularly wish to go with you,but today is Sunday. There is an important thing I must do. B: 哦,天哪!我实在想跟你一起去野餐,但是你知道,今天是周日,我有一件重要的事情要做。 A: You want to go to the church? Do you think it's more interesting than our relaxation? A: 你要去教堂?难道你认为这比我们的放松娱乐更有意思吗? B: I really feel bad about that. But you know,going to the church is also a kind of relaxation—the relaxation of our soul. It makes me calm. I will forget all the troubles and pressure from the society. B: 实在对不起。但是你看,去教堂也是一种放松——我们心灵的放松。它让我平静,我会忘记尘世间的烦恼和压力。


A: Well,I know China is a country with great diversity of religions. But what are the major ones? A: 我知道中国是个宗教信仰很多元化的国家。但主要有哪些? B: The main religions are Buddhism,Islam,Christianity,China's indigenous Taoism,along with Shamanism,Eastern Orthodox Christianity. B: 主要有佛教、伊斯兰教、基督教、中国本土的道教,还有萨满教和东正教。 A: I see. Among them,Buddhism seems to have the most popularity,doesn't it? A: 我知道了。但所有的这些当中,佛教是最普遍的是吧? B: Yeah. Buddhism was first introduced to China from India roughly in the first century A.D.,becoming increasingly popular after the fourth century. B: 是的。公元一世纪,佛教从印度传入中国,4世纪后开始逐渐流行起来。


A: What are some disciplines or values that a Buddhist may live by? A: 佛教徒都有哪些生活准则或价值标准呢? B: Buddhism sees life as consisting of pain: pain in birth,sickness,death,and continuous sorrow and despair. B: 佛教认为人生充满苦难:生育之苦、疾病、死亡,还有无穷无尽的悲伤和绝望。 A: I see. Do the Buddhists pray? A: 这样啊。佛教徒祷告吗? B: Hmm... Buddhists follow a list of religious principles and intense meditation. When a Buddhist meditates it is not the same as praying or focusing on a god,it is more of a self discipline. B: 嗯……他们遵循一系列宗教准则,常常苦思冥想。但佛教徒的冥想不同于向上帝祷告,它更像是一种自律。


A:Do you believe in God? A: 你相信上帝吗? B: Not at all.I'm an agnostic.Do you? B: 我根本就不信上帝。我是个无神论者。你呢? A: I'm not sure.Why don't you believe there is a god? A: 我不太肯定。你为什么不相信有神的存在呢? B: I think everything has a scientific explanation rather than a theological one. B: 我认为一切事物都用科学而不是神学来解释。 A: I basically believe in science over theology. A: 基本上我相信科学要多于神学。


A: I'm sure that science will explain everything eventually.I think that the strangest thing about religion is that so many religious people act in ways that their religion claims are wrong. A:我认为科学最终一定能解释所有事情。我觉得宗教最奇怪的地方在于这么多的宗教信徒在做着违背他们宗教教义的事情。 B:For example? B: 比如说? A: Religions preach tolerance,but many wars are caused by intolerant religious fanatics. A:宗教宣扬宽容,但许多战争就是由那些偏执的宗教狂发起的。 B:Yes.Such people don't appear to be acting in accordance with their religious beliefs. B:是啊。这些人好像并没有按照他们的教义办事。


A:Hi! What are you watching? A:嘿,你在看什么? B:It's a programme about Islam. It's very interesting. B: 一个关于伊斯兰教的节目,很有趣。 A: Wow! So many people! Where are they and what are they doing? A: 哇,这么多人!他们在什么地方?在做什么? B:They are Muslims on a pilgrimage to Mecca.Muslims call this pilgrimage “Haj”. B: 他们是去麦加朝圣的穆斯林,穆斯林把这种朝圣叫“麦加朝圣”。 A:Why do they go there? A: 他们为什么去哪儿? B: Muslims believe that every man who is able should go on a Haj at least once in his life.Mecca is the spiritual centre of the Muslim faith. B: 穆斯林认为每一个有能力的人在他一生中至少应该去麦加朝圣一次。麦加是穆斯林的精神圣地。






A:Expo is sort of an exhibition,but much more than that. A:Expo可以说是一种展览会,不过它决不仅仅是个展览会。 B:What do you mean by much more than that? B: 你说它“决不仅仅是个展览会”是什么意思? A: A usual exhibition is limited to a specific field.e.g.computing software,new models of cellphones,or moder furniture,etc.and is very commercial.But the goals of World Expos have been both high minded as well as commercial. A:通常的展览会都是局限于某一个专门领域的,比如电脑软件啊,新型手机啊,现代家具之类,而且都很商业化。但是世界博览会除了商业目标外,还有更为高尚的目标。 B:OK.It's still commercial,so it also involves crowds of people,various commodities,selling and buying,and that is easy to understand.But being high minded... B: 好吧。说来说去也是商业化的,所以也是人潮如涌、商品繁多、买卖交易——这都好理解。但是更为高尚的目标……


