
第4章 植食动物与肉食动物

All animals eat plants,other animals,or the remains of dead animals.Animals that only eat plants are called herbivores.They eat seeds,nuts,grasses,stems,or flowers.Some mammals,such as cows,are plant eaters.Some insects,such as termites,only eat plants.Bees,moths,and butterflies suck nectar from flowers.

Animals that only eat meat are called carnivores.The meat can be from other living animals or animals that have died.Many meat eaters hunt the animals that they eat.Sharks go after smaller fish.Lions and wolves hunt deer and other mammals.Owls swoop down on rabbits,squirrels,rats,and mice.Some frogs and lizards zap insects with their sticky tongues.Hyenas and vultures mainly eat animals that are already dead.

Animals that commonly eat both animals and plants are called omnivores.Bears and opossums are omnivores.Humans are omnivores.They eat fruit,vegetables,fish,chicken,and steak.
