
第24章 天涯比邻,相拥三千深情(5)

“What color are my eyes and fur?” The Catasked. “Your eyes are gold and your fur is a rich,warm brown,” the Man replied.

“And where is it that you most often seeme?” Asked the Cat. “I see you…on the kitchenwindows watching the birds…on my favoritechair…on my desk lying on the papers I need…on the pillow next to my head at night.” “Then,whenever you wish to see me, all you must do isclose your eyes,” said the Cat.

“Pick up that piece of string from thefloor-there, my toy.” The Man opened hiseyes, then reached over and pickedup the string. It was about two feetlong and the Cat had been able toentertain himself for hours with it.

“Now take each end of the string inone hand,” the Cat ordered. The Mandid so.

“The end in your left hand is mybirth and the end in your right handis my death. Now bring the two endstogether,” the Cat said. The Mancomplied.

“You have made a continuouscircle,” said the cat. “Does any pointalong the string appear to be different,worse or better than any other partof the string?” The Man inspected thestring and then shook his head “no.”

“Close your eyes again,” the Catsaid. “Now lick your hand.” The Manwidened his eyes in surprise.

“Just do it,” the Cat said. “Lickyour hand, think of me in all myfamiliar places, think about all thepieces of string.”

The Man felt foolish, licking hishand, but he did as he was told. Hediscovered what a cat must know,that licking a paw is very calming andallows one to think more clearly. Hecontinued licking and the corners ofhis mouth turned upward into thefirst smile he had shown in days. Hewaited for the Cat to tell him to stop,and when he didnt, he opened hiseyes. The Cats eyes were closed. TheMan stroked the warm, brown fur,but the Cat was gone.

The Man shut his eyes hardas the tears poured down his face.

He saw the Cat on the windowsill,then in his bed, then lying across hisimportant papers. He saw him onthe pillow next to his head, saw hisbright gold eyes and darkest brownon his nose and ears. He opened hiseyes and through his tears lookedover at the circle of string he still heldclutched in his hand.

One day, not long after, therewas a new Cat on his lap. She was alovely calico and white...very differentfrom his earlier beloved Cat and verymuch the same.














On my recent travels,I came to realize still morefully the significance of theword “friend”.

Seven or eight days ago,I said to a friend whom I hadjust come to know, “I canthelp feeling embarrassedbefore my friends. Youreall so nice to me. I simplydont know how to repayyour kindness,” I did notmake this remark out ofmere modesty and courtesy.

I truly meant what I said.

The next day, I said goodbyeto this friend, not knowingif I could ever see him again.

But the little warmth thathe gave me has been keepingmy heart throbbing withgratitude.

The length of my dayswill not be unlimited.

However, whenever I lookback on brief past life, I finda beacon illuminating mysoul and thereby lending alittle brightness to my being.

That beacon is friendship.

I should be grateful to itbecause it has helped mekeep alive up to now andclear away the shadow lefton me by my old family.

Many people forsaketheir friends in favor of theirown families, or at leastdraw a line of demarcationbetween families andfriends, considering theformer to be many timesmore important than thelatter. That seems to be amatter of course. I have alsoseen with my own eyes howsome people abandon theirfriends as well as their owncareers soon after they getmarried…Friends are transientwhereas families are lasting-thatis the tenet, as I know, guiding thebehavior of many people. To me, thatis utterly inconceivable. Withoutfriends, I would have been reducedto I dont know what a miserablecreature.

Friends are my saviors. Theygive me things which it is beyondmy family to give me. Thanks totheir fraternal love, assistance andencouragement, I have time and againbeen saved from falling into an abysswhile on its verge. They have beenenormously generous towards me.

No matter how hard up andfrugal my friends themselves were,they would unstintingly share withme whatever they had, althoughthey knew I would not be able torepay them for their kindness. Some,whom I did not even know by name,showed concern over my health andwent about inquiring after me. It wasnot until they saw my suntannedface and arms that they began tosmile a smile of relief. All that wasenough to move one to tears.

Recently I came across thefollowing words in a book by aFrench philosopher: One conditionof life is consumption….Survivalin this world is inseparable fromgenerosity, without which we wouldperish and become dried-up fromwith-in. We must put forth flowers.

Moral integrity and unselfishnessare the flowers of life.

Now so many flowers of life arein full bloom before my eyes. Whencan my life put forth flowers? Am Ialready dried-up from within?

A friend of mine says, “if I werea lamp, I would illuminate darknesswith my light.”

I, however, dont qualify for abright lamp. Let me be a piece offirewood instead. Ill radiate the heatthat I have absorbed from the sun. Illburn myself to ashes to provide thishuman world with a little warmth.