
第5章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(5)

He hopes that he may once again repeat,upon a greater scale than ever before, thatprocess of destroying his enemies one byone by which he has so long thrived andprospered, and that then the scene will beclear for the final act, without which all hisconquests would be in vain - namely, thesubjugation of the Western Hemisphere tohis will and to his system.

The Russian danger is therefore ourdanger, and the danger of the United States,just as the cause of any Russian fightingfor his hearth and home is the cause offree men and free peoples in every quarterof the globe. Let us learn the lessonsalready taught by such cruel experience.Let us redouble our exertions, and strikewith united strength while life and powerremain.




Failure Is an Option, but Fear Is not


[James Cameron]

I grew up on a steady diet of sciencefiction. In high school I took a bus to schoolan hour each way every day. And I was alwaysabsorbed in a book, science fiction book, whichtook my mind to other worlds, and satisfied, in anarrative form, this insatiable sense of curiositythat I had.

And I was an artist. I could draw. I couldpaint. And I found that because there werentvideo games and this saturation of CG moviesand all of this imagery in the media landscape,I had to create these images in my head. Youknow, we all did, as kids having to read abook, and through the authors deion putsomething on the movie screen in our heads. And so, my response to this was to paint, todraw alien creatures, alien worlds, robots,spaceships, all that stuff. I was endlessly gettingbusted in math class doodling behind thetextbook. That was, the creativity had to find itsoutlet somehow.



And an interesting thing happened -Jacques Cousteau shows actually got me veryexcited about the fact that there was an alienworld right here on Earth. So, I decided I wasgoing to become an exotic scuba diver at theage of 15.

But, when I chose a career, as an adult, itwas film making. And that seemed to be thebest way to reconcile this urge I had to tellstories, with my urges to create images. And Iwas, as a kid, constantly drawing comic books,and so on. So, film making was the way to putpictures and stories together. And that madesense. And of course the stories that I chose totell were science fiction stories: Terminator,Aliens and The Abyss. And with The Abyss,I was putting together my love of underwaterand diving, with film making. So, you know,merging the two passions.

So, I wrote this piece called Avatar, whichwas meant to absolutely push the envelopeof visual effects, of CG effects, beyond, withrealistic human emotive characters generatedin CG, and the main characters would all be inCG, and the world would be in CG. And theenvelope pushed back. And I was told by thefolks at my company that we werent going tobe able to do this for a while.




So, I shelved it, and I made this othermovie about a big ship that sinks. Youknow, I went and pitched it to the studioas Romeo and Juliet on a ship. Its goingto be this epic romance, passionate film. Secretly, what I wanted to do was I wantedto dive to the real wreck of “Titanic”. Andthats why I made the movie. And thats thetruth. Now, the studio didnt know that. ButI convinced them. I said, “Were going todive to the wreck. Were going to film it forreal. Well be using it in the opening of thefilm. It will be really important. It will be agreat marketing hook.” And I talked theminto funding an expedition.

Sounds crazy. But this goes back tothat theme about your imagination creatinga reality, because we actually created areality where six months later I find myselfin a Russian submersible two and a halfmiles down in the north Atlantic, looking atthe real “Titanic” through a view port, not amovie, not HD, for real.

NASA has this phrase that they like:“Failure is not an option.” But failure hasto be an option in art and in exploration,because its a leap of faith. And noimportant endeavor that required innovationwas done without risk. You have to bewilling to take those risks. So, thats thethought I would leave you with, is thatin whatever youre doing, failure is anoption, but fear is not. Thank you.




Blood, Sweat and Tears


[温斯顿·丘吉尔 / Winston Churchill]

On Friday evening last I receivedfrom his majesty the mission to form anew administration.

It was the evident will of parliamentand the nation that this should beconceived on the broadest possible basisand that it should include all parties.