
第85章 花园中的蜗牛

1.The “winkle”which you pick out of its shell with a pin and eat is a sea-snail.But we have now to talk about the common land-snail,which creeps about our gardens.It has a “house on its back,”in the shape of a spiral or coiled shell,which is all in one piece,and has a smooth edge.Have you noticed how the shell is marked with pretty bright bands of colour?The shell protects the soft body of the snail,and provides a shelter into which it can retreat①in time of danger,and in which it sleeps.

2.The snail has a heart,a stomach,a lung②,and many nerves inside its soft body.It creeps along by means of the lower portion of itsGARDEN SNAIL(蜗牛)body,a long,fleshy part called the “foot.”Have you ever seen the snail’s eyes?They are placed at the ends of the two long feelers or “horns”which stick out from the creature‘s head.When a horn is①Retreat,withdraw;go back.

②Lung,the organ by which it breathes.

extended,the eye is seen at its point;when it is withdrawn,the eye disappears within it.Under these horns are two much shorter feelers.Below these again is the mouth.

3.The snail has a long tongue like a ribbon,which is covered with tiny teeth.It also has a sort of horny upper jaw.With its teeth and its upper jaw the snail cuts off bits of the young plants for food.On this account gardeners do not like the snail.


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4.The snail lays its eggs in damp places in the ground;they look like tiny beads of jelly.When the little snails come out of these eggs,each one has its own little shell.

As they grow larger,more of the hard shell forms round the edge;and so the snail and its shell grow together,until the animal has reached its full size.

5.Snails do not grow in the winter.


They do not come out of their shells at all then,even to eat.When they feel the cold weather coming,each snail finds some quiet place,where it makes a smooth hole in the earth to live in.Then it draws its body into the shell,and plasters①up the opening,leavingjust a little hole to breathe through.There the snail sleeps all through the winter.But it will wake up and crawl about again when the warm April showers tell it that spring hasPART OF TONGUE(舌的局部)come.

6.Did you ever eat snails?Perhaps you are surprised at such a question,for very few people in this country know that snails are good to eat,if they have been properly fed and properly cooked.In other countries snails are thought a very dainty dish.They should be boiled in spring-water,and seasoned②with oil,salt,and pepper.

7.In the south of England there is a very large white snail,which is known as the “Roman③snail,”because the Roman soldiers used to be very fond of eating it.In times of famine④,too,①Plasters,covers.

②Seasoned,given a relish to.

③Roman,belonging to Rome,the capital of Italy,a country in the south of Europe.

④Famine,great scarcity of food.

such as used to happen in Britain in bygone days,many people were saved from starving who knew that snails were good to eat.

8.Many birds,such as thrushes and blackbirds,feed on snails.The bird breaks the shell of the snail by dropping it on a stone.You may often see pieces of the shells lying beside a large stone on which a bird has broken them.

9.If you want to catch the snails in your garden,you should take a lantern①and look for them at night,for they creep about much more by night than by day.


The garden snail has a spiral shell,which protects its soft body.The snail has a heart,a stomach,a lung,and nerves.It crawls along by means of its “foot.”Its eyes are at the end of the horns which stick out from its head.Below the horns are two feelers.Its long ribbon-like tongue is covered with small teeth,and it has a horny upper jaw.Its eggs are like beads of jelly.Each young snail has a shell,which gets harder as it grows.In winter the snail shuts itself up in its shell and sleeps till spring-time.It feeds on young plants,and is thus disliked by the gardener.Snails,when properly cooked and seasoned,are good to eat.Many birds feed on snails.They break the shell by dropping it on a stone.



①Lantern,a frame made partly of glass for holding a lighted candle or lamp.












(Escargots de Bourgogne)。在英格兰(不含英国其他地区),这种蜗牛因为大量偷猎,数目急剧减少,被1981年的《野生动物和乡村法》(Wildlife and Countryside Act)列为保护动物。
