
第89章 陆军少校安德烈

MAJOR ANDRE was an officer in the English army during the revolutionary war.He was entrusted with the very delicate duty of communicating with Benedict Arnold,an American officer,who proposed treacherously to deliver the garrison at West Point to the English.Andre was detected,and,though a noble,honorable man,was,according to the rules of war,executed as a spy.

ALEXANDER HAMