
第41章 糖是怎么生产的

1.After the negroes have cut up the stems of the sugar-cane into short lengths,they carry these to a building where there are a number of heavy iron rollers,which are turned by a steam-engine.The cane-stems are crushed between these rollers,and all the sweet juice is squeezed out of them,and runs into large pans placed under the rollers.


2.This juice is next boiled in large copper kettles,and some lime is mixed with it.The lime joins with the sour acids①that are in the juice,and forms a green scum②,which is taken off.

3.A clear yellow syrup③then remains,and this is boiled until most of the water in it is driven off as steam.A thick brown liquid is now left,which is a mixture of sugar and molasses or treacle.


4.This liquid is put into barrels,the bottoms of which are full of holes.The treacle drains away through these holes,and a dark brown sticky powder is left,which is called raw sugar.This raw sugar is put into big barrels called hogsheads,and is sent to Great Britain in ships.

①Acids,sour substances.

②Scum,the worthless part of a liquid,which rises to the top.

③Syrup,a thick,sweet liquid.

5.You would not like to eat the dirty-looking raw sugar as it comes to this country.To make this raw sugar pure and clean,it must be refined①;and this refining is chiefly done in the largetowns called Bristol②,Liverpool,London③,and Glasgow④.

6.The raw sugar is first dissolved in water,and is then carefully strained⑤to make it clear.It is next boiled in large pans until the water has nearly all passed away as steam.

7.Then the thick sugar-syrup is poured into cone-shaped moulds,where it cools.By the time that it is quite cool,the sugar has turned into tiny white solid pieces,called crystals.It is turned out of the moulds in the form of tall cones,which are calledSUGAR CRYSTALS(糖的晶体)sugarloaves.The grocer breaks up these big loaves into small pieces,which he sells as lump-sugar.

8.Sugar is made from the sweet juice of the beet-root in almost exactly the same way as from the sugar-cane.But the beet-roots are not crushed between rollers like the stems of the sugarcane.They are first cut up into slices,and then soaked in water to extract or draw out the juice.

9.You know that sugar is used for making jam,and cakes,and pastry,and all kinds of sweets,as well as for sweetening our tea and coffee.

10.It is only of late years that sugar has become so cheap that every one can afford to use plenty of it.Until about one hundred years ago,sugar was hardly ever used in this country.Before that time people used honey to sweeten things.

①Refined,made fine or pure.

②Bristol,Liverpool,towns in the west of England.

③London,in the south-east of England,is the capital of that country.

④Glasgow,the chief town in the west of Scotland.

⑤Strained,made pure by passing through a sieve or filter.


The sugar-cane is cut into short lengths,and is crushed between rollers to squeeze out the sweet juice.This juice is then boiled until a thick brown liquid,a mixture of sugar and molasses,is left.The molasses is then drained off,and the raw sugar is left.In this raw state sugar is sent to this country,where it is refined and made into loaf-sugar.To get the sweet juice out of the beet-root,it is cut into slices and then soaked in water.



(molasses)的混合物。③4.再把这种液体放在大桶里。大桶底部满是小洞,糖蜜就从这些小洞流走,余下的是一种暗灰色的、有粘性的粉末,叫做“粗糖”(raw sugar),这种粗糖盛进糖桶(hogshead)里,然后就用船运往大不列颠了。④5.这种粗糖刚运来的时候,看上去脏兮兮的,你肯定不喜欢吃。要把这种粗糖变得又纯又干净,非要精加工不可。这种精加工大部分是在大城市进行的,比如布里斯托尔(Bristol)、利物浦(Liverpool)、伦敦(London)、格拉斯哥(Glasgow)。








