
第22章 天涯比邻,相拥三千深情(3)

Friendship Never Fade

I grew up in Jamaica Plain, an urbancommunity located on the outskirts ofBoston, Massachusetts. In the 1940s it was awholesome, quaint little community. It was myhome and I loved it there; back then I thoughtI would never leave. My best friend Rose and Iused to collectively dream about raising a familyof our own someday. We had it all planned outto live next door to one another.

Our dream remained alive through gradeschool, high school, and even beyond. Rose wasmy maid of honor when I got married in 1953to the love of my life, Dick. Even then she jokedthat she was just one perfect guy short of beingmarried, thus bringing us closer to our dream.

Meanwhile, Dick aspired to be an officer in theMarines and I fully supported his ambitions.

I realized that he might be stationed far awayfrom Jamaica Plain, but I told him I wouldrelocate and adjust. The idea of experiencingnew places together seemed somewhat romanticto me.

So, in 1955 Dick was stationed in Alaskaand we relocated. Rose was sad to see me leave,but wished me the best of luck. Rose and Iremained in touch for a few years via periodicphone call but after a while we lost trackof one another. Back in the 1950s it wasa lot more difficult to stay in touch withsomeone over a long distance, especially ifyou were relocating every few years. Therewere no email addresses or transferablephone number and directory lookupservices were mediocre at best.

I thought of her several times overthe years. Once in the mid 1960s whenI was visiting the Greater Boston area Itried to determine her whereabout but mysearch turned up empty-handed. JamaicaPlain had changed drastically in the 10years I was gone. A pretty obvious shift inincome demographics was affecting my oldneighborhood. My family had moved out ofthe area, as did many of the people I usedto know. Rose was nowhere to be found.

52 years passed and we never spoke.

Ive since raised a family of five, all ofwhom now have families of their own,and Dick passed away a few years ago.

Basically, a lifetime has passed. Now hereI am at the doorstep to my 80th birthdayand I receive a random phone call on anidle Wednesday afternoon. “Hello?” I said.

“Hi Natalie, its Rose,” the voice on theother end replied. “Its been so long. I dontknow if you remember me, but we used tobe best friends in Jamaica Plain when wewere kids,” she said.

We havent seen each other yet, butwe have spent countless hours on thephone, catching up on 52 years of our lives.

The interesting thing is that even after 52years of separation, our personalities andinterests are still extremely similar. Weboth share a passion for several hobbiesthat we each picked up independentlyseveral years after we lost touch with oneanother. It almost feels like we are pickingup right where we left off, which is reallystrange considering the circumstances.

Her husband passed away a few yearsago as well, but she mailed me severalphotographs of her family that were takenover the years. Its so crazy, just lookingat the photos and listening to her describeher family reminds me of my own; areasonably large, healthy family. Part of mefeels like we led fairly similar lives.

I dont think the numerous similaritiesbetween our two lives are a coincidenceeither. I think it shows that we didnt justcall each other best friend we truly werebest friend and even now we can be bestfriends again. Real friends have two thingsin common: a compatible personality anda strong-willed character. The compatiblepersonality is what initiates the connectionbetween two people and a strong-willedcharacter at both ends is what maintainsthe connection. If those two ingredientsare present in a friendship, the friendshipis for real, and can thus sustain the testsof time and prolonged absence withoutfaltering.











My Good Friend Arnold

I recently lost my best friend Arnold in an automobile accidentwhile moving my family to our new home in Arizona. Arnold was an8-month-old pot belly who taught me so much about love, devotionand companionship. I am devastated by his loss, but thank God dailyfor blessing me with the joy of having Arnold for his short life.

Anyone contemplating a potbelly as a pet should know that ifyou are a true pet lover and devoteyourself to them, a pot belly willmake the most wonderful friend.