
第14章 人文景观Human Landscape(2)

Beneath the Arc is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from the First World War,interred here on Armistice Day 1920,has the first eternal flame lit since the Vestal Virgins,fire was extinguishedextinguish vt.熄灭,消灭,压制,使黯然失色 in the year 391. It burns in memory of the dead who were never identified,now in both World Wars. France took the example of the United Kingdom,s tomb of The Unknown Warrior in Westminister Abbey. A ceremony is held there every November 11 on the anniversary of the armistice signed between France and Germany in 1918. The unknown soldier,s remains were originally decided in November 12,1919 to be buried in the Panthéon,but a public letterwriting campaign led to the decision to bury him beneath the Arc. The coffin was put in the chapel on the first floor of the Arc on November 10,1920,and put in its final resting place on January 28,1921. The slab on top carries the inscription ICI REPOSE UN SOLDAT FRAN?AIS MORT POUR LA PATRIE 1914~1918 (“Here lies a French soldier who died for his country 1914~1918”).

The Versailles Castle






The Chateau de Versailles(The Versailles Castle) is one of the largest castles in the world.The Chateau de Versailles has more than 2,000 windows,700 rooms,1250 fireplaces,67 staircasesstaircase n.楼梯 and more than 1,800 acres of park. The paintings,tapestries,sculptures,furniture of this fabulous castle,have been executed by the best Italian and French artists of the time.

In 1623,King Louis XIII father of Louis XIV,the Sun King,built a hunting lodge,a little chateau of brick,stone,and slate. The king liked so much this little castle in the middle of such a good hunting park, that he soon had it enlarged by Philibert Le Roy.

From 1661 the young King Louis XIV had his architects,Louis Le Vau and Jules Hardouin Mansart embellish the early Versailles castle. From 1668 to 1670 was built a second building enveloping the old Versailles castle with new even style stone faades. After Le Vau,s death in 1670,Franois d,Orbay finished the work.

In 1682,the Chateau de Versailles became the official residence of the Sun King and his Court, replacing the Louvre and SaintGermain Castles.When the king moved into the Versailles castle in 1682,before the construction was finished,he insisted that the castle was for the people,and that his home be open to one and all. Gates of the Chateau stayed open all day long,and guards only checked for guns that could endanger the king. From 1678 to 1684, the terrace of the new chateau was transformed into the Hall of Mirrors,symbolizingsymbolize vt.象征,用符号表现 vi.作为……的象征,采用象征,使用符号 the power of the Sun King.The construction of North and South castle,s Wings,the Orangery,the Stables,the Royal Chapel was supervised by royal architect Jules HardouinMansart.The last construction started during the reign of Louis XIV is the Royal Chapel.It was completed in 1710 by Robert de Cotte.

Around 1770,during the reign of King Louis XV,the famous architect Gabriel built the Royal Opera of Versailles. He also transformed some of the facades of the Versailles Chateau on town side,in line with the rules of Classical Architecture and created a new colonnaded building. Finally,in 1820,a symmetricalsymmetrical adj.对称的,均匀的 pavilion was erected on the other side of the Great Courtyard of the Versailles castle.

Mansart also built during the reign of Louis XIV,in the place where was the former village of Trianon,a marble Castle called The “Grand Trianon” or “Marble Trianon”...Louis XV ordered to Gabriel a small castle: the “Petit Trianon”. In fact the “Petit Trianon” was offered to the Queen Marie Antoinette by the King Louis XVI when he acceded to the throne...Marie Antoinette also wanted a “village” of her own in the style of Normandy Cottages,the Queens Hamlet in a romantic English Garden.