
第10章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(1)

Tête d,Or Park


题德多公园(Tête d,Or Park)不仅是里昂面积最大的绿地(262英亩),也是全法国最大最美的城市公园;它是里昂居民最喜爱的休闲地,有里昂“绿色心灵”(green heart)之称,公园内设有大型植物园、种有异国植物的温室、小型动物园,绿色房子和教人惊艳的玫瑰花园。

题德多公园共有七个入口处,其中令人印象最深刻的是名为“隆河之童”(“Enfants du Rhone”)的入口,其大门开放在湖面上,是此公园景观设计中最特别的一项;那片引人浪漫遐想的广大草地与绿意盎然的树林,百余年来交替应和着题德多的脉息,而玫瑰、芍药及其他美丽花朵组成的花园为此处带来了一整年的绮丽色彩与芬芳香气,题德多公园的迷人之处就在一草一木之中。


Tête d,Or Park is open to the public,free of charge. It is one of France,s largest and finest urban parks.

The Tête d,Or domain 105 hectares (262 acres) was subsequently purchasedpurchase vt.买,购买 n.买,购买 from the Lyon Hospices. The aim of the city council was to “offer a piece of countryside to those who have none”. The works began in 1857 and lasted for five years.

The development project was handed over to the famous landscape designers Eugène and Denis Bühler,who created the park around a manmade lake. The walkways were drawn in vast gentle curves,panoramic views were planned from the entryways and around the lake. The domain is enhancedenhanced 增强的,提高的,放大的 by a careful choice of trees for their particular shape and type of leaves. Denis Bühler also designed the parks buildings,greenhouses and fixtures.

The Rose Garden─The International Rose Garden of Lyon occupies 40,000 sq. m. and counts 30,000 bushes and 350 varieties. There are also two other rose gardens,that of the botanical garden which recounts the history of the rose,and that of the competition garden which participates in the International Competition of New Roses.

The Trees─Tête d,Or Park is graced with over 8800 trees,of which 36.5% conifers,61% deciduous,2.5% rare species.

Among the more remarkable specimens are plane trees soaring 40 meters,cedars of Lebanon,Virginia tulip trees,gingko biloba and bald cypressescypress n.[植]柏科树的,柏木属植物(原产北美、欧、亚),柏树枝(用作哀悼的标志). A guidebook for a stroll through the trees is available at the Park office.

Botanical garden㏕he botanical gardens of Lyon,created in 1796 on the slopes of the CroixRousse,were transferred to the Tête d,Or Park in 1857. It grew to include plants from all over the world and is now the largest municipal botanical garden in France.

The Zoo─Created in 1858,the Tête d,Or Zoo was France,s second such public zoo after the Ménagerie of the Paris Botanical Gardens (1793). The Zoo covers 8 hectares (20 acres) and is home to 800 animals. The zoo started with a variety of animals both domestic and wild,local and exotic. A herd of deer was brought in,as well as milk cows which provided milk for children and fertilizer for the lawns. Some of the early residents included wolves,foxes,hyenas,bears,wild and domestic ruminantsruminant adj.反刍动物的,沉思的 n.反刍动物,monkeys,crocodiles,pheasants,game and other birds.

In 1922~1924,an elephant house was built,along with an area for the big cats.

The zoo houses some 270 types of mammals,200 types of birds and 80 types of reptiles.

A vast renovation project is underway for the presentation of the animals,concerning one third of the zoo,s surface area.

In 2002,an enclosure for the Spectacled Bears (Tremarctos ornatus) was renovated and two specimens were obtained thanks to the European program for endangered species (EEP).

At the same time,new technical and veterinaryveterinary n.兽医 adj.医牲畜的,兽医的 facilities will be built,along with rooms for educational activities for school groups.

The main missions of the zoo will evolve towards scientific activities,in compliance with European Directive 1999/22/CEE: conservation,education,scientific research,improved wellbeing for the animals.

