
第29章 苍蝇

1.The common fly which you so often see on the window-panes is called the house-fly.The large flies which are so fond of meat are called blow-flies.

2.They are not the same as the housefly.A fly never grows bigger after it has become a fly,so that small flies and large flies cannot be of the same kind.

3.Do you know why the fly is called an insect?It isbecause its body is made up of three parts,which are nearly cut apart from one another-the head,the chest,and the belly.The word insect means cut into,and the fly’s body looks as if it had been nearly cut into three pieces.

4.Flies have no bones inside their body;but they have a hard skin like a shell all over the outside,and their flesh is inside this hard skin.

5.Look at the head of the fly.Do you see its two large eyes,with which it can see on every side?Then it has two feelers,which stick out in front like little brushes.

6.The mouth of the fly is a little trunk or tube,like the trunk of a very tiny elephant.Watch a fly when it rests on a lump of sugar,and you will see it putting out its trunk and sucking up the sweet juice.

7.The fly has two thin clear wings,one on each side.It has also six legs.Its wings and its legs are all joined to its chest.

8.The foot of the fly has two small claws for holding on with.It has also two pads,which are always covered with a sticky gum;and this keeps its foot from slipping on any smooth place.By this means also the fly can walk on the ceiling without falling.

9.Flies feed on dirt of all kinds.They are ofsome use in eating up what would cause a badFOOT OF FLY(苍蝇的足)smell.They are also very fond of sweet things,like treacle and sugar.

10.The fly lays its eggs on pieces of meat,or something else that will serve as food for its young.These eggs look like tiny white balls.But it is not a small fly that comes out of the egg.It is a little white worm.

11.These worms eat a great deal,and then they go to sleep.They become hard and dry,as if they were dead.But soon this dry case bursts open,and out comes a full-grown fly.Is not this a strange way for a fly to be born?

12.Bees and butterflies and other insects pass through the same changes before they get their wings.


The fly is an insect.It has no bones.Its flesh is covered with a hard skin or shell.It has two large eyes and two feelers.Its mouth is like a little trunk or tube.It has two wings and six jointed legs.Its feet are so made that it can stick on to any place.The fly lays its eggs on something that will give food for its young.Out of the egg a little white worm appears.After it has eaten a great deal,the worm goes to sleep for a long time.Then it bursts its case,and becomes a full-grown fly.













⑥“用苍蝇吃东西”可能指的是一种有点吓人的治疗方法:蛆可以吃掉人身上坏死的组织,救人一命!这种疗法叫“蛆虫清创技术”(maggot debridement therapy)简称MDT。早在几百年前,拿破仑军队和美国南北战争的军医就用过这种疗法。2006年4月,中国大连的一家医院也在国内第一次成功采用了蛆虫疗法。此外,苍蝇的幼虫还是极好的饲料,有重要的经济价值;苍蝇自身的免疫能力也是科学家研究的对象。
