
第8章 城市导航Cityscapes(6)

Across the Pont Neuf,modern art has a stylish home in Les Abattoirs and three miles from the city centre,the enormous Cité de l,Espace features a planetarium which houses replicas of Ariane 5 and the Mir space station,plus lots of interactive exhibits exploring everything from Newton,s theory of gravity to sending satellites into orbit.

The general quality of life,including the good food and its easy access to the southwest of France all add up to make Toulouse a fine place to visit. Come and discover just what makes this place tick yourself,via these guide pages before you set foot on its soil.






Located in the Cote de,Or region in BurgundyBurgundy n.勃艮第(法国东南部地方的地名,该地产的红葡萄酒),France,Dijon is an appealingappealing adj.吸引人的,哀诉似的,恳求似的 city. Graced by elegantelegant adj.文雅的,端庄的,雅致的,〈口〉上品的,第一流的 medieval and Renaissance buildings,the city was once the proud capital of the Dukes of Burgundy. Today its youthful air,close proximity to the wine growing region,acres of monuments,interesting museums and other attractions,make it a popular holiday spot in the area. If you are looking for a destination that,s picturesque and has plenty of outdooroutdoor adj.室外的,户外的,野外的 activities on offer,then Dijon is an obvious choice.

Food,Drink and Other Cultural Activities

The city,approximately one hour and 40 minutes southeast of Paris by the TGV highspeed train,is famous for its mustardmustard n.芥菜,芥末,芥末色,芥子气,even though nowadays mustard seeds are largely imported. The term Dijon mustard (moutarde de Dijon) designates a method for the making of mustard. Traditional Dijon mustard is particularly strong. Most Dijon mustard (brands such as Amora or Maille) is produced industrially,but the town also specializesspecialize vi.专攻,专门研究,使适应特殊目的,使专用于 in exoticexotic adj.异国情调的,外来的,奇异的 or unusuallyflavored mustard,often sold in decorative handpainted faence (china) pots. In nonEuropean markets such as the United States the name “Dijon mustard” is not trademarkedtrademark n.商标,so the only way to be sure you are getting real Dijon mustard is to buy a jar that was imported from France;however,true Dijon mustard in exotic flavors can be difficult to find outside France.

As the capital of the Burgundy region,Dijon reigns over some of the best wine country in the world. Many superbsuperb adj.庄重的,堂堂的,华丽的,极好的 vineyards producing vins d,appellation contrlée,such as VosneRomanée and GevreyChambertin,are within 20 minutes of the city centre. The town,s university boasts a renowned oenologyoenology n.酒类研究 institute. The drive from Santenay to Dijon,known as the route des Grands Crus,is a winelover,s dream,passing as it does through an idyllic countrysidecountryside n.乡下地方,乡下居民 of exquisite vineyards,rivers,villages,vineyards,forests,vineyards,twelfthcentury cathedrals,and more worldclass vineyards. The region,s architecture is distinguisheddistinguished adj.卓着的,着名的,高贵的 by,among other things,toits bourguignons (similar to Flemish roofs) made of tiles glazed in terra cotta,green,yellow and black and arranged in eyecatching geometric patternspattern n.模范,式样,模式,样品,格调,图案 vt.模仿,仿造,以图案装饰 vi.形成图案.

The city is also well known for its crème de cassis,or blackcurrant liqueur,used in the drink known as “Kir” (white wine,especially Bourgogne aligoté,with blackcurrant liqueur,named after former mayor of Dijon canon Félix Kir). The same drink made with champagnechampagne n.香槟酒,香槟色 instead of white wine is known as un kir royal.

The town centre is one of the bestpreserved in France: 60% of the buildings are over 200 years old,the Gothic cathedral,s cryptcrypt n.土窖,地下室,地穴 dates from 1000 years ago,and the city centre has many fine houses dating from the 15th through 17th centuries. Dijon was spared the destruction of various wars such as the 1870 FrancoPrussian war,despite the fact that the Prussian army invaded the city.

Dijon is home,every three years,to the international flower show Florissimo.

The American food writer M.F.K. Fisher,who moved to Dijon shortly after her marriage in 1929,fell in love with the region,s cuisinecuisine n.厨房烹调法,烹饪,烹调风格 and wrote about it in Long Ago in France.

Visit the City

Dijon is a good choice for a visit in this country. If you are a newcomer to the area or haven,t visited for a while,the information provided on this and related pages will prove invaluable in assisting you to make your holiday or business venture here,as simple as a stroll down your local street back home.