Zheng He was a pious Muslim and Buddhist. Hewas so versatile that he even knew the art of Buddhistarchitecture. On one hand, Zheng He introducedtraditional Chinese architecture into Southeast Asia,helping Siam build the Pagoda of Three Treasures, theTemple for Rituals, the West Tower and Ximen; He alsostudied the local art of Buddhist architecture and visitedAngkor Wat in Kmir to prepare for the construction ofthe Grand Bao,en Temple in Nanjing. And the NanjingGrand Bao,en Temple, which Zheng He built after hisreturn, was indeed a spectacle with proper application ofthe cultural elements typical of Southeast Asian Buddhistarchitecture. Widely acknowledged by visitors both athome and abroad, it has been listed among the world,s
seven great mediaeval wonders that also include theRoman Coliseum of Italy, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Italyand the underground vault of Alexandria, Egypt. ZhengHe moved two Buddhist tile pagodas from Southeast Asiato somewhere in front of the Xuefeng Temple (also calledChongsheng Temple), located at the southern foot of thePhoenix Mountain in Minhou County, Fujian Province.Today, the sites are still there despite the fall of thepagodas. Zheng He made great efforts to boost the spreadof Buddhist culture between China and Southeast Asia.
Zheng He also carried back Buddhist paintings withalien features. The portrait of an amphibious arhat hungin the Jinghai Temple, Nanjing, was a piece of premiumartwork Zheng He brought back for public display. YuChan of the Ming Dynasty said “the portrait of the arhatincorporates superb workmanship excelling nature” and“everybody, old or young, men and women, rush to havea look.”
Some Asian and African countries Zheng visitedboasted wonderful carving art. The places where the kingslived were decorated with exquisitely-carved hardwoodpatterns of flowers and beasts. The stone carvings inAngkor Wat, which is part of the world,s artistic treasures,include bas-reliefs, high reliefs and full reliefs. Thecarvings inside the cloisters of Angkor Wat are bas reliefsthat describe mythical stories and scenes from daily life.
场、意大利比萨斜塔和埃及亚历山大地下陵墓等相媲美的中世纪世界七大奇观之一。郑和还把东南亚的两座佛教瓦塔,移置福建闽侯县凤凰山南麓的雪峰寺 (又名崇圣寺) 前。如今塔已早废,遗址尚在。郑和为中国与东南亚的佛教文化交流作出了努力。
Those decorated on ceilings and stone columns are deepreliefs of flowers, trees, birds and beasts. Most carvingsof Buddha are full reliefs. With smooth lines and vividshapes, the carvings were introduced by Zheng,s teamto China. It was recorded that the lively patterns of lions,dragons, fish, shrimps and sea beasts carved on the whitestone “Flying-Rainbow Bridge” that was once locatedbehind the Guangzhi Palace (the southern exit of todays,Nanchizi, in the eastern part of the Golden River in frontof Tian,anmen Square, Beijing), west of Huangshicheng(the royal archives of the Ming Dynasty), in the MingDynasty were brought back by Zheng He from overseas.In addition, a Buddhist monk named “Fei Huan” whowent along with Zheng He in his voyage carried backa statue of arhat carved out of eaglewood, which had apositive influence upon Chinese Buddhist art.
Zheng,s voyages to the Western Oceans also pushedforward the spread of Mazu culture, a branch of ChineseTaoism. Mazu (also called the Queen of Heaven) was thegoddess of navigation and respected by the people inChina,s southeastern coastal areas. Many of the 20,000sailors in Zheng,s fleet adored Mazu. As the leader of thefleet, Zheng He naturally turned to supernatural powersfor blessings and regarded it as mental support for thewhole crew. Zheng He was so pious that every time he setoff he would pray to Mazu for safety and when he came
back he would thank her for her blessings. Zheng He hadMazu palaces and Tianfei temples built in many placeslike Nanjing, Taicang, Changle and Meizhouyu, and hadthe temples repaired more than once. He also establishedtablets on which the merits of Mazu were recorded. Theinscriptions, carved on the “Tablet on the Magic Power
of Tianfei” that was launched by Zheng He in ChangleCounty, Fujian, were all about the gratitude he showed tothe goddess.
The Mazu worship that began from the early SongDynasty in the coastal areas of Fujian developed throughZheng,s voyage to the Western Oceans. As more and moreChinese people moved to Southeast Asia (“Xia Nan Yang”in Chinese), the worship spread to Southeast Asia andfurther to European and American countries. Nowadays,there are about 2,500 Mazu temples throughout the world,with over 100 million Mazu followers. Mazu culturehas developed into a Chinese folk culture that is widelyembraced by the offspring of Yandi and Huangdi.
Institutional cultural exchange