
第20章 马







Horses are speedy and graceful animals.You’ll know this if you’ve ever watched a horse race.When a horse runs,it can have all four of its feet in the air at the same time.A photographer demonstrated this surprising fact with photographs in 1887.

In the past,people rode horses when they wanted to get somewhere fast.Horses also helped people by pulling plows,loaded wagons,and other heavy farm equipment.

Horses are large land mammals that can run fast for long distances.They are social animals,forming strong bonds with other horses and with humans.For thousands of years,humans have used horses for transportation and farming.Today,horses are used mostly for pleasure and sport,as in the horsemanship competition pictured here.

When a horse runs,it can have all four of its feet in the air at the same time.In 1887,photographer Edweard Muybridge captured a horse in motion in Jockey on a Galloping Horse.

A female horse,or mare,usually gives birth to a single foal.The foal relies on its mother’s milk for nourishment.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police,known as Mounties,used horses to patrol remote areas in the late 1800s.Today,the Mounties use horses mainly for parades and public appearances

In the sport of polo,players ride horses and use a mallet to try to hit a ball into a goal.Polo horses are well trained.From a gallop,they can stop and turn quickly.

What Are Horses Like?