
第20章 爱达荷州(4)

2.American Falls is unique from most communities because the entire town was moved in the mid-1920s when the original American Falls Dam was constructed.

3.Rexburg is home to Ricks College,the largest private two-year college in the nation.

4.Elk River is the home of the Idaho Champion Western Red Cedar Tree,the largest tree in the state.Estimated(估计)to be over 3000years old this giant is more than 18feet in diameter(直径)and stands 177feet tall.

5.Albertson College of Idaho in Caldwell was founded as the College of Idaho in 1891and is the state’s oldest four-year institution of higher learning.

6.Perched(位于)at 9,500feet on Trinity Mountain is the highest fire lookout in the Boise National Forest.

7.In Idaho law forbids a citizen to give another citizen a box of candy that weighs more than 50pounds.

8.The city of Grace in the Gem Valley is most famous for their certified seed potatoes.

9.Blackfoot(北美印第安人中的一种族,居住于落矶山脉以东)is home of the Eastern Idaho State Fair.

10.The Dworshak Reservoir(水库,蓄水池)is over 50miles long.The Dworshak Dam is in Orofino.

11.Grangeville is located in north central Idaho.The community is considered the getaway(逃亡,逃走)to five wilderness areas and four national forests totaling 51/2million acres.The total is second only to Alaska in designated wilderness area.

12.In 1896Council Valley shortened its name to Council.

13.The Lewis &Clark Highway(United State Highway 12)is the shortest route from the midwest to the Pacific Coast and the longest highway within a national forest in the nation.

14.The elevation of Cambridge is 2,650feet above sea level with the surrounding mountains reaching elevations around 8000feet and plummeting(垂直落下)to around 1500feet in Hells Canyon.

15.The economy of Idaho City originally developed around gold mining in the 1860s.

16.Heyburn,originally named Riverton,is the fourth oldest community in the Mini-Cassia area and the second frontier town to be settled in what is now the county of Minidoka.

17.Bruneau Dunes State Park contains North America’s tallest single structured sand dune((由风吹积而成的)沙丘).It stands 470feet high.

18.Bruneau Canyon Overlook offers a view into a 1,200foot-deep,800-foot-wide river canyon.

19.Downey’s first mercantile(重商主义的,以金钱为目的的)store,the W.A.Hyde Co.,was built in 1894.

20.The Kamiah Valley is rich in the heritage and legends of the Nez Perce.It was here,among the ancestors(祖先,祖宗)of the present day Nez Perce,the Appaloosa horse was first bred,primarily for use as a war animal.

21.In 1973,the Sawtooth Recreation Area opened its doors north of Ketchum,making the community the gateway to the Sawtooths.

22.On August 8,1905,Kimberly auctioned(拍卖)city lots for prices ranging from100to750.

23.Idaho’s world famous hot springs are located in Lava Hot Springs.

24.Hell’s Canyon is the deepest gorge(山峡,峡谷)in America.

25.Shoshone Falls,The Niagara of the West,spills over a 212-foot drop near Twin Falls.

26.Kuna is known as the Gateway City to the Birds of Prey Natural Area.

27.Birds of Prey Wildlife Area is home to the world’s most dense population of nesting eagles,hawks,and falcons([动](猎鸟用的)猎鹰).

28.At 5897feet elevation,Mackay calls itself the Top of Idaho because it is the nearest city to Mt.Borah,the highest mountain in Idaho.

29.Soda Springs boasts the largest man-made geyser(间歇泉,烧水锅炉)in the world.

30.Lewiston is located at the confluence of the Snake and Clearwater Rivers.The elevation is 738feet above sea level.

31.The Treasure Valley area around Nampa is known as Idaho’s Banana Belt.

32.During the 1860s an Oregon Shoreline Railroad base camp called Boomerang(回飞棒,飞去来器)was constructed in Payette.

33.Pocatello is home to Idaho State University.

34.Post Falls is known as Idaho’s River City.

35.Saint Stanislaus Church,in Rathdrum,is the oldest brick church in the state of Idaho.

36.Rigby is known as the birthplace(诞生地)of television since it is Philo T.Farnsworth’s(法恩斯沃斯,斐洛·泰勒1906-1971美国电机工程师,他早在1927年就通过实验论证了一个可行电视系统)hometown.Farnsworth pioneered television technology.

37.Under Idaho law only two forms of city government are allowed:a mayor/councilor(议员,评议员)or a council/manager form.

38.Shelley has been the home of the Idaho Annual Spud Day since 1927.

39.Sun Valley is recognized as the home of America’s first destination ski resort.

40.Weiser is Home of the National Old Time Fiddlers Contest.

41.The “Idaho Enterprise”published its first issue on June 6,1879and is one of the oldest weekly publications in Idaho.

42.President Theodore Roosevelt established the Caribou National Forest in 1907.The area now covers more than 1million acres in southeast Idaho.

43.In 1924local McCall resident and Olympic ski champion,Cory Engen,started the celebration known as the Winter Carnival(狂欢节,饮宴狂欢)to help curb the boredom of the long McCall winters.

44.Meridian is named for the Boise Meridian,the Idaho land surveyor’s north-south line running through Initial Point,located 16miles due south of the city.

45.Annually Mountain Home Air Force Appreciation Day boasts presenting the largest parade(游行,阅兵,检阅)in Idaho.

46.Idaho ghost towns include Silver City,Yankee Fork,Gold Dredge,and the Sierra Silver Mine.

47.Sawtooth Mountain/Sawtooth National Recreational Area was named for its jagged((外形)参差不齐的)profile.

48.Anderson Dam is known for its blue-ribbon fly-fishing.

49.Idaho’s first territorial prison was opened in 1872.It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places.It was converted into a public facility after the last prisoners were removed in 1974.

50.Seven Devils’Peaks,one of the highest mountain ranges in Idaho,Includes Heaven’s Gate Lookout,where sightseers(观光者)can look into four states.

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