
第12章 华盛顿州(3)

In 1892,before they had the right to vote,Washington women selected the coast rhododendron as the state flower.They wanted an official flower to enter in a floral(花的)exhibit at the 1893World’s Fair in Chicago.Six flowers were considered,but the final decision was narrowed to clover([植]三叶草,苜蓿)and the “rhodie”,and voting booths were set up for ladies throughout the state.When the ballots(投票)were counted,the rhododendron had been chosen as the Washington state flower.

State Flag州旗

在本州被批准成为美国第42州的30年后,华盛顿州才有了自己的州旗。在州旗上的徽章是本州州印,他首先是由Olympia jeweler Charles Talcott设计的。州旗底色为绿色,州印上是华盛顿的图案,在它的周遍写着:“The Seal of the State of Washington 1889”。本州在1923年使用该州旗。

Washington did not actually adopt an official design for its state flag until 1923,more than 30years after the state was admitted to the union.At the turn of the century,many cities and towns flew a military flag bearing a gold profile of George Washington on blue bunting.Another design,similar to the one used today,featured a gold state seal centered on a purple or green background.A ceremonial(正式的)banner of this type is displayed in the State Reception Room of the Legislative Building in Olympia.

When the Legislature approved a law setting forth the design of the official state flag,it stipulated(规定,保证)that the flag “shall be of dark green silk or bunting,bearing in its center a reproduction of the seal of the state of Washington...”The original law allowed the option of using green fringe(边缘)on the flag;two years later,the Legislature changed the fringe color to gold.

The emblem on the state flag is the state seal,which was first designed in 1889by Olympia jeweler Charles Talcott.Talcott used an ink bottle and a silver dollar to draw the rings of the seal,and then pasted a postage stamp(邮票)in the center for the picture of George Washington.His brother L.Grant Talcott lettered the words “The Seal of the State of Washington 1889”and another brother,G.N.Talcott,cut the printing dye.In the seal used on the state flag,the picture of George Washington has a blue background and is encircled(环绕,包围)by a gold ring with black lettering.

The Secretary of State is authorized to provide the state flag to units of the armed forces(陆海空三军),without charge,as in his discretion(判断力)he deems(认为,相信)entitled thereto.The secretary of state is further authorized to sell the state flag to any citizen at a price to be determined by the secretary of state.

Additionally,the Secretary of State is customarily(通常)entrusted with the role of educating the public as to the history and the protocol(草案,协议)and appropriate display of the Washington State flag individually and as it is flown with other flags.

State Song州歌

Washington,My Home

This is my country;God gave it to me;

I will protect it,ever keep it free.

Small towns and cities rest here in the sun,

Filled with our laughter,“Thy will be done.”

Washington my home;

Where ever I may roam(漫游,闲逛);

This is my land,my native land,

Washington,my home.

Our verdant(翠绿的,青翠的)forest green,

Caressed by silvery stream;

From mountain peak to fields of wheat.

Washington,my home.

There’s peace you feel and understand

In this,our own beloved(心爱的)land.

We greet the day with head held high,

And forward ever is our cry.

We’ll happy ever be

As people always free.

For you and me a destiny;

Washington my home.

Facts and Trivia相关资料

1.The state of Washington is the only state to be named after a United States president.

2.Seattle is home to the first revolving restaurant,1961.

3.Washington state produces more apples than any other state in the union.

4.Washington state has more glaciers(冰河)than the other 47contiguous states combined.

5.Washington state’s capitol building was the last state capitol building to be built with a rotunda(圆形建筑,圆形大厅).

6.Everett is the site of the world’s largest building,Boeing’s final assembly plant(装配厂).

7.Medina is the home of the United States wealthiest man,Microsoft’s Bill Gates.

8.The Northwestern most point in the contiguous U.S.is Cape Flattery on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula(半岛).

9.King county the largest county in Washington was originally named after William R.King,Vice President under Franklin Pierce;it was renamed in 1986,after civil rights leader Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.Day.

10.Microsoft Corporation is located in Redmond.

11.Before it became a state,the territory was called Columbia(named after the Columbia River).When it was granted statehood,the name was changed to Washington,supposedly so people wouldn’t confuse it with The District of Columbia[哥伦比亚特区(美国联邦直辖区)].

12.The highest point in Washington is Mount Rainier.It was named after Peter Rainier,a British soldier who fought against the Americans in the Revolutionary War.

13.The Governor Albert D.Rosellini Bridge at Evergreen Point is the longest floating bridge in the world.The bridge connects Seattle and Medina across Lake Washington.

14.Washington is the birthplace of both Jimi Hendrix(Seattle)and Bing Crosby(Tacoma).

15.The oldest operating gas station in the United States is in Zillah.

16.Washington’s state insect is the Green Darner Dragonfly(蜻蜓).

17.The world’s first soft-serve ice cream machine was located in an Olympia Dairy Queen.

18.Starbucks,the biggest coffee chain in the world was founded in Seattle.

19.Spokane was the smallest city in size to host a World’s Fair.—1974

20.Beyond Washington DC’s most familiar vistas(展望,回想),the capital city unwinds into a lively urban center.

21.Kayakers tackle the Potomac[波拖马可河(美国东部重要河流,流经首都华盛顿)]River as it winds past the elegant marble(大理石)tributes to America’s great leaders.