
第62章 雪花莲

1.When the new year comes,the snow-drop is the first of all the flowers to put forth its lovely white blossoms.We call it the “snow-drop,”not only because its flowers are “white as snow,”butalso because they are often seen in earlyspring pushing their way through the snow which then covers the ground.Look at the way in which the flower droops or hangs down its head,and you will see the reason for calling it a drop or droop.

2.The snow-drop was brought to this country fromabroad①many years ago.It is quite at home with us now,and in a few places it may even be found growing wild.But its usual home is in our gardens and orchards②.

3.Let us pull up a snow-drop,roots and all,and see what the entire③plant is like.We notice at once that it has a little,egg-shaped bulb④,about half an inch in thickness.White,thread-like①Abroad,another country;away from home.



④Bulb,a bulging or ball-like root.

roots hang down from this bulb,while from its upper end there rise two narrow green leaves,six or eight inches in length.

4.Between these two leaves the flower-stalk grows up,surrounded①by a green,folding leaf.Near its top the flower-stalk bends over,so that the single white flower at its end hangsdownwards.

5.Let us look very closely at this pretty white flower.It is made of three large and three small white leaves.Inside these are six dust-spikes or stamens,which grow on the top of the seed-vessel.You can see the lower part of this seed-vessel outside the flower.It looks like a small green swelling at the top of the flower-stalk.If you cut this seed-vessel across with a pen-knife,you will find inside it some tiny young green seeds.

6.Within the flower of the snow-drop you

can see some green stripes on the white leaves;FLOWER AND SEEDVESSEL(花朵与种皮)and as you are looking closely at it,you may perhaps notice that the flower has a sweet smell.Both the smell and the green marks attract②flying insects to the flower,and guide them down into its honey-cup.These insects,as you know,carry the pollen③dust from flower to flower,and so help the snow-drops to form their seeds.

7.Why do the flowers of the snow-drop hang down their heads?If they did not do so,the heavy rains of early spring would soon wash all the honey out of their cups,and all the pollen dust from their dust-spikes.In February the insects go to sleep in the afternoon,and then,too,the snow-drop shuts up its blossoms;they do not open till the next morning,when the insects are again on the wing.

①Surrounded,shut in round about;enclosed.


③Pollen dust,yellow dust found in flowers.

8.Do you know any other plant which is very much like the snow-drop?After the snow-drop has gone,the pretty yellow daffodil appears in the woods during March and April.If you pull a daffodil flower to pieces,you will find that in the number of itsparts,and in the way in which they are arranged①,it is very like thesnow-drop.The daffodil-or “Lent-lily②”as it is also called-grows very well in a garden,or in a flower-pot.You must plant the bulbs in the autumn,and they will flower in the next spring.


The snow-drop is so called from its white drooping flower,and also because it pushes its way through the snow.It is not a native of this country.It has a little egg-shaped bulb,with small thread-like roots,and two narrow green leaves.The flower-stalk bends over at the top.The flower has three large and three small white leaves,inside of which are six stamens.Below the stamens is the seed-vessel.The green stripes on the leaves and the sweet smell of the flower attract insects,and by them the pollen dust is carried from blossom to blossom.The droop of the flower prevents the honey and the pollen from being washed away by the rain.A flower which much resembles the snow-drop is the daffodil.The bulbs of these flowers must be planted in the autumn.



2.许多年以前,雪花莲从海外来到英国。如今,它已经很适应英国的水①Arranged,set in order.

②Lent,a fast of forty days in spring,held in remembrance of Christ‘s fast in the wilderness.









①雪花莲:雪花莲也叫“雪钟花”,属于“石蒜科”“雪钟花属”。雪花莲的花期并不在阳历新年,而在2-3月的早春。它原产于地中海沿岸,后来被引进到英国。现在野生的雪花莲已经被国际自然保护联盟(International Union for Conservation of Nature,IUCN)列入2011年的《濒危物种红色名录》(2011Red List of Threatened Species)。


③四旬斋百合:“百合花”的原文lent-lilies是“四旬斋百合”的意思。Lent 代表“四旬斋”,也叫“大斋节”,在每年复活节之前的四十天,来自《圣经·新约》中耶稣接受魔鬼四十天试探的传说。这四十天是早春时节,水仙恰巧在这一时期开花,因此得名。