
第61章 卷心菜

1.In some sandy places near the sea the cabbage plant grows wild①.We should not care to eat wild cabbages;but by growing these plants in good ground,and sowing their seeds year after year,we should get after many years cabbages like those that are so good to eat.

2.Let us buy an ounce or two of cabbage-seed at some good seed-shop.When we see the little brown seeds,we wonder how so large a plant as the cabbage can grow out of each of them.

3.We shall dig and rake a small plot of our garden,and sow our cabbage-seeds there in the middle of summer.By the time autumn comes,we shall have many small green cabbage plants,each about two or three inches high.

4.We must then dig up these little plants,and plant them out again in good ground,about two feet apart.Here they will remain②all the winter;and next spring they will begin to growquickly.The leaves will cling closely together,and will form a hard mass,or “heart,”round which some larger leaves will grow loosely.

①Wild,without being cultivated;not sown by man.


5.In March and April the spring cabbage is ready for use.We cut the cabbage from the top of its short stock or stem,strip off the rough outside leaves,and wash it well.Then the heart of the cabbage is boiled and eaten.

6.All children ought to eat plenty of cabbage.It contains things that will make their blood pure,and will help to keep them in good health.


7.Instead of cutting all our cabbage plants,we shall leave a few in the ground until the end of the summer.Soon the heart of each plant will open,and long stems will grow up from its centre.Small yellow flowers then appear on these stems.Each flower has four little yellow leaves or petals,which grow in the form of a cross.


8.For this reason,the cabbage and many other plants,such as the turnip,the mustard,and the wallflower,which have flowers of the same shape,get the name of “cross-bearers.”It is well to know that none of the plants in this class are poisonous.

9.There are several other useful plants that grow in our gardens which are really cabbages,although we call them by other names.One of these is the cauliflower,and another is the broccoli.A great mass of white flower-buds grows in the middle of each of these plants;and when this mass of buds is boiled,it is good to eat.


10.Another kind of cabbage sends up a tall stem,on the sides of which little bundles of green leaves grow in balls:these are called brussels sprouts.

11.Then we have the cabbage called kale,which has long curly leaves;and the savoy cabbage,withshort wrinkled①leaves.

A kind of cabbage grows in Jersey②which has astem taller than a man.


Walking-sticks are sometimes made from its stems.

12.It is a good thing that there are so many kinds of cabbages;for some are ready for eating at one time,and some at another,so that we can have cabbages for dinner all the year round.


The cabbage is grown from seed which is sown in summer.In autumn the plants are lifted,and planted out again about two feet apart.In spring the cabbage is ready for use.Other plants like the cabbage are the cauliflower,the broccoli,brussels sprouts,kale,and savoy cabbage.Some of these are ready at one time of the year,and some at another.The cabbage grows wild in some sandy places near the seaside.




②Jersey,an island in the English Channel.







(broccoli)。这些植物中间长着大量的白色花蕾,煮着吃是很好吃的。10.另外一种卷心菜长着高高的茎,茎的侧面有球形的绿叶,长成一小丛一小丛的,这种植物名叫“球芽甘蓝”(brussels sprout)。

11.还有一种卷心菜叫“羽衣甘蓝”(kale),长着长长的卷叶;还有“抱子甘蓝”(the savoy cabbage),叶子很短,还皱皱巴巴的。有一种卷心菜长在英国的泽西岛(Jersey),茎居然比一个人还高,有时候用它的茎来做手杖。




