A “Celestial Empire courtesy system,” with the Chinesefeudal dynasties as the center, had long existed in the eastprior to western colonial invasion. Zheng He earnestlyexecuted the decrees of Emperor Yongle to maintainhis Celestial Empire courtesy system during his sevenvoyages. He visited more than 30 countries and regionsin Asia and Africa and consistently carried out the policyof “peaceful diplomacy,” convincing others by truths andeducating others by morality. This helped reinforce theCelestial Empire courtesy system dominated by Chinaof the Ming Dynasty and create the amazing spectacle
that was described as “lots of people from differentcountries all flocking to flourishing China.” Zheng Headmirably fulfilled the commission entrusted by EmperorYongle. Under that historical background, the courtesysystem was the supreme system of international relationsavailable in Asia and Africa. It basically featured peaceand friendliness as a sort of feudal international order.
Awarding official costumes. While announcing the“imperial edicts” to the Asian and African countries,Zheng He was also entrusted to award them palacecostumes of the Ming Dynasty. The costume system waspart of the nation,s political system. The costumes thatZheng took to those countries included leather hats,crowns, robes, clothes and jade belts for kings, as well ascourt dresses and ceremonial dresses for general envoys.That helped overseas Asian and African nations copythe official costume system of the Ming Dynasty. In 1409,when he arrived in Malacca, Zheng He read the edictsfrom Emperor Yongle, conferring the title of king on itschieftain, helping found the kingdom of Malacca andawarding the royal family imperial costumes. Then, thekingdom of Malacca followed the Chinese rituals andcourtesy. In addition, there were many other cases wheresome Asian and African countries requested costumesfrom the Chinese government of the Ming Dynasty. In1406, when leaving from China, Sheng Alie Bocheng, the
envoy of Borneo, begged Emperor Yongle to award himan imperial belt, a request the emperor satisfied. Manyother envoys followed suit, because it really was a greathonor for overseas envoys to return imperial belts. Thecostume system of the Ming Dynasty still has an effect onsome Asian and African countries to this day. For instance,the displays in the Thai Palace and the ceremonies heldfor the king,s inspection tours are all from ancient Chinaof the Ming Dynasty. The statues in many of the Thaitemples are wearing clothes featuring traditional MingDynasty styles and the buttons weaved with fabric strips,
also called “peach buttons,” are typical of the costumesfrom the Ming Dynasty. The active requests from envoysof Asian and African nations for Chinese costumesreflected their desire for China,s advanced ritual systemduring the Ming Dynasty.
Awarding Chinese calendars. Calendars are amongthe major symbols of a nation,s civilization. ZhengHe was entrusted to give the countries he visited the“Imperial Calendars” and “Chinese Lunar Calendars,”both of which noted major events (the former included30 events and the latter 32). The contents covered a widerange of items from national politics and social life toagricultural production and feudal etiquette, offeringthe auspicious days for granting awards, offering officialposts, dispatching troops, sending envoys, going toschool, leaving for trips, opening businesses, doingtransactions, sowing seeds, raising animals, offeringsacrifice, launching wedding or burial ceremonies andbuilding houses. Following the Chinese calendars, peoplein Asia and Africa countries were able to better arrangetheir production and lives, which consequently improvedthe degree of civilization. For example, people in Champapreviously had no knowledge of calendars, taking thephases of the moon as a month, ten months as a year andten “gengs” (“geng” was a way to measure the time bybeating the drums) as a night. They wouldn,t sleep until