
第5章 熊






They use their exellentsense of smell to help them findfood.Bears are meat eaters,or carnivores.But most bears also eat fruits,nuts,and other foods.Bears live in North America,South America,Europe,and Asia.They do not live in Africa,Australia,or Antarctica.

Bears come in many colors and sizes and they live all over the world,except in Africa,Australia,and Antarctica.All bears have a large head with rounded ears that stand straight up.They also have four paws with sharp claws that help them to climb trees or catch food.

Brown bears live throughout northern Asia,Europe,and North America,where they feed on fish,berries,and plants.These large bears can reach weights of 1,760pounds (800kilograms).

Polar bears live on the icy ground around the North Pole.They are strong swimmers and eat many types of marine animals,including seals and walruses.

The spectacled bear is the only bear that lives in South America.It is named for the creamy white markings around the eyes that look like spectacles (eyeglasses).

The Asiatic black bear lives in the forests of Pakistan,Korea,and Japan.It has a black,shaggy coat and a light colored mark on its chest.

Sun bears live in the forests of Southeast Asia.They are good climbers and are known to sleep in trees.

What Makes a Bear a Bear?