
第19章 棉线

1.Let us take some of the white cotton off this reel,and try to find out what the thread of cotton is made of.We can pull the white thread to pieces,and then we see that it is made of many short fibresor hairs,which have beentwisted together.


2.These little hairs do not grow on an animal;we get them from a plant.They are found inside the seed-pod of the cotton-plant.

3.The cotton-plant is a low bush or shrub,not more than four or five feet high.To see this plant growing,we must go to warm countries.

4.The seeds of the cotton-plant are sown in spring;and the plant grows so quickly that its large yellow flowers appear in a few months.

5.When the flowers drop off,we see large brown seed-pods.Soon these pods burst open,and then we see a ball of white cotton fibres,with some black seeds in the centre.


6.The seeds are sown and the cotton is picked by black people or negroes.They can bear the heat of the sun far better than white people.

7.After the seeds have been taken out by a machine,the cotton is made into big bundles or bales.These bales of cotton are brought to England in ships.

8.The bales are taken from the ships to the cotton-mills.Here the cotton is again cleaned;and it is then carded,or combed out,so that all the fibres lie side by side.After this has been done,the fibres are spun or twisted into threads.

9.Now get a small bit of calico or muslin,and begin to fray outthe edge.If you are very careful,you can pull out little threads of cotton one by one.Soon you will pull all the calico into threads.

10.Look at the threads in the calico.There are two sets,crossing each other and going up and down as they cross,just as you see your mother crossing the threads of wool when she darns your stockings.

11.When threads are crossed in this way to make cloth,we say that they are woven.Weaving is done on a machine called a loom.Many people in England live by spinning and weaving cotton.Calico is bleached to make it white;or it can be dyed any colour that we like to make it.


Cotton is got from the seed-pod of the cotton-plant,a low bush or shrub which grows in warm countries.The seed is sown and the cotton picked by negroes.The cotton-plant grows very quickly.When the pod bursts open,a ball of white fibres with black seeds in the centre is seen.After the seeds are taken out,the cotton is packed into bales and sent to the cotton-mills in England,where it is cleaned,carded,and spun into threads.The threads are then woven into cloth on a loom.











③这是当时英国的社会情况,也包含了一定的种族歧视。现在英国的农业基本已经实现了机械化,就没有这样的情况了。原文的“黑人”是Negro,这个词经过历史演变,现在有明显的种族歧视的意思,不能随便用了。美国黑人一般叫African American,英国黑人则没有常用的特定称谓,和其他人一样通称British。