A:Is it British people who started the modern World Expo? A:是英国人首先举办世界博览会的吗? B:To be precise,Queen Victoria,her husband Prince Albert and Prime Minister Robert Peel made it happen. B: 确切地说,是由维多利亚女王、女王的丈夫阿尔伯特王子和首相罗伯特·皮尔举办的。 A: Victoria? The ambitious Queen who led Britain into its most glorious era in history? A: 维多利亚?就是领导英国进入史上最辉煌时代的那位雄心勃勃的女王吗? B: See,you know more than you thought you knew.I'm not sure what triggered the idea of a great fair,but it must be attributed to her majesty's foresighted mind and pride in the great achievements of the Industrial Revolution,as we call it nowadays. B:瞧,你知道的还真不少。我不能确定是什么引发了开大型展览会的想法,但这一定得归功于女王陛下的远见卓识,也和她对今日被称为“产业革命”所带来的巨大成就的自豪感有关。


A:Look at this boy,how cute he is! A:看,这男孩儿多可爱啊! B:Cute he is! But what I want to say is how lucky he is to be the model in all these bidding publications! That is a chance we will not get once in a blue moon! B: 的确可爱!我觉得他能被选中来做世博会宣传的模特,真的是很幸运!这可是千载难逢的好机会哦! A: You can say that again! In fact,he has contributed a lot to the publicity of Shanghai's bid for the World Expo 2010 and the final success. A:没错!实际上,他为宣传2010上海世博会和最终赢得申办权做了很大的贡献。 B:Now that you've mentioned it,I do think we have done a lot for the bid and we richly deserve this success. B:提到这个,我的确认为他们这次申办做了很多的工作,取得最后的成功也是理所当然的。 A:I couldn't agree more.Now the preparatory work is carried out in full swing. A: 我完全同意。现在准备工作已经全面展开了。 B:Right.It is estimated the total investment of Shanghai World Expo projects will reach 3 billion US dollars.43% of which will come from the government.All this promises a most successful,wonderful and memorable World Expo. B: 是的。据估计,上海世博会项目的总投资将达到30亿美元,其中43%来自政府。所有这一切都预示着上海世博会将是最成功、最奇妙、最让人难忘的盛会。


A: Excuse me,you just mentioned BIE.Can you tell me more about BIE. A: 打扰了,你能否就刚才提到的国际展览局再向我介绍一下? B: Sure.The International Exhibitions Bureau means the world to the candidates of holding expo. B: 当然。国际展览局掌握着世博会申办国的命运。 A: Why? A: 为什么这么说呢? B:The BIE inspects the candidates for their conditions of participation in holding Expo. B: 国际展览局负责考察申办国举办世博会的条件。 A:Does the BIE have the right to handle all the international exhibitions? A:国际展览局有权管理所有的国际展览吗? B: Not all of the interational exhibitions.It only controls the international exhibitions of a noncommercial nature. B: 不是所有的。它只管理非商业性质的国际展览。 A:How about trade fairs? A: 是否管理贸易事务? B: This is a common misunderstanding of it. B: 这是对国际展览局的普遍误解。


A: In 1928,the organizers of exhibitions and participating countries signed the Convention at Paris. A: 早在1928年,博览会的组织者和参展国家就在巴黎制定了国际展览局公约。 B: Oh,from 1928 till now,it has been carried through for about a century. B: 这么说,从1928年到现在,该公约已经沿用了近一个世纪了。 A: Not exactly.Amendments and supplements have been made through years,in order to keep it adapting to modern conditions.The present Convention is the Protocol of 1927. A:也不全是这样,后来为了适应形势的发展又进行了几次修改。现行的是1972年版的公约。 B:You are talking like an expert. B: 你知道的可真不少呢。


A: In 1982,China was invited to Knoxville World Expo in America.It's the beginning of the P.R.C.'s World Expo voyage. A: 新中国于1982年首次应邀参加美国诺克斯维尔世博会。那是中华人民共和国世博会之旅的开始。 B: Oh,what did China exhibit for the first time? B: 哦,那次中国首展都有些什么展品呢? A: You know,the theme of that exposition was “Energy Drive of the World,”so China brought solar energy geyesers there,solar furnaces and various handicraft articles,etc. A: 那次展会的主题是“能源推动世界”,所以中国带去了许多太阳能热水器、太阳灶和许多手工艺品。 B:Then what about the second World Expo that China was in? B:那中国第二次参展的情况如何? A: That was in New Orleans of America two years after,China exhibited the relevant antiques and photos of China's water resource exploitation and usage processes,some models of irrigation works,etc. A: 那次是两年以后在美国的新奥尔良,中国展出了一些反映水利资源开发和利用的文物和照片,以及一些水利工程的模型等。 B: You really know a lot about China and World Expo. B: 你确实知道关于中国和世博会的许多情况。