Loire River


卢瓦尔河是法国最长河流。源出临地中海岸的塞文山脉南麓,西北流至奥尔良,折向西流,在南特形成长而宽的河口湾,于布列塔尼半岛南面注入大西洋 。全长 1020千米,流域面积约12.1万平方千米。主要支流有阿列河、谢尔河、安德尔河 、维埃纳河和曼恩河。两岸风光秀丽,多葡萄园。历史上经济十分繁荣,为水上运输的大动脉,铁路建成后河运一落千丈。

卢瓦尔河下游地区(Pays de la Loire)遍布城堡、修道院、罗曼风格的教堂和葡萄园,整个地区得益于着名的安茹温和气候,间或受到大西洋风暴的影响。

从玉石海岸宽阔的海滩到东北部曼恩(Maine)的农田,从南特的葡萄园到东部的萨尔特(Sarthe),卢瓦尔河下游地区提供了多姿多彩的独特景观。在这里,大自然无拘无束地展现在我们面前,尤其在布里耶尔(Brière)和旺代-塞夫勒谷(VendéeVal de Sèvre)的天然公园。但这并不妨碍这个地区同时拥有好几个大都市。安茹(Anjou)的首府昂热(Angers),是座充满微笑和鲜花的城市,中心矗立着勒内王(roi René)的巨大城堡;南特(Nantes),迷人而又充满活力;索米尔(Saumur)被誉为“安茹的珍珠”;还有勒芒(Le Mans)……这个地区生机勃勃:只需看看夏季为其带来活力的那些音乐会、节庆和艺术节就可以可以明白。它同时还是美食家的天堂:熟肉酱,小母鸡,苹果,淡水鱼以及小牛肉构成了丰富多样的美食体系的基础。

顺流而下卢瓦尔河下游地区是一个水的世界:卢瓦尔河(la Loire)在其间川流而过,曼恩河(Maine)、萨尔特河(Sarthe)和玛耶讷河(Mayenne)在此纵横……而且这些河流还有各自的支流。因此该地区也是航行的好地区:这里是内河旅游的天堂,顺流而下,这个地区将一览无遗地展现在您眼前。坐电动船进行几个小时的走马观花;或在缓缓而行的观光船上享受丰盛美味的午餐;或驾独木舟进行一天的游览;或干脆租一条易于驾驶的船在上面住上几天……在这片富饶的大自然里,您可以停靠在河边一座迷人的城市休息一下,悠闲地在岸上信步,或去参观一个城堡。而这一切都在安谧的气氛中进行。

The Loire is the longest river of France,c.630 miles (1,010 km) long,rising in the Cévennes Mts.,SE France,and flowing in an arc through central and W France to the Atlantic Ocean at SaintNazaire. The upper Loire swiftly flows northwestward through numerous gorgesgorge n.咽喉,胃,暴食,山峡,峡谷,障碍物 v.狼吞虎咽,塞饱 in the Massif Central. At Orléans it swings southwest and enters a wide fertile valley;Tours and Angers are there. In the Loire basin lie the rich fields,gardens,and vineyards of Orléanais,Touraine,and Anjou. At the head of the Loire estuary,c.35 miles (55 km) from the sea,is the industrial city of Nantes. The Loire,s chief tributaries are the Allier,Cher,and Vienne. Silting,shallowness,and seasonal volume fluctuationsfluctuation n.波动,起伏 limit the use of the Loire for navigation. Because the Loire is subject to heavy flooding,its banks are lined with dikes. The Loire Lateral Canal parallels the river from Roanne to Briare. Other canals connect the river with the Seine and Rh?ne river systems. The Loire valley has fostered traditions of civilized living that have become a heritage of all France. The chateaus of the Loire region are embodimentsembodiment n.体现,具体化,化身 of French history and civilization.

Originating in the northeastern part of the southern Cévennes highlands,it flows roughly northward through Roanne and Nevers to Orléans and thereafter westward through Tours to the Atlantic at Nantes. The river,s irregularity has sometimes resulted in serious flooding,notably in 1856,1866 and 1910.