
第15章 时尚生活(2)









Slow Food for a Fast Life

There has been a new trend in food recently...shifting away from fast food and moving toward “slow food.”

For decades,the pace of life has been increasing for most people.The trouble involved in buying,preparing and cleaning up after a meal was becoming more bother than it was worthapparently.Fortunately,there were smart business people who took the opportunity to provide “instant”solutions to the problem.Almost overnight,you could drop by the supermarket and buy complete (but raw)meals on a styrofoam tray with plastic wrap over them.All you had to do was drop it in a hot wok (after unwrapping it)and you could be eating a scrumptious (but less than healthy)meal in 5minutes.Just add salt.

Still too slow?OK,just drive your car up to the fastfood restaurant,order your greasesoaked meal and within 2minutes it will be handed over to you.With salt.

The problem is health.Fast food has much more oil,salt and empty calories and far less vitamins than food freshly prepared at home.And so,since people have always wanted to live longer and healthier,a small but growing population is choosing not only fresh food,but also organically grown food—food that hasn’t been grown with chemical fertilizers or insecticides.

Another reason for changes in eating habits is undoubtedly social.Over the centuries,meal times have been used to visit,laugh and learn.That doesn’t fit with today’s hectic lifestyle and many people are looking for ways to restore that.Goodbye McDonald’s.

Finally,there’s something unique about planning your meal,buying just the right ingredients and seeing something on your table that looks just like the picture in your recipe book.A culinary Rembrandt!So if you’re too busy,maybe it’s time you slowed down and enjoyed a meal with a friend.

Please pass the salt.









Are You a Good Tipper

You’re out to dinner.The food was delicious and the service was fine.You decide to leave a big fat tip—why?The answer may not be as simple as you think.

Tipping,psychologists have found,is rarely just about service.Instead,studies have shown tipping can be influenced by psychological reactions to an array of factors ranging from the waiter’s choice of words to how they carry themselves while taking orders to the bill’s total.Even

how much waiters remind customers of themselves can determine how much change they pocket by the end of the night.

“Previous studies have shown that mimicry enhances positive feelings for the mimicker,”wrote Rick van Baaren,a social psychology professor at the University of Nikmegen in the Netherlands,in a recent study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.“These studies indicate that people who are being mimicked become more generous toward the person who mimics them.”

To detect the benefit of copying the customer,van Baaren and his colleagues surveyed staff in Americanstyled restaurants in southern Holland.Among a group of 59waitstaff,van Baaren requested that half respond to diner’s meal orders with a positive phrase such as,“Coming up!”

Those in the other half were instructed to repeat the orders and preferences back to the customers.Van Baaren then compared their takehome.The results were clear—it pays to imitate your customer.The copycat waiters earned almost double the amount of tip than the other group.

Leonard Green and Joel Myerson,psychologists at Washington University in St.Louis,found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by their bill.After compiling data from nearly 1,000tips left for waiters,cab drivers and hair stylists,they found that tip percentages in all three areas dropped as customers’bills went up.

In fact,tip percentages appear to plateau when bills topped 0and a bill for 0garnered the worker no bigger percentage tip than a bill for 0.

Why?Green has his theories,including one he attributes to an old Woody Allen saying:“Eighty percent of success in life is showing up.”

“That’s also a point of tipping,”Green says.“You have to give a little extra to the cab driver for being there to pick you up and something to the waiter for being there to serve you.If they weren’t there you’d never get any service.So I think part of the idea of a tip is for just being there.”

Green explains since everyone would earn the “just being there”tip,it’s inevitable that portion would make up a larger percentage of smaller bills.







