
第55章 硬壳螃蟹

1.Crabs are good to eat.The next time you have one for your supper,I should like you to look at it very carefully,and try to learn what kind of an animal it is.

2.The crab is a cousin①of the lobster and the shrimp.Like these two animals,its body is made up of a number of rings.But in the shell of the grown-up crab these rings are so close together that we cannot tell one ring from another.

3.Do you see the two short feelers which stick out in front of the crab’s head?These help the crab to find its way as it walks along the dark bottom of the sea.It has two round eyes,at the end of short eye-stalks,close to the feelers.

4.Next come the two great jointed nipping claws which you know so well;and behind these are four pairs of small jointed legs,with which the crab walks over the rocks and the sand of the sea-shore.

5.The crab‘s body inside the hard crust or shell is quite soft.The crab breathes by means of gills,with which it takes into its body some of the air which is always mixed with the sea-water.

6.While the crab is alive,it is grey and brown in colour.It only turns red,as we see it at supper,when it is boiled.

7.Crabs live in holes in the rocks near the shore.They feed on fishes,either alive or dead,and they also eat any other dead animals which they find on the sea-bottom.

8.Many crabs are found with sea-weed and even with shell-fish growing on their backs.This helps them to catch the little fishes on which they live.The fishes do not notice the crab when its shell is covered in this way.

9.The mother crab carries her eggs under her broad tail.When the young ones come out of these eggs,they are not at all like crabs,and they swim about in the sea.After a while they become like their father and mother in shape,only very much smaller.

10.But how can a crab grow when it is covered all over with a hard crust?Every year the crab throws off its old crust or shell,and a new and bigger shell soon grows in its place.

①Cousin,relation;an animal of the same kind.

11.There are many kinds of crabs.The little green crabs you see running about in the shallow①water on the sea-beach are not the same kind as the large ones which we like to eat.There arecrabs with small bodies and very long legs,called spider crabs;and there are land crabs,which spend most of their life on land.

12.When you are paddling②in the sea,do not let a crabcatch hold of your toe with its “nippers;”for these nipping-claws can give a very sore pinch indeed.See how the two crabs in the picture are fighting for a fish.How they are pinching it with their “nippers”!I wonder whichof them will get it in the end.

①Shallow,not deep.

②Paddling,playing about.


The crab is of the same family as the lobster and the shrimp.It is grey and brown in colour,but when boiled it becomes red.Its body is made of a number of rings which grow so close together that we cannot tell one ring from another.It has two eyes,and its feelers help it to find its way along the dark bottom of the sea.It has two great jointed nipping claws,and four pairs of jointed legs with which it walks.It breathes by means of gills.Crabs live in holes in the rocks near the shore.They feed chiefly on fishes.Some kinds of crab are very good for food.Every year the crab throws off its shell,and a larger one soon grows.














