
第84章 一张纸

1.Let us tear a piece of blotting-paper across and look at the torn edges.We see that the paper is made of a great many very fine little threads or fibres.If we pull a cotton thread or a piece of twine①to pieces,we shall find that it also is made of fibres.

2.In the twine and the thread the

fibres lie side by side,and are spun

or twisted together.But in blotting-




paper,and in all other kinds of paper,the fibres run in all directions,crossing one another without any arrangement at all.

3.Blotting-paper will soak up ink because it is full of tiny spaces or pores,as we call the little holes between the fibres.Writing-paper does not soak up ink as blotting-paper does.Both kinds of paper are made out of fibres in the same way,but the pores in writing-paperare filled up with a very weak glue②,which is called size.

①Twine,string;cord of twisted threads.

②Glue,a sticky substance got by boiling the hoofs of animals.

4.Paper used to be made only from cotton and linen①rags.It is now made also from wood,from straw,and from several kinds of grass.All these are fibrous materials,and fibres are needed for making all kinds of paper.

5.The best paper is still made from rags.The rags are first sorted into linen and cotton,and into coloured and uncoloured rags.They are then put into machines,where they are beaten and pulled to pieces by iron nails.

6.The torn rags are then boiled in water to which lime and soda have been added.This mixture removes all grease,stains,and colouring matters.The clean white rags are next put with water into another machine,which pulls the fibres apart,tears them into small pieces,and beats them into a soft white paste or pulp.

7.Boys dip into this pulp square trays②or frames,withbottoms made of thin wire threads,and take up just enough pulp to cover the trays.The water runs off through the wire bottoms,and a thin sheet of the fibres is left behind.This sheet is pressed between layers of felt till it is dry,and it is then just like thin blotting-paper.

8.If it is to be made into writing-paper,the sheet is next dipped into size,and then dried again.Last of all a fine polish is given to the writing-paper by passing it between smooth steel rollers.

9.If you hold up a piece of writing-paper to the light,you will probably③see letters marked on it.These letters are called the water-mark,and they are made by means of wires fixed in thebottom of the tray in which the pulp was taken up.

①Linen,cloth made from flax.

②Square trays,trays having four sides of equal length.


10.The paper used for printing newspapers and books is now made by machinery in rolls or webs several miles in length.

11.Paper is sometimes used for making collars and cuffs,trays,water-pipes,boats,and even wheels for railway carriages.Paper was not used in Britain until about four hundred years ago.Before that time all writing was done on parchment,which is the prepared skin of the sheep.


Paper is made from fibrous substances such as rags,wood,straw,and grass.The best paper is made from rags.The rags are sorted,pulled to pieces by a machine,and boiled in water with lime and soda,after which they are made into a paste or pulp.Wire trays are dipped in the pulp and lift sheets of the fibres,which,when dried,are like thin blotting-paper.Writing-paper is made by dipping these sheets in size to fill up the pores,and polishing them when dry between steel rollers.Blotting-paper is full of tiny pores.The water-mark is formed by wires fixed in the bottom of the trays.Paper for newspapers and books is made in webs.A great many different articles are made from paper.Parchment was long ago used in Britain for writing upon instead of paper.


















⑤看到纸质火车轮,读者想必会感到很诧异。这是美国人理查德·阿兰(Richard N.Allen)在1869年的发明,其实一部分部件依然是金属的,叫它“纸车轮”并不准确。这种车轮曾经风行一时,后来随着金属加工业的改进,和火车提速给车轮带来的巨大压力,才退出了历史舞台。
