
第12章 宜人风景Natural Scenery(3)



Loire Valley (French Vallée de la Loire) is known as the Garden of France and the Cradle of the French Language. It is also noteworthynoteworthy adj.值得注目的,显着的 for the quality of its architectural heritage,in its historic towns such as Amboise,Blois,Chinon,Orléans,Saumur,and Tours,but in particular for its worldfamous castles,such as the Chateaux Amboise,Chambord and Chenonceau.

The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape of great beauty,containing historic towns and villages,great architectural monuments (the chateaux),and cultivatedcultivated adj.耕耘的,有教养的,栽植的 lands formed by many centuries of interaction between their population and the physical environment,primarily the river Loire itself.

The landscape of the Loire Valley,and more particularly its many cultural monuments,illustrate to an exceptional degree the ideals of the Renaissance and the Age of the Enlightenment on western European thought and design. The Loire Valley is an outstanding cultural landscape of great beauty,containing historic towns and villages,great architectural monuments,its many chateaux,and fine wines.

On December 2,2000,UNESCO named the central part of the Loire River valley,between Maine and SullysurLoire,to its prestigious list of World Heritage Sites. In choosing this area that includes the France Départements of Loiret,LoiretCher,IndreetLoire and MaineetLoire,the committee said that the Loire Valley is: “an exceptional cultural landscape,of great beauty,comprised of historic cities and villages,great architectural monuments the Chateaux and lands that have been cultivated and shaped by centuries of interaction between local populations and their physical environment,in particular the Loire itself.”

The Loire Valley,filled with charming towns and resplendentresplendent 耕耘的,有教养的,栽植的 Chateaux,was once the playground of the French nobility,with its beautiful scenery and game rich forests. It has been fought over,visited,and admired for hundreds of years.

Parc des Hauteurs and Rosary Garden




巴黎的各大公园,大多辟有一角玫瑰园。有300多年历史的“巴黎植物园”(Jardin des Plantes de Paris)有一座很不错的玫瑰园。巴黎植物园是一座有严格科学管理的大公园,每一枝玫瑰上都有详细记载,可以学到很多有关玫瑰的历史和知识,可以欣赏到从古到今的各种玫瑰。建园才30年历史的“巴黎花卉公园”(Parc floral de Paris),进门最先迎接你的也是一角玫瑰园,一丛丛,一簇簇,好不可爱。巴黎国际大学城的马路对面就是蒙苏里公园(Parc Montsouris),公园西侧的浓荫下,有一座迷你型的玫瑰园,名为“巴黎新闻媒体玫瑰园”,大约三、四十家报刊和电台、电视台,每家负责栽种和管理一种玫瑰、少则五、六枝,多则十几枝,各是一家,合成一园,花色不同,花形各异,散步其中,赏心悦目,令人流连忘返。

当然,巴黎最负盛名的玫瑰园,当推西郊布洛涅森林里的“巴加泰尔园”(Parc de Bagatelle)。我们知道,巴黎以南有一座以玫瑰命名的城市,叫拉伊玫瑰市,但拉伊玫瑰市在大巴黎的三圈以内,不在巴黎市区内。拉伊玫瑰市的玫瑰园是西方世界的第一座大型、专业玫瑰园,有百年以上的历史,有很高的科学价值。巴加泰尔玫瑰园在市区,1905年建成,是一座观赏型的玫瑰园。1907年,巴黎市议会决议每年组织“国际巴加泰尔玫瑰新品种大赛”(le concours international de roses nouvelles de Bagatelle),这是世界玫瑰业界的主要大赛之一,也是巴黎市民每年大饱眼福的机会。

Parc des Hauteurs is a large scale project for developing vegetation on Fourvière hill.

Fourvière hill,Lyon,s 1st tourist site in the heart of the city and overlooking the Saone river and the historic districts of Saint Jean and Saint Paul,has great potential in many areas: breathtaking belvederes,woody slopes,fields and gardens of large church domains,archeological sites and recreation areas.

The high degree of urbanizationurbanization n.都市化,文雅化 here prevents the development of a park in the traditional sense of the word,so the idea is to gradually develop pedestrian itineraries linking the various points of interest on the hill.

From the basilica to Loyasse cemetery,a path named Chemin du Rosaire was laid out by landscape designers Desvignes and Dalnoky. It included the construction of a footbridge linking the two high points of the hill.

Continuing from there is the peony garden on a terrace of 1300 square meters and the Sarra ski/mountain bike run on the steep slope. For the less athletic,a pedestrian path and stairway connect the upper and lower zones of the park.

Rosary Garden㏕his succession of gardens sets the scene for a pleasant stroll from Fourvière basilica to the Saint Jean quarter. The design by MichelAntoine Boyer and Sylvie Maniaque made use of abandoned private grounds along the hillside to create trails,belvederes,terraces,esplanadesesplanade n.平坦的空地,游憩场,散步路... Within Parc des Hauteurs,the Rosary Garden houses a botanical collection of old rose varieties and hydrangeas. A fruit orchard created with existing trees forms the link with the Roman archeological site.