
第38章 人类的帮手--马

1.The horse is an animal which seems to have been made for helping us in our daily work.we ride on its back,and we get it to pull heavy loads in carts.

2.Each of the horse‘s four legs ends in a single toe,which iscovered by a thick nail,called the hoof.On the under side of the hoof there is a soft cushion①,called the frog.

3.A long time ago all horses lived in wild herds②on the broad grassy plains of Asia.Then their hoofs were enough to protect③their feet.But our tame horses have to walk and run so much over stony roads,that we get the blacksmith④to protect their hoofs by nailing to them thebent pieces of iron which we call horse-shoes.

4.The horse’s hoofs are made of the same kind of horny stuff as our finger-nails.We feel no pain when our finger-nails are cut.Nor does the horse feel pain when its hoofs are pared,and when iron shoes are nailed to them.

5.The horse‘s skin or hide is covered with hair,which grows very long on its neck,andforms what we call a mane.The hair also grows very long on the tail.

6.The horse has small pointed ears,which it can raise or “prick up”and turn round when it wants to listen.Its eyes are large,and are placed so that it can see both in front and sideways without turning its head.

7.The horse has six sharp cutting teeth in the front of each jaw.Behind these is a space without any teeth,in which the steel bit fits very nicely;and then come six flat-topped,grinding teeth on each side at the back of each jaw.The horse feeds on grass,hay,straw,oats,and other plants;but it does not chew the cud,as the cow and the sheep do.


②Herd,flock;number of animals together.

③Protect,guard;keep from harm.

④Blacksmith,a man who makes things out of iron.

8.Many horses are very badly treated by their masters.They are often struck with a whip,and they feel the pain very keenly.Horses that are well trained and kindly treated seldom need to be whipped.Every horse should have a clean,warm,and dry stable,and should have plenty of good food to eat and fresh water to drink.

9.The horse needs careful grooming①after his day’s work isdone,and sometimes washing and rubbing down the feet and legs.“Love your horse,and your horse will love you.”


The horse is a very useful animal.Each foot consists of one toe,which is covered by a thick nail,called the hoof.On this a bent piece of iron,called a horse-shoe,is nailed to protect it from the hard roads.The horse feeds on grass,hay,straw,oats,and other plants.There is a space in its mouth between its front and back teeth where the bit rests.Horses should be well cared for and kindly treated.


1.马这种动物,似乎生来就是为人类的日常工作服务的。人们骑在马背上,还用马来拉沉重的车。①2.马的四条腿,每条腿的尽头都只有一个脚趾,覆盖着厚厚的指甲,叫做“马蹄”。马蹄侧面的下面有一个软垫子,学名叫“蹄叉”(frog)。②3.很久很久以前,所有的马都成群地生活在广阔的亚洲草原上。后来,它们的蹄子变得足够坚硬,可以保护脚不受伤害了。可是,我们驯化的马,要在石头路上走或者跑很多的路,所以,我们就让铁匠给马蹄钉上弯曲的铁片,来保护蹄子。这种铁片,叫做“马掌”(horse-shoe)。③①Grooming,combing and brushing the skin;cleaning.












(Martin s Anticruelty Act );1911年,又通过了更加正式的《英格兰动物保护法》

(Protection of Animals Act )。目前,世界上已经有100多个国家制定了禁止虐待动物的法律法规。以前,中国只立法保护濒危野生动物;近年来,对一般的动物保护也越来越重视。根据2012年9月的新闻报道,第一部动物保护法规《动物福利通则》即将出台。目前的人类社会,我们杀死动物、食用动物的行为是不能避免的;但是,在满足人类需要的前提下,尽可能保证动物免受饥渴、免受痛苦的福利,可以促进社会的善良风气,为我们提供安全健康的食品。亲爱的读者,希望你也能更多地了解动物保护的知识,拒绝食用野生动物,尽可能人道地对待家养动物和宠物,成为动物保护事业的积极力量。