
第23章 天涯比邻,相拥三千深情(4)

You will be assured of endless hoursof fascination and entertainmentas you both grow together inunderstanding the human and potbelly relationship. Words cannotdescribe this relationship and itcan only be fully understood byexperiencing it.

Arnold didnt know he wasa pig-he thought he was justanother member of our family-modeling his behavior throughobserving me, my wife, my twodaughters and our beagles. He wasconvinced he was loved by all; andhe was, even when he was ornerytrying to just get our attention. Helearned his name, how to sit andhow to use the little box all in thefirst week we had him (at 7 weeksold!).

He loved to sleep on your lapas you sat on the couch watchingTV. He didnt care if he grew toweigh 45lbs, he still expectedyou to hoist him onto your lap atprecisely 8:00 pm every eveningwhere he would fall fast asleepwithin seconds after snuggling hiswet nose between your neck andshoulder. If you didnt respond tohis initial “honks” letting you knowit was his nap time, he would bumpyour legs with his nose until youpicked him up. With his weightas it was, you couldnt hold himall evening as he preferred, so youhad to slide him off onto the couchnext to you where he would sleepfor hours with all four legs and hisnose sticking straight up in the air.

He would snore as long as he couldfeel you next to him but wouldimmediately wake up if you triedto leave the couch. We had hoursof fun balancing objects like a saltshaker on his flat nose while heslept soundly.

Arnold helped me in all mychores around our five acres in thecountry. Just being there at myfeet, interested in what I was doingmade even the most mundanetasks enjoyable. When he wasout roaming and foraging andyou would call out his name, hewould come running at top speed,honking the whole way until hegot close to you where he woulddodge you, zigzagging around witha few victory roles turning in circlesbefore settling down and calmlywalking up to you with his tailwagging as if to say (winking) “hah,got-cha.”

He even helped me build a kitaircraft and a customized trailer to haulit around in. I was planning on takinghim flying with me some day. He lovedto play with my sockets and rolledthem around on the shop floor. Just as Iwould struggle and get frustrated withsome difficult task, Arnold would showup underneath the trailer, with his wetnose in my ear and honking-seeming tosay, “take a break and laugh with me fora while, that should make it all better.”

And it did, every time. Gods marvelouscreations minister to us in the mostspecial ways if we can just stop for a fewmoments and observe them. God usedArnold to teach us this very importantlesson in life which we will never forget.

My wife and two daughters beganto say that Arnold and I were so closethat he had become the son that Inever had in our family. It seemed thatwe could no longer have any kind ofconversation in our family or with ourfriends without Arnold being a maintopic. The neighborhood kids wouldmake appointments to come visitArnold and couldnt wait to come overand play with him.

Arnold went most everywherewith us-Pets Mart, Wal-Mart,birthday parties, Christmas vacationto Grandmas. He loved riding in thecar or shopping basket and was a bighit everywhere he went. Arnold hadbecome such an important part of ourlife that when we found out that ourfamily would have to move to anotherstate, we insisted that the contract onour new house be contingent on thehomeowners association approval ofArnold in writing before we wouldagree to purchase in our prestigiousneighborhood.

On the day we left our old hometown, we had a going away lunch withour friends from church. Everyone therejust had to go out to the truck whereArnold and all our other pets wereand say goodbye. Arnold trusted meto take care of him and get him to hisnew home. Tragically, along the way,the wind blast from a semi knockedour trailers out of control and pushedour truck off a 40-inch-high bridge.

We lost a big part of our family thatday when our pets Arnold, Sweeti andLeanna were killed. I feel terrible for notbeing able to protect Arnold the way hetrusted me to. However, I will be forevergrateful for the fond memories of himwhich I will cherish forever.









“那你见我经常待在什么地方?” 猫问。“我经常见你……待在厨房的窗台上看鸟儿……在我最喜欢的椅子上……在我桌子上,躺在我需要用的文件上……整晚都待着我的枕头上,靠近我的脑袋。”“那么,不管你什么时候想见我,只要闭上眼睛就可以了。”猫说。









The Zen of Cat

The Man was very sad. He knewthat the Cats days were numbered.

The doctor had said there wasntanything more that could be done,that he should take the Cat home andmake him as comfortable as possible.

The man stroked the Cat onhis lap and sighed. The Cat openedhis eyes, purred and looked up atthe Man. A tear rolled down theMans cheek and landed on the Catsforehead. The Cat gave him a slightlyannoyed look.

“Why do you cry, Man?” TheCat asked. “Because you cant bear the thoughtof losing me? Because you think you can neverreplace me?” The Man nodded, “yes.”

“And where do you think Ill be when Ileave you?” The Cat asked. The Man shruggedhelplessly. “Close your eyes, Man,” the Cat said.

The Man gave him a questioning look, but didas he was told.