
第39章 柔韧的软金属--铅

1.In Wales①,in Derbyshire②,and in the north of England,hills made of limestone are very common.In the cracks of this limestone we often find a beautiful silvery mineral③called galena.It ismade of lead mixed with sulphur④.

2.Minerals or stones,like galena,which contain useful metals,are known as ores.To get the lead from it,this ore is first broken down into powder and roasted in a furnace⑤at a gentle⑥heat.Then the furnace is made hotter and hotter,until the lead melts and runs off.

3.Lead is between blue and grey in colour,so we call it bluish-grey.It is so soft that it can be easily scratched with the thumb nail.If we scrape a piece of lead with a knife,the new surface is bright and shining.But in a few days it gets dim or rusts by being exposed⑦to the air.

①Wales,a country in the west of England.

②Derbyshire,one of the midland counties of England.

③Mineral,rock or metal;what is dug out of a mine.

④Sulphur,a yellow mineral substance.

⑤Furnace,a close fire-place for melting metals,etc.


⑦Exposed,left uncovered or open.

4.Men who work with lead are called plumbers.If you watch a plumber at work,you will see how easily he bends the lead pipes,and how cleverly he hammers the sheet-lead with a mallet①,andmakes it fit into any corner.Because lead bends so easily,we call it a flexible metal.

5.Lead can be hammered or rolled out into thin sheets.Whenthe sheets are very thin,they are called lead-foil.A great deal of lead-foil is used in China,to line the chests in which tea is sent to Europe.

6.Lead is much used for making water-pipes,and for lining water-cisterns②.If the water which runs through the pipes is very soft and pure,it may dissolve a little of the lead,and make thewater poisonous.

7.But the water which comes to our houses is almost always hard water③.Now hard water soon forms a white crust on the inside of the pipe,and this crust keeps the water from touching the lead.

8.Lead is very heavy;it is much heavier than iron or copper.It is an easy metal to melt.Put some bits of sheet-lead in an iron spoon,and place the spoon on a clear fire.Soon the lead melts.Do you see the crust of dross or lead-rust on the surface?

9.Skim this off with a bit of dry wood,and pour the melted metal slowly into a pail of cold water from a height of two or three feet.The water cools the lead at once,and the metal becomes solid again.Some of the little pieces of solid lead which you will find in the pail will very likely have most curious shapes.

①Mallet,a wooden hammer.

②Cisterns,large places for holding water;tanks.

③Hard water,water that comes from springs,containing some mineral matter.


Lead is a very heavy metal.It is got from an ore called galena.The ore is roasted in a furnace,and the lead melts and runs off.Lead is of a bluish-grey colour.It is used for making water-pipes and lining water-cisterns.Lead hammered into thin sheets is called lead-foil,and is used for lining tea-chests.Lead is very easily melted.Men who work with lead are called plumbers.










