
第14章 时尚生活(1)

The Most Challenging Hobby:Rearing Marine Fish

Life in the Sea!

Have you ever thought of having a saltwater aquarium?Rearing marine fishis one of the most challenging hobbies of the modern man!To maintain a saltwater tank is not an easy task,so beginners should read up on this hobby as much as possible before they take the plunge.

To set up a tank,you should first decide how big you want your tank to be.The bigger the tank,the easier it is to maintain the water quality.Tanks are usually made of glass or acrylic.You will also need to buy test kits to measure the chemical and mineral contents of the water.The main factors measured include the pH level,nitrate level,salinity and temperature.Ocean fish are much more sensitive to environmental changes than freshwater fish,so it really is important to maintain ideal water conditions.Another important aspect is lighting.Beginners can use fluorescent lighting as this is fairly straightforward.All that has been discussed so far should be prepared BEFORE you buy your fish!

So what kinds of fish would be a good choice for the beginner?Basically,there are two kinds of aquariums:the fishonly tank and the reef tank.The fishonly tank is recommended for new hobbyists.You should read about fish compatibility and choose the ones that can live together.Fish such as damsels,mollies and clownfish are hardy sea creatures and are quite cheap to buy.Angelfish,Butterflyfish and sea horses are very delicate creatures and are much more difficult to rear.So never put an aggressive damsel and a delicate Angelfish together!

Anyone who is thinking about having “life in the sea”at home has toresearch and understand the process of the nitrate cycle,doing a water change,buying the right filters,giving the right food,and adding minerals,to name but a few of the many requirements and skills.This is a time consuming hobby and requires the undivided attention of the owner.But your efforts will be worthwhile if you can learn to have a healthy aquarium!







The Importance of Accessories

Do you ever feel unfashionable?Have you ever wondered how to keep up with new trends?

If you answered yes,then don’t worry!Many people feel they have to dress a certain way.

Fashion is a reflection of your character.Don’t let other people’s opinions influence how you dress!It’s important not to feel forced into the fashion choices you make.You may not be able to carry off a new look if it doesn’t suit your character.

Fashion should be fun so don’t be afraid to try out new styles.If you don’t feel brave enough to try a whole new wardrobe,accessories are the answer!By changing only your accessories,you’ll be saving money and then you’ll be able to keep up with the newest trends.

Adding accessories such as a bag,a belt,a hat,a scarf or jewellery can really change your look.For example,a pair of jeans and a Tshirt can be made into several different outfits for different events.

Currently,the sporty look is very popular.You may want to accessorise with a baseball cap and sweatbands or by carrying a sports bag.

To add some glamour,you could wear a silkscarf as a belt.You could also wear jewellery such as wire bracelets and some dangling earrings.These will transform your look into a glamorous gypsy style.

Whatever style you choose to follow,remember that fashion should be fun and most importantly it should be about you!










Colour Affect Feeling

Our clothes are a powerful tool that can make us feel better about ourselves.One way in which this works is by wearing different colors of clothes.

Normally when we are sad,we will wear dark colored clothes.Oppositely,when we are happy,we often choose to wear brightly colored clothes.The reason for this is that our choice of color mirrors how we are feeling.

Those who don’t believe in the idea are often heard saying,“if only this truly worked.”Well in reply to those people,there has been a lot of research into what happens to someone’s feeling’s when they are asked to wear just one color of clothes.It has been proven that if we wear particular colors of clothes these can change our feelings.

Suppose we are feeling sad,if we wear black we may begin to feel worse.However if we wear Green,Red or Yellow we may begin to feel better.

Each colour is said to have its own healing power.

If we are wearing Red,we should feel:we have more energy.

Yellow:we are cleverer.

Blue:we have more ideas.

Orange:we are happier.

Green:we are more peaceful.

White:we are more helpful.

Brown:we are better at studying.

Pink:we are more romantic.

Purple:we are more in love.

Black:we are safer.

So remember,if you are not feeling your best,you can always try out some different coloured clothes.If one colour has no effect on your feelings,maybe another will.








