
第88章 罗利的最后一封信


SIR WALTER RALEIGH was one of the most distinguished men who adorned the reigns of Elizabeth and JamesI.of England.As a patriot statesman,general,and literary man,he had few equals in his day.When James I.ascended the,throne,he was accused of high treason,unjustly condemned,and,after twelve years‘imprisonment,was executed.The following is his last letter.

1.YOU shall receive,my dear wife,my last words,in these my last lines:my love I send you,that you may keep when I am dead;and my counsel,that you may remember it when I am no more.I would not,with my will,present you sorrows,dear Bess,let them go to the grave with me,and be buried in the dust.And seeing that it is not the will of God that I shall see you any more,bear my destruction patiently,and with a heart like yourself.

2.First,I send all the thanks which my heart can conceive,or my words express,for your many cares for me,which,though they have not taken effect as you wished,yet my debt to you is not the less;but pay it I never shall,in this world.

3.Secondly,I beseech you,for the love you bear me living,that you do not hide yourself many days,but by your patience seek to help my miserable fortunes,and the right of your poor child.Your mourning can not avail me that am but dust.

4.Dear wife,I beseech you,for my soul’s sake,pay all poor men.When I am dead,no doubt you shall be much sought unto;for the world thinks I was very rich:have a care to fair pretenses of men:for no greater misery can befall you,in this life,than to become a prey unto the world,and after to be despised.I speak,God knows,not to dissuade you from marriage;for it will be best for you,both in respect of God and the world.As for me,I am no more yours,nor you mine;death has cut us asunder,and God hath divided me from the world,and you from me.

5.Remember your poor child,for his father‘s sake,who loved you in his happiest estate.I sued for my life,but God knows,it was for you and yours that I desired it;for know it,my dear wife,your child is the child of a true man,who,in his own respect,despiseth death and his misshapen and ugly forms.I can not write much,(God knows how hardly I steal this time,when all sleep!’)and it is also time for me to separate my thoughts from the world.Beg my dead body,which,living,was denied you,and either lay it in Sherburne or Exeter church,by my father and mother.I can say no more;time and death call me away.

6.The everlasting God,powerful,infinite,and inscrutable,God Almighty,who is goodness itself the true light and life,keep you and yours,and have mercy upon me,and forgive my persecutors and false accusers,and send us to meet in his glorious kingdom!My dear wife,farewell:bless my boy:pray for me,and let my true God hold you both in his arms.







