
第20章 公鸡和母鸡

1.I know that many boys and girls like to eat eggs for their breakfast and for their tea.They like puddings,too,that are made with eggs.Where do these eggs come from?

2.They are laid by a bird called the hen.If the hen is allowed to sit on her eggs and keep them warm for three weeks,out of each egg there will come a little bird called a chick or chicken.

3.The father bird is called the cock.He is larger than his mate,the hen,and has very pretty feathers.Look at the feathers of his tail,how they bend over in an arch.On his head he has a red comb,and under his bill he has folds of soft skin called “wattles.”

4.Hens,and cocks,and chickens are all called poultry or fowls.They are kept by farmers in the country.

A COCK(公鸡)

5.The body of the common fowl is round and heavy.When fowls are well fed,their flesh is tender and very good to eat.Their wings are rather small for their heavy bodies,and so they cannot fly well.

6.On each foot they have three toes in front and one toe behind;and there is a strong nail on each toe.Fowls get much of their food by scratching up insects andseeds out of the ground with their toes.

7.The fowl has a very strong bill to crack seeds with,but it has no teeth for chewing its food.When the food is swallowed,it goes into a kind of little mill called the “gizzard.”

8.The gizzard is a strong bag.It is nearly full of stones and gravel which the fowl has swallowed.The food is squeezed and crushed among these stones,and made fine and soft.

9.At night fowls go to roost.They do not lie down,but perch on a board or a branch.They get up as soon as the sun rises,and then the cock begins to crow.When he crows,he makes a funny noise like “cock-a-doodle-doo!”

10.The hen cackles when she has laid an egg.When she finds any food,she makes a clucking sound to call her chicks to comeand eat it.When the chicks hear a noise,they run to the hen,and she covers them with her wings.


Cocks and hens and chickens are birds called poultry or fowls.The hen is the female,the cock is the male,and the chickens are the young ones.The hen lays the eggs out of which the chickens are hatched.Fowls get much of their food by scratching up insects and seeds out of the ground with their toes.They have strong bills,but no teeth.Their food goes into the gizzard,where it is squeezed and crushed by the stones and gravel the fowls have swallowed.Fowls roost at night on a perch or branch,and get up at sunrise.Eggs and fowls are very good for food.










