
第13章 人文景观Human Landscape(1)

Arc de Triomphe






This worldfamous landmark structure has served ever since the days of Napoleon as a symbol of victory for triumphanttriumphant adj.胜利的,成功的,狂欢的,洋洋得意的 French troops returning home.

If you are foolhardy enough to drive into Paris,remember that traffic entering the Arc de Triomphe has priority over anything already in the process of hurtling round it. The Arc that Napoléon intended as a celebration of his victories was not finished when the Battle of Waterloo brought his downfall. It now stands guard over the remains of an unknown solider from World War I,with the eternal flame burning under it. Radiating out from its honking,jammed centre are major roads in all directions.

Every conquest since Napoléon has brought images of the liberatorsliberator n.解放者,释放者 and citizens climbing the Arc. From above it gives a wonderful view through Paris,spectacular centre. Look along the Champs Elysées with the Seine glittering underneath. The Arc,s gallery and sculpture merits a pause,particularly Franois Rude,s panels.

The Arc de Triomphe is a monument in Paris that stands in the centre of the Place de l,étoile,at the western end of the Champs Elysées. It is the linchpin of the historic axis (L,Axe historique) leading from the courtyard of the Louvre Palace,a sequence of monuments and grand thoroughfares on a route leading out of Paris. Its iconographic program pitted heroically nude French youths against bearded Germanic warriors in chainmail and set the tone for public monuments with triumphant nationalisticnationalistic adj.国家主义的 messages until World War I.

The monument stands over 50 metres (165 feet) in height and is 45 metres wide. It is the second largest triumphal arch in existence (North Korea built a slightly larger Arch of Triumph in 1982 for the 70th birthday of Kim IlSung);the Arc de Triomphe is so colossal that an early daredevil flew his plane through it.

It was commissioned in 1806 after the victory at Austerlita by Napoleon Bonaparte at the peak of his fortunes and finally completed after a long pause during the Restauration in the reign of King LouisPhilippe,in 1833~1836. The sculpture representing Peace was now interpreted as commemoratingcommemorate vt.纪念 the Peace of 1815not the original intention.

The astylar design is by Jean Chalgrin (1739~1811),in the Neoclassical version of ancient Roman architecture. Major academic sculptors of France are repesented in the sculpture of the Arc de Triomphe: Cortot,Rude,Etex,Pradier and Lemaire. The main sculptures are not integral friezes but are treated as independent trophies applied to the vast ashlar masonry masses,not unlike the giltbronze appliqués on Empire furniture. The four sculptural groups at the base of the Arc are The Triumph of 1810 (JeanPierre Cortot),Resistance and Peace (both by Antoine Etex) and the most renownedrenowned adj.有名的,有声誉的 of them all,Departure of the Volunteers of 1992 commonly called La Marseillaise (Francois Rude). The face of the allegorical representation of France calling forth her people on this last was used as the belt buckle for the sevenstar rank of Marshal of France.

In the attic above the richly sculptured frieze of soldiers are 30 shields engraved with the names of major Revolutionary and Napoleonic military victories. The inside walls of the monument list the names of 558 French generals. The names of those who died in battle are underlined.

The Place de l,étoile was extensively redesigned by Baron Haussmann,who increased the number of avenuesavenue n.林荫道,大街,方法,途径,路 radiating from this star to twelve. In the 1860s he ran a circular road (rue de TilsittPresbourg) round the outside of the houses fronting the étoile,a planning feature intended to free the Place itself from the crush of carriages that might be expected where so many stylish tenants lived so closely together. Haussmann imposed a uniform design on the house fronts with small gardens at the back giving on to this circular road. Haussmann,s memoirs publicly noted that the official faade design,from Hittorff in his own office,was so poor that he had to mask the fronts with trees. But the uniformityuniformity n.同样,一式,一致,均匀 complements the Arc,s monumental presence. The traffic problem was not resolved,however.

The sword carried by the Republic in the Marseillaise relief broke off,on the day,it is said,that the Battle of Verdun began in 1916. The relief was immediately hidden by tarpaulins to conceal the accident and avoid any undesired ominous interpretations. Famous victory marches past the Arc included the Germans in 1871,the French in 1918,the Germans in 1940,and the French and Allies in 1944 and 1945. Charles de Gaulle survived an attack upon him at the Arc during a parade.