
第9章 城市导航Cityscapes(7)

The heir to an exceptionalexceptional adj.例外的,异常的 architectural heritageheritage n.遗产,继承权,传统,one of the first sectors safeguarded in France,Dijon accounts for 97 ha of nationally classed monuments. It is these,the city,s museums,its location within the wine growing region of Burgundy,its festivalsfestival n.节日,喜庆日,音乐节,戏剧节,喜庆,欢宴,欢乐 adj.节日的,快乐的 and its claim to fame as the mustard capital of the world,that brings tourists flocking to the area.

Once the proud capital of the Dukes of Burgundy Jean sans Peur,Philippe le Bon,Charles le Téméraire were born hereDijon is today a modern city,located between Lyon and Paris.

If you are looking for a party,then you need look no further than unassuming Dijon. Every year,the city hosts numerousnumerous adj.众多的,许多的,无数的 internationally renowned cultural events such as the International Theatre Encounters,Art Dance (a festival of contemporary dance),Musical Summer (Baroque and Romantic chamber music),the Fêtes of the Vines (international folklore festival),the Screens of Adventure (International adventure film festival),New Scenes (festival of contemporary creations),Primer Plano (European Latin and Frenchspeaking cinema festival),the International Gastronomicgastronomic adj.美食(烹饪)法的,烹任学的 Fair,Why Note (a contemporary music festival)...and others.

Dijon is an ideal destination for the gourmet,the winelover or the follower of art and history. With its numerous restaurants and the prestigiousprestigious adj.享有声望的,声望很高的 vineyards of Burgundy at its door,it offers a pleasant environment for your next escape.





阿尔勒丰富的遗迹有很多饶富趣味之处可供发掘探索。考古学博物馆内的罗马雕塑、华丽不凡的圣特罗菲姆回廊(Cloitre Saint Trophime)、典雅卓尔的市政厅(Hotelde Ville),又或是那里的当代艺术及摄影瑰宝,总让游人难以忘记。16、17世纪的阿尔勒华宇大宅,散发浓浓的当地独特的建筑风格,在市内随处可见,与今时的城市建筑交织一起,既叫人回想起阿尔勒的昔日光辉,也勾画出这座城市未来的美好蓝图。

阿尔勒的罗马遗迹及罗马式建筑已获列入联合国科教文组织的“世界遗产”(“World Heritage”)名单。

Arles located at the threshold of the Camargue region,lies precisely where the Rhone divides and flows towards the Mediterranean. Popular on the tourist circuit;its fame is sealed by the extraordinarily wellpreserved Roman arena,Les Arènes,at the city,s heart which is backed by an impressiveimpressive adj.给人深刻印象的,感人的 variety of other monuments,both Roman and medieval. By virtue ofvirtue of 有……优点 its location and sunny Mediterranean climate it has everything to offer. A city of many eras and neverending discovery it is well suited to tourism. The rich history,the art,the many fine museums and the excellent restaurants,all make Arles well worth the visit.

Arles is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a newcomer to the area or haven,t visited for a while,the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluableinvaluable adj.无价的,价值无法衡量的 in assisting you to make your holiday or business venture here,as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.

The centre of Arles is medieval in character,with narrow streets winding between the ancient buildings. It is this and the spectacular light,so typical of many Mediterranean locations,that brought Van Gogh to the city in 1888. Whilst here he produced almost 200 paintings of the town and surrounding area and visitors can view his studio when here.

Present day Arles is a bustling city full of life and vitality,a thrivingthrive v.兴旺,繁荣,茁壮成长,旺盛 river port with ships,barges and pleasure boats coming and going 24 hours a day. By virtue of its location and sunny Mediterranean sunshine it has everything to offer the tourist.

There is a vast array of shops and cafes,the main shopping area being the Rue de la Republique. The Boulevard des Lices holds a huge market every Wednesday and Saturday,and claims to be the longest market in France,at 1 km long. Here,it is possible to buy everything from local produce to antiquesantique n.古物,古董 adj.古时的,过时的 and is an irresistible magnet for visitors and locals alike.

The night life is good,though generally on the“tame side” with numerous bars and pubs offering warm Provencal hospitalityhospitality n.好客,宜人,盛情 and the cafes and restaurants providing a tempting flavour of Provencal cuisine. Colourful festivals and pageantry,start around Easter time (April/May) and continue to September with traditional bullfighting and bullshows,horse festivals,parades and celebrationscelebration n.庆祝,庆典 of the rice harvest,together with music and entertainment.

If you are seeking a destination where you really can step back in time,then Arles is a good choice. When you walk the streets,you know you have walked on the same stones as people did centuries before. The texturetexture n.(织品的)质地,(木材,岩石等的)纹理,(皮肤)肌理,(文艺作品)结构 and colour of the air and sky are indescribable and the diversity of activities and things to see and do,will keep you occupied for many days.

All up,the accommodationaccommodation n.住处,膳宿,(车,船,飞机等的4预定铺位,(眼睛等的)适应性调节,(社会集团间的)迁就融合 and infrastructure which are of world standards make Arles well worth the visit.