
第21章 天涯比邻,相拥三千深情(2)

The more she encouraged him, thefaster he responded. By the end ofthe year, Teddy had become one ofthe smartest children in the classand, despite her lie that she wouldlove all the children same, Teddybecame one of her “teachers pets”.

A year later, she found anote under her door, from Teddy,telling her that she was still thebest teacher he ever had in hiswhole life.

Six years went by before shegot another note from Teddy. Hethen wrote that he had finishedhigh school, second in his class,and she was still the best teacherhe ever had in his whole life.

Four years after that, shegot another letter, saying thatwhile things had been tough attimes, hed stayed in school, hadstuck with it, and would soongraduate from college with thehighest of honors. He assured Mrs.

Thompson that she was still thebest and favorite teacher he everhad in his whole life.

Then four more years passedand yet another letter came. Thistime he explained that after he gothis bachelors degree, he decidedto go a little further. The letterexplained that she was still thebest and favorite teacher he ever had. But nowhis name was a little longer. The letter wassigned, Theodore F. Stoller, M. D.

The story doesnt end there. You see, therewas yet another letter that spring. Teddy saidhed met this girl and was going to be married.

He explained that his father had died a coupleof years ago and he was wondering if Mrs.

Thompson might agree to sit in the place atthe wedding that was usually reserved for themother of the groom.

Of course, Mrs. Thompson, did. And guesswhat? She wore that bracelet, the one withseveral rhinestones missing. And she madesure she was wearing the perfume that Teddyremembered his mother wearing on their lastChristmas together.

They hugged each other, and Teddywhispered in Mrs. Thompsons ear, “Thank you,Mrs. Thompson, for believing in me. Thankyou so much for making me feel important andshowing me that I could make a difference.”

Mrs. Thompson, with tears in her eyes,whispered back. She said, “Teddy, you have itall wrong. You were the one who taught me thatI could make a difference. I didnt know how toteach until I met you.”










A Cup of Milk

One day, a poor boywho was trying to pay hisway through school byselling goods door to doorfound that he only had onedime left. He was hungry sohe decided to beg for a mealat the next house.

However, he lost hisnerve when a lovely youngwoman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he askedfor a drink of water. Shethought he looked hungry soshe brought him a large glassof milk. He drank it slowly,and then asked, “How muchdo I owe you?”

“You dont owe meanything,” she replied.

“Mother has taught menever to accept pay for akindness.” He said, “then Ithank you from the bottomof my heart.” As HowardKelly left that house, he notonly felt stronger physically,but it also increased his faithin God and the human race.

He was about to give up andquit before this point.

Years later the youngwoman became criticallyill. The local doctors werebaffled. They finally senther to the big city, wherespecialists can be called into study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly, nowfamous was called in forthe consultation. Whenhe heard the name of thetown she came from, astrange light filled his eyes.

Immediately, he rose andwent down through thehospital hall into her room.

Dressed in his doctorsgown he went in to seeher. He recognized her atonce. He went back to theconsultation room anddetermined to do his best tosave her life. From that dayon, he gave special attentionto her case.

After a long struggle,the battle was won. Dr. Kellyrequested the business officeto pass the final bill to himfor approval. He looked at itand then wrote somethingon the side. The bill wassent to her room. She wasafraid to open it because shewas positive that it wouldtake the rest of her life topay it off. Finally she looked,and the note on the side ofthe bill caught her attention.

She read these words:

“Paid in full with aglass of milk.” (Signed) Dr.

Howard Kelly.












