
第28章 一块盐

1.Every day we eat some of the white powder which we call salt.Salt does our bodies good,and keeps them healthy.We eat it at dinner along with our meat.We eat it,too,with eggs,and watercress,and with many other kinds of food.The baker also puts salt in our bread.

2.But where does our white table-salt come from?In the county called Cheshire there are beds of salt far down below the ground.

3.This salt is like a reddish rock or stone,and it is called rock-salt.The red colour is caused by a little rust of iron being mixed with the salt.

4.When it rains,the rain-water soaks into the ground and dissolves some of the salt.Then the men pump up this salt water,which is called brine.

5.When this brine is boiled in big iron pans,the water goes away in steam,and leaves the salt behind in little white crystals.We can see for ourselves how this is done.

6.Let us shake up some salt in a glass of water.See how soon the salt is lost sight of.We cannot see it because it is now mixed with the water,but we can taste it.

7.Now we will boil the water in a little sauce-pan.After atime all the water changes into steam,and the bottom of the sauce-pan is covered with crystals of salt.We have got our salt back again.

8.Sea-water is salty,and people who live near the sea can get salt by filling shallow ponds with sea-water in summer,when the sun is strong.Soon the heat of the sun dries up the water,and the solid salt is left at the bottom of the pond.

9.In some places rock-salt is dug in mines,just as we dig our coal.These mines are called salt-mines.The rock-salt is first dissolved in water,and then this water is boiled,and the crystals of salt are left behind.This is to make the salt clean and white.

10.Salt is rubbed over meat and fish to keep them from going bad or rotting.Fresh meat goes bad because very tiny living things,called germs,feed on it.But these tiny germs cannot bear the salt-they cannot live in it.Meat soaked in brine or well rubbed with salt will keep good for a long time.

11.Horses and cattle like salt,and thrive best when they get plenty of it.Farmers often mix salt with their hay when they are piling it up in stacks for the winter.Sometimes they put a lump of rock-salt in their horse‘s manger,that he may lick it whenever he likes.

12.Salt springs and pools are often found in the plains of America and other countries,and wild animals will go many miles to these pools,to drink the salt water,or even to lick the ground,if the spring has run dry.


Salt is got below the ground in the form of a reddish rock or stone called rock-salt.Rain dissolves some of this,and the salt water or brine is pumped up and boiled.The water goes away in steam,and the salt is left in little white crystals.Salt can also be got from sea-water.Salt taken along with food is very good for people and animals.It is also good for keeping meat and fish fresh.












