
第6章 你有多努力,就有多幸运(6)

I have already completed the mostimportant part of this task. A war cabinethas been formed of five members,representing, with the Labor, Oppositionand Liberals, the unity of the nation.

It was necessary that this shouldbe done in one single day on accountof the extreme urgency and rigor ofevents. Other key positions were filledyesterday. I am submitting a further list tothe king tonight. I hope to complete theappointment of principal ministers duringtomorrow.

The appointment of other ministersusually takes a little longer. I trust whenparliament meets again this part of mytask will be completed and that theadministration will be complete in allrespects.

I considered it in the public interest







to suggest to the speaker that the House shouldbe summoned today. At the end of todaysproceedings, the adjournment of the House willbe proposed until May 2l with provision forearlier meeting if need be. Business for that willbe notified to M.P.s at the earliest opportunity.

I now invite the House by a Resolutionto record its approval of the steps taken anddeclare its confidence in the new government.The Resolution:

“That this House welcomes the formationof a government representing the united andinflexible resolve of the nation to prosecute thewar with Germany to a victorious conclusion.”

To form an administration of this scaleand complexity is a serious undertaking initself. But we are in the preliminary phase ofone of the greatest battles in history. We are inaction at any other points-in Norway and inHolland-and we have to be prepared in theMediterranean. The air battle is continuing,and many preparations have to be made here athome.

In this crisis I think I may be pardoned ifI do not address the House at any length today,and I hope that any of my friends and colleaguesor former colleagues who are affected by thepolitical reconstruction will make all allowancesfor any lack of ceremony with which it has beennecessary to act.

I say to the House as I said to ministers who have joined this government, I have nothing tooffer but blood, toil, tears and sweat. We havebefore us an ordeal of the most grievous kind.We have before us many, many months ofstruggle and suffering.







You ask, what is our policy? I say it is towage war by land, sea and air. War with allour might and with all the strength god hasgiven us, and to wage war against a monstroustyranny never surpassed in the dark andlamentable catalogue of human crime. That isour policy.

You ask, what is our aim? I can answer inone word, it is victory. Victory at all costs-victory in spite of all terrors-victory,however long and hard the road may be, forwithout victory there is no survival.

Let that be realized. No survival forthe British empire, no survival for all thatthe British empire has stood for, no survivalfor the urge, the impulse of the ages, thatmankind shall move forward toward his goal.

I take up my task in buoyancy and hope. Ifeel sure that our cause will not be suffered tofail among men.

I feel entitled at this juncture, at this time,to claim the aid of all and to say, “Come then,let us go forward together with our unitedstrength.”







Opening speech at the 74th Oscar Awards

[汤姆·克鲁斯 / Tom Cruise]

When the great director BillyWilder was asked what makes a movieunforgettable, his answer was simple, “Alittle bit of magic!” Were all here tonightor sitting at home watching becausesomething came off a movie screen: a littlebit of magic touched our lives. And youalways remember where you were: thetheater, the popcorn, the people you werewith when it happened. It was 1968, myfamily was living in Ottawa, Canada, andthe movie was Stanley Kubricks 2001: a Space Odyssey; I couldnt help stopthinking about what is life, what is space,what is existence? I was 6 years old. And Iknew right then and there I wanted to be anastronaut.


My family traveled a lot: thewhite-hot thrill of Jaws that wasLouisville, Kentucky; senior year,New Jersey Apocalypse Now, ValleyForge, Pennsylvania Raging Bull. Iknew I wanted to be an actor. In goodtimes and poor times, movies weremy lifesaver. And then last Septembercame an event that would change us. An actor friend said to me: “What arewe doing? What are we doing? Is itimportant? Is it even important what Ido?” And what of a night like tonight,should we celebrate the joy and magicthe movies bring? Well, dare I sayit? More than ever! A small scene,a gesture, even a glance betweencharacters can cross lines, breakthrough barriers, melt prejudice, justplain make us laugh, it brings us alltogether, that little bit of magic. Thatsjust me.
