
第56章 缝衣针和大头针

1.Take a needle in your hand and look at it carefully.

What do you see?There is a sharp point at one end.This makes it easy to push the needle through the cloth when you are sewing.

2.The middle part or shank of the needle is round and smooth.At the thick end there is a hole or “eye”for the thread.

3.The eye end of the needle is rounded,but it is rather sharp.You must use a thimble to push the needle,or you will hurtyour finger.

4.Break a needle across,and you will see that it is white and shining all through.Needles are made of steel wire.They are put up for sale in neat little packets.

5.At first sight,a pin looks very much like a needle;but when we look at it closely,we see a difference.A pin has a point and a shank like a needle;but it has no eye,and it has a head.

6.The use of the head is to keep the pin from hurting our fingers when we push it into anything.It also keeps the pin from going quite through the cloth.

7.We use pins to hold two pieces of cloth together.A needle draws behind it a thread which binds the two pieces together,so that we do not need to leave the needle itself in the material.But we must leave the pin,for it is the pin itself that holds the parts together.

8.Pins are made of many sizes,and are either black or white in colour.They are prepared①for sale by being pushed throughpaper which has been crimped②in a machine.

9.White pins are often covered with tin,and black ones with black paint.Let us rub a pin on a stone,and soon we shall rub off the outside coating;then we shall find that the pin itself is made of yellow brass wire.

10.Pins are now made by machinery,and they have solid heads.Thirty years ago they were made by hand,and the head of each one was made of a bit of thin brass wire coiled③round the shank.

11.Brass pins have been in use in Great Britain for about four hundred years.Before that time,large pins made of bone,ivory④,or wood were used.

12.Both needles and pins are small things,and they are very cheap.But that is no reason why we should waste them.A careful child will pick up,and will place①Prepared,made ready.

②Crimped,laid into folds.


④Ivory,the material of the tusks of elephants and some other animals.

in a pin-cushion,any needles or pins that may be found lying about.It is wrong to waste these useful things.If they are left lying about,they may do harm by sticking into some person’s finger or foot.


Needles are made from steel wire.One end of a needle has a sharp point,and the other end has as eye through which the thread is put.Needles are sold in little packets.Pins are mostly made from brass wire;some are made from steel wire.The pin has a sharp point at one end,and a head at the other.Pins are made of many sizes,and are either black or white in colour.They are made ready for sale by being pushed through paper which has been crimped in a machine.











②大头针有几个兄弟姐妹:“图钉”,英式英语是drawing pin,美式英语是thumbtack,是一种“大头很大”的大头针,一般认为是埃德温·莫尔(Edwin Moore)在1903年发明的;“钉子”,英语是nail,一般更粗,用在工业生产上。“别针”,英语是safety pin,有一个帽子盖住针尖,防止扎伤人,是美国人华特·亨特(Walter Hunt)在1826年发明的。插图里的toilet pin可能是一种用来固定很厚的纺织品的大头针;此外叫toilet pin的东西,还有一种特殊的螺栓,用来固定马桶水箱,但从插图的形状上看应该不是。

③在欧洲中世纪的时候,大头针的加工成本很高,妇女们有一种专门的花销“针线钱”(pin money),这个短语后来意思发生了变化,指的是个人买小东西花费的统称。

