
第60章 美丽的蝴蝶

1.What a lovely creature a butterfly is!Look at the butterflies in the picture,flying about among the blossoms.They are getting food from the flowers,but they are doing no harm to them;they are only sucking the sweet juices with their long tongues.

2.It seems a pity that any one should try to catch butterflies.Run after them if you like,and watch them as they fly;but do not try to kill or to catch them.

3.We cannot even take a butterfly in our

hands without doing it harm.Its wings areTONGUE OF BUTTERFLY(蝴蝶的喙)covered with thousands of tiny scales,and these are rubbed off by the least touch.

4.Where do the butterflies come from?If you look at the under sides of cabbage leaves in spring,you may find some tiny white specks①on them.These are the eggs laid by a butterfly.

5.After a few weeks,a little caterpillar crawls out of each egg.These caterpillars feed on the cabbage leaves.You can see many holes in the leaves,made by their tiny teeth.


6.At last each caterpillar changes into a chrysalis;anda few weeks later the hard brown covering of the chrysalis splits open,and out of it crawls a butterfly.

7.The cabbage butterfly is white;but

the “brimstone butterfly,”which we see in early spring,is yellow.In summer we alsosee pretty little blue butterflies,and large ones with blue spots,called “peacock butterflies,”and many other kinds.

8.The butterfly is an insect.We see that its body is divided into three parts,and that each part is made of a number of rings joined to one another.

It has three pairs of jointed legs and twopairs of wings,all of which grow out of the middle part,or chest.


9.A butterfly has the ends of the two feelers which grow out of its head thick or club-shaped①.The feelers of the moth have pointed ends.

10.In the head of the butterfly you can see two large eyes;but each of these eyes is really made of a number of small eyes joined together.

11.Did you ever notice how the butterfly flies?It does not go straight,but always flutters②from side to side.That way of flying makes it more difficult for any bird to catch it.Some birdskill and eat butterflies;but the butterfly when chased very often makes its escape,because of the funny way in which it flies.

12.I have often seen a bird chase a butterfly for a long distance without being able to catch it.If you have ever seen a game of football,you will know what I mean when I say that the butterflyis a good dodger③.

13.In hot countries,there are butterflies which are as large as the palms④of your two hands put together.And these insects are often of curious shapes,and have very pretty colours.

①Club-shaped,thick towards the outer end.

②Flutters,hovers;moves quickly backwards and forwards.

③Dodger,one who keeps out of the way by dodging,or suddenly shifting his place.

④Palm,the inner part of the hand.


The butterfly is an insect.It has three pairs of jointed legs and two pairs of wings.It flies in a zig-zag way,and is therefore not easily caught by birds.It gets its food from the flowers by means of its long tongue.Its wings are covered with thousands of scales.It lays its eggs on the under sides of cabbage leaves.After a few weeks a caterpillar crawls out;the caterpillar changes into a chrysalis,and the chrysalis into a butterfly.Butterflies are of many different colours,and some grow very large in hot countries.













