
第4章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(4)


Never ever give up at the critical moment


Speech on Hitlers Invasion of the U.S.S.R.

[温斯顿·丘吉尔 / Winston Churchill]

The Naziregimei sindistinguishable from the worstfeatures of Communism. It is devoidof all theme and principle exceptappetite and racial domination. Itexcels all forms of human wickednessin the efficiency of its cruelty andferocious aggression. No one hasbeen a more consistent opponentof Communism than I have for thelast twenty-five years. I will unsayno word that I have spoken about it. But all this fades away before thespectacle which is now unfolding. The past, with its crimes, its follies,and its tragedies, flashes away. I seethe Russian soldiers standing onthe threshold of their native land,guarding the fields which their fathershave tilled from time immemorial. Isee them guarding their homes wheremothers and wives pray-ah, yes,for there are times when all pray-for the safety of their loved ones,the return of the bread-winner, oftheir champion, of their protector. I see the ten thousand villages ofRussia where the means of existenceis wrung so hardly from the soil,but where there are still primordialhuman joys, where maidens laughand children play. I see advancingupon all this in hideous onslaught theNazi war machine, with its clanking,heel-clicking, dandified Prussianofficers, its crafty expert agents freshfrom the cowing and tying downof a dozen countries. I see also thedull, drilled, docile, brutish massesof the Hun soldiery plodding on likea swarm of crawling locusts. I seethe German bombers and fighters inthe sky, still smarting from many aBritish whipping, delighted to findwhat they believe is an easier and asafer prey.

Behind all this glare, behindall this storm, I see that small group



of villainous men who plan, organize,and launch this cataract of horrors uponmankind...

I have to declare the decisionof His Majestys Government, and Ifeel sure it is a decision in which thegreat Dominions will in due concur-for we must speak out now at once,without a days delay. I have to makethe declaration, but can you doubt whatour policy will be? We have but one aimand one single, irrevocable purpose. Weare resolved to destroy Hitler and everyvestige of the Nazi regime. From thisnothing will turn us-nothing. We willnever parley; we will never negotiatewith Hitler or any of his gang. We shallfight him by land, we shall fight him bysea, we shall fight him in the air, until,with Gods help, we have rid the earth ofhis shadow and liberated its peoples fromhis yoke. Any man or state who fights onagainst Nazidom will have our aid. Anyman or state who marches with Hitler isour foe...That is our policy and that is ourdeclaration. It follows therefore that weshall give whatever help we can to Russiaand the Russian people. We shall appealto all our friends and allies in every partof the world to take the same courseand pursue it, as we shall faithfully andsteadfastly to the end...

This is no class war, but a war



in which the whole British Empire andCommonwealth of Nations is engaged, withoutdistinction of race, creed, or party. It is not forme to speak of the action of the United States,but this I will say: If Hitler imagines that hisattack on Soviet Russia will cause the slightestdivergence of aims or slackening of effort inthe great democracies who are resolved uponhis doom, he is woefully mistaken. On thecontrary, we shall be fortified and encouraged inour efforts to rescue mankind from his tyranny. We shall be strengthened and not weakened indetermination and in resources.

This is no time to moralise on the folliesof countries and Governments which haveallowed themselves to be struck down one byone, when by united action they could havesaved themselves and saved the world from thistyranny. But when I spoke a few minutes agoof Hitlers blood-lust and the hateful appetiteswhich have impelled or lured him on hisRussian adventure I said there was one deepermotive behind his outrage. He wishes to destroythe Russian power because he hopes that if hesucceeds in this he will be able to bring back themain strength of his Army and Air Force fromthe East and hurl it upon this Island, which heknows he must conquer or suffer the penalty ofhis crimes. His invasion of Russia is no more



than a penalty to an attempted invasion ofthe British Isles. He hopes, no doubt, thatall this may be accomplished before thewinter comes, and that he can overwhelmGreat Britain before the Fleet and air-power of the United States may intervene.