
第42章 调皮的麻雀

1.What little birds are these that build their nests in our great cities,and do not mind the smoke and the noise and the bustle①?What little birds are these that hop about our crowded streets,and pick up seeds under the noses of the horses?Theseare our little friends the bold,saucy sparrows.

2.The sparrow is a small bird,grey and brown in colour,and with a short strong beak.It lives with us all the year round.It feeds both on insects and on seeds.

3.The sparrow builds its nest of straw,hay,and leaves in an old wall,or under the eaves②or in the water-spouts of houses.Its nest is rather rough,butit is very well lined with feathers.


②Eaves,the edge of a roof overhanging the walls.

4.The mother sparrow lays five eggs in the nest,and sits on them to keep them warm.The eggs are white,with brown spots.When the young birds come out of the eggs,both the father and the mother sparrow bring them soft little grubs①to eat.

5.In this way the sparrows do

a great deal of good.If the grubs

were not killed,they would eat up our garden plants,and the crops that grow in our fields.

6.In autumn②and winter③the sparrows feed on wheat andother kinds of grain.For that reason the farmers do not like sparrows,and shoot them whenever they can.But these greedy little birds do more good than harm after all.

7.Two sparrows were once watched while they were feeding their young ones,and it was found that they carried about forty grubs to the young birds every hour.

8.When we think how many sparrows there are in this country,we see that they must kill a very,very great number of grubs every day.If the farmers were to shoot all the sparrows,they would soon be very sorry for it,for all their crops would be eaten up by the grubs.

9.It is a cruel and wicked thing to throw a stone at a sparrow,or at any other bird.The stone might break its leg or its wing,and then the poor bird would die with great pain.

①Grubs,worms produced from the eggs of beetles,moths,etc.

②Autumn,the third season of the year;reaping-time or harvesttime (August,September,October).

③Winter,the fourth season of the year;the cold season (November,December,January).


The sparrow is a small bird,grey and brown in colour,and with a short strong beak.It lives in this country all the year round,and is not afraid to make its nest and to pick up its food in large cities.It feeds on insects and seeds.It builds its nest in spring,and the mother sparrow lays five eggs.The young sparrows are fed on grubs,and they eat so many that they are of great use to the farmer.







②像这样的鸟儿,叫做“留鸟”(resident birds),而在温暖和寒冷的地方之间来回飞的鸟儿,就叫“候鸟”(migratory birds),比如大雁。



