
第11章 华盛顿州(2)

作为美国第22任州长,Chris Gregoire全心为人民服务,取得了切实的成效。她有着卓有成效的领导能力和不辞辛苦的工作作风,一次又一次地证明了:为个人和家庭不懈努力的勇气和独立性。为了帮助低收入家庭的孩子能够上完高中,她将医疗保险金投给他们,而且还积极地为本州人创造就业机会。

As Washington’s 22nd Governor,Chris Gregoire has delivered real results to the people of Washington State.Combining effective leadership with a tireless(不疲劳的)work ethic(道德规范,伦理),she has shown time and again that she has the courage and independence to stand up and fight for individuals and families.

Facing a 1.8billion budget shortfall,Governor Gregoire balanced the state’s budget as she expanded health care coverage to more than 40,000low-income children,led an effort to make government more efficient(有效率的)and accountable(有责任的)and introduced a plan to help struggling students graduate from high school.

She has continued to invest in education,expand health care coverage to those most in need and worked to create family-wage jobs.In 2005,Governor Gregoire introduced and won approval(赞成)for a landmark transportation package to create jobs and address critical challenges with our roads and bridges.She established a dedicated fund to reduce class sizes,helped increase enrollment opportunities at our colleges and universities and protected vital social services for the state’s most vulnerable(易受攻击的)families.

Governor Gregoire has not stopped working to make Washington State even better.Building on her successes,she has made it clear that there is still work to do.During the upcoming legislative session,Governor Gregoire will continue to make government more efficient;lead the way to reduce health care costs and cover all Washington children by 2010;and work to create a seamless(无缝合线的),world-class education system from pre-school through graduate school.

Governor Gregoire’s hard work in Olympia is an extension of her lifetime of service to the people of Washington State.

Prior to serving as governor,Gregoire served three terms as attorney general(首席检察官)—the first woman to be elected to the position in Washington.She worked tirelessly on children’s issues and led a statewide program that resulted in a comprehensive reform of the state’s juvenile system;worked to pass a tough new ethics law for state government and to find alternatives to litigation(诉讼,起诉)in resolving legal disputes;and,after the tobacco settlements,was named the most influential attorney general in the country by the Campaign for Tobacco-free Kids.

As Attorney General,Gregoire also led the effort to protect privacy and combat identity theft and led a legislative effort to strengthen identity theft victims’rights—a law that now helps prosecute identity thieves and makes it easier for victims to restore(恢复)their good names.

In the wake of the Enron scandal,Chris led the effort to recoup(补偿损失)97.5million lost by the Washingtonians in Enron bonds and she investigated Enron and other companies engaged in illegal business practices in the Western power market.She investigated and sued drug companies for violating antitrust(反托拉斯的)laws by illegally manipulating[(熟练地)操作,巧妙地处理]the price and availability(可用性,有效性,实用性)of prescription drugs.

While director of the Washington Department of Ecology,Gregoire negotiated the safe cleanup(清除)and permanent storage of radioactive(放射性的)wastes at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation.The site is regarded as the largest environmental cleanup project in the world.

Chris O’Grady was raised in Auburn,Washington,by her mother who worked as a cook to support the family.She rode horses,picked blueberries(越橘的一种)and learned the value of hard work and a good education.After graduating from Auburn High School,Chris went on to the University of Washington where she graduated with a teaching certificate and Bachelor of Arts degree in speech and sociology(社会学).She met her husband,Mike,in September of 1971when they both worked for the Washington Department of Social and Health Services.Chris received her law degree in 1977from Gonzaga University.

Chris and Mike have two daughters,Courtney and Michelle.Courtney is an attorney and Michelle is a junior in college.

State Bird州鸟


The goldfinch is a delicate(精巧的)little bird with a yellow body and black wings,and although it eventually became the official state bird,many other birds were considered for the title.In 1928,legislators let school children select the state bird and the meadowlark([鸟](北美产)草地鹨)won hands-down.It was a nice choice but seven other states already had chosen the same bird.Another vote was taken in 1931by the Washington Federation of Women’s Clubs.Many birds were nominated,but the goldfinch won handily over the tanager([鸟](中美洲产的艳羽鸣禽)唐纳雀),song sparrow([鸟]麻雀),junco([动]〈美〉灯芯草雀)and pileated woodpecker([鸟]啄木鸟).Now there were two state birds and the Legislature decided to leave the final choice to school children.In 1951,children voted for the goldfinch and the Legislature made it unanimous(无异议的).

Seeds from dandelions(蒲公英),sunflowers,ragweed([植]豚草属),and evening primrose are the main source of food for the Eastern Goldfinch(Carduelis tristis).In late July or early August they build their nests from plant materials and line them with thistledown([植]豚草属).The pale blue-white eggs of the Eastern Goldfinch incubate(孵卵)for two weeks and the young birds leave the nest when they are two to three weeks old.

The top of the male’s head is topped with black.The bright yellow body has black wings and tail.The female has a dull olive-yellow body with a brown tail and wings.The male goldfinch acquires the same dull plumage in the winter months.

State Flower州花
