
第21章 马的外形

Horses have long necks,hairy coats,and long tails and manes.A mane is hair that grows on an animal’s neck.Horses come in many colors,including black,brown,tan,and white.

Horses have strong legs and bodies,and they can travel long distances.When they’re on the move,they graze on grasses.Horses also eat oats and other grains.

Horses range greatly in size.The smallest horse ever measured was a miniature pony.It stood only 19inches (48centimeters)high.The largest horse stood 6feet (1.8meters)tall.A horse’s height is measured to the top of its shoulders.

Horses are very social animals.They live in herds with other horses.They are very sensitive to signals.They can learn to like and obey a human trainer.

Where Did Horses Come From?