
第11章 德拉瓦州(6)

19.Thomas Garret lost his entire fortune in his battle against slavery.He was sued by a Maryland slave owner and fined for aiding a black family in flight.Over his lifetime,Garrett reportedly helped more than 2,000fugitive(逃亡的,无常的)slaves move through Delaware,an important stop on the Underground Railroad.

20.Rehoboth Beach is the state’s largest coastal resort town.Methodists(卫理公会派教徒)who purchase the land for a summer camp and meeting place originally constructed it.

21.The 87-foot Fenwick Island Lighthouse was painted in 1880for a total cost of about 5.00.

22.Twelve concrete observation towers along the coast were constructed during World War II to protect the state’s coastal towns from German u-boat attacks.

23.Fisher’s popcorn is a famous coastal caramel(焦糖,饴糖)corn.It has been ordered from as far away as Vietnam and Indonesia.

24.The American holly is the official state tree.The tree can reach a maximum of 60feet in height and a trunk diameter of 20inches.

25.The peach blossom is Delaware’s official state flower and has prompted Delaware’s nickname as the peach state.

26.New Sweden was founded as a colony in 1638and is recognized as the first permanent colony on Delaware soil.

27.Winterthur Museum,Garden and Library,six miles northwest of Wilmington features one of the world’s finest naturalistic gardens.

28.Hagley Museum was originally the du Pont black powder manufactory,estate,and gardens.

29.The state’s Coastal Heritage Greenway consists of a corridor(走廊)of open space running along 90miles of coast and spanning the area between Fox Point State Park and the state line at Fenwick Island.

30.Thousand Acre Marsh is the largest freshwater tidal wetland in northern Delaware.The Chesapeake and Delaware Canals border the marsh(沼泽,沼泽地).

31.In 1812Port Penn was considered the best port in Delaware.

32.Augustine Beach was named for Augustine Hermann.He was a Bohemian adventurer who mapped the Delmarva Peninsula and surrounding areas in the mid-1600s.

33.Odessa possesses one of the finest collections of late 18th-and early 19th-century architecture in the middle Atlantic region.The center of town is on the National Register of Historic Places and the entire town has been zoned as historic.

34.Barratt’s Chapel is known as the Cradle of Methodism.It was built in 1780and is the oldest surviving church built by and for Methodists in the United States.

35.The 80-food Great Dune is the state’s highest.It is located at Cape Henlopen State Park in Lewes.

36.The Maryland/Delaware boundary and the Mason-Dixon Line divide Delmar.A double crown stone marker was erected in 1768as the southern end of the only North-South portion of the Mason-Dixon line.

37.Horseshoe crabs may be viewed in large numbers up and down the Delaware shore in May.The crabs endure extremes of temperature and salinity(盐分,盐度).They can also go for a year without eating and have remained basically the same since the days of the dinosaur(恐龙).

38.The Du Pont Laboratories first produced nylon at its plant in Seaford.This earned the town the distinction of being the Nylon Capital of the World.

39.In recognition of sportfishing’s overall recreational and economic contributions to the state of Delaware and of the specific values of the weakfish(一种食用鱼)(Cynoscion genus)as a game and food fish,the state Legislature adopted the weakfish as Delaware’s State fish in 1981.This fish is also known as sea trout,gray trout,yellow mouth,yellow fin trout,squeteague([鱼]犬牙石首鱼),and tiderunner.

40.Colonial blue and buff are Delaware’s official state colors.

41.Delaware was named for Lord de la Warr.He was the first governor of Virginia.

42.The sheaf of wheat,ear of corn,and the ox on the state seal symbolize the farming activities of early Delaware.

43.The Delaware Indians were one of the most advanced tribes of the eastern United States.

44.New Castle County includes the largest population and smallest area of Delaware’s three counties.

45.Wilmington’s Delaware History Center is housed in a renovated,art deco(艺术装饰)former Woolworth five-and-ten-cent store.

46.America’s newest tall ship is ten stories high and 139feet long.The recreation is the Kalmar Nyckel that landed on the Christina River in 1638.

47.Quaker merchant Thomas Garret is thought to be the model for a Quaker farmer in the novel,“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”.Garret and famed abolitionist(废除主义者)Harriett Tubman worked closely with Delaware’s anti-slavery forces.

48.The frying pan built in 1950for use at the Delmarva Chicken Festival is 10feet in diameter and holds 180gallons(加仑)of oil and 800chicken quarters.

49.The Delaware Breakwater at Cape Henlopen State Park was the first structure of its kind in the western hemisphere.

50.The town of Milton was named after the English poet John Milton in 1807.

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