
第19章 爱达荷州(3)

Idaho has instituted the first-ever tax credit for companies that expand high-speed voice and data broadband communications lines,and the state has provided funding for regional economic development experts in 12regions of the state.These professionals work with local communities to attract and retain businesses.

In his years of service as Governor of Idaho,Governor Kempthorne has signed into law more than 50bills which have provided either significant tax relief(税收减除,减轻税收负担)or tax credits for Idahoans.

Governor Kempthorne has been recognized by his peers(同等的人,贵族)as a national leader.His colleagues elected him as the Chairman of the National Governor’s Association in August of 2003.In this role,he has launched an initiative to bring a national focus on the looming crisis of long-term care.

He has served as President of the Council of State Governments and Chairman of the Western Governors Association.He serves on the Executive Committees of the National Governors Association and the Republican Governors Association.U.S.Secretary of Education Rod Paige appointed Governor Kempthorne to the National Assessment Governing Board and U.S.Secretary Tom Ridge appointed him to the Homeland Security Task Force.

Governor Kempthorne and his wife Patricia are both University of Idaho graduates and have two grown children,Heather and Jeff.

State Bird州鸟


The Mountain Bluebird(Sialia arctcia or Sialia currucoides)was adopted as the state bird for Idaho by the state legislature in 1931.

Few birds are held in higher esteem(尊敬,尊重)than the bluebird.In poetry and prose,the bluebird is always a symbol of love,happiness,and renewed hope.Three species of bluebird are found in North America:the Mountain Bluebird Sialia currucoides,the Eastern Bluebird Sialia sialis,and the Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana.

The Bluebird is about seven inches long,has an azure blue(天青蓝)coat,and a blue vest with white underfeathers.The mother bird wears a quiet blue-gray dress and usually lays six or seven blue-white eggs.The Bluebird’s nest is usually built in a hollow tree or in a crevice((墙壁,岩石等的)裂缝).The Bluebird is very neat about one’s home and carries all refuse some distance from the nest.


1.6inches length

2.Thin bill

3.Most often seen in open habitats

Adult male:

1.Bright blue plumage;brightest on upperparts

2.Lacks any brown coloration


1.Blue wings and tail-duller than male

2.Remainder of plumage gray

3.Eye ring


1.Blue wings and tail-duller than male

2.White eye ring

3.Spotted underparts

State Flower州花


TThe Syringa(Philadelphus lewisii)was designated the state flower of Idaho by the legislature in 1931.It is a branching shrub with clusters of white,fragrant flowers.The blossoms are similar to the mock orange([植]山梅花),have four petals,and the flowers grow at the ends of short,leafy branches.

How’d Philadelphus lewisii get the common name “Syringa”,which is the scientific name of lilacs([植]丁香(尤指西洋丁花)紫丁香,丁香花)?Who knows.Its other common name is Mock Orange(or Meriweather Lewis’s Mock Orange).It doesn’t even get that name to itself,because Choisya ternata([植]三出的)is also called Mock Orange.

Since 1931,this shrub has been the state flower of Idaho,where Granny Artemis is from.It’s actually the first state flower for any state,because long before it was officially acknowledged(承认)by Idaho’s state Senate,it was already incorporated into the state seal(in 1890),and was used as the symbol of Idaho at the 1893World’s Fair held in Chicago.They appear in great numbers along many a highway,especially throughout the northern parts of the state.

A deciduous shrub that grows fast to 6’.It has fragrant white 2inch flowers in May-July.It’s native to Northwestern U.S.It will survive full sun to part shade.It’s garden tolerant,very drought(干旱)tolerant,but showy when happy.It is similar to the lilac in its brancing and the flowers can be very fragrant.

Leaf:Simple,opposite,deciduous(每年落叶的,非永久性的),ovate(卵形的),1to 3inches long,green above and paler(苍白的)below,margins nearly entire with a few glandular(腺(状)的,起腺体功能的,有腺的)teeth on each side.

Flower:Monoecious,perfect,showy,white,solitary or clustered,about 1inch in diameter,fragrant,appearing in May to June.

Fruit:Small(1/4inch),brown,4-celled capsules.

Twig:Slender,opposite,tan,and widely dichotomous(分成两个的,叉状分枝的).

Bark:Light brown and shreddy.

Form:A loosely branched shrub up to 12feet tall.

State Flag州旗

在1907年3月12日此旗被指定为爱达荷州州旗。此旗长为66英寸,宽52英寸,镀金边缘宽2.5英寸,中心部分是爱达荷州的州徽。“State of Idaho”写在饰有金黄色边纹的长条上。

A silk flag,with a blue field,5feet 6inches fly,4feet 4inches on pike is bordered by gilt(镀金的)fringe(边缘)21/2inches wide,with the State Seal of Idaho in the center.The words “State of Idaho”are embroidered(镶边,装饰)in gold block letters ,two inches in height on a red band three inches in width by twenty-nine inches in length,the band being in gold and placed about eight and one-half inches from the lower border of fringe and parallel with the same.Adopted by the 1907legislature.

State Song州歌

Here We Have Idaho

You’ve heard of the wonders our land does possess,

It’s beautiful valleys and hills,

The majestic(宏伟的,庄严的)forests where nature abounds,

We love every nook(隐蔽处)and rill(小河,小溪).


And here we have Idaho

Winning her way to fame.

Silver and gold in the sunlight blaze,

and romance lies in her name.

Singing,we’re singing of you,

Ah,proudly too,

All our lives thru,we’ll go

Singing,singing of you,

Singing of Idaho.

There’s truly one state in this great land of ours

Where ideals can be realized.

The pioneers made it so for you and me,

A legacy we’ll always prize.


Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.The Cataldo mission is the oldest building in the state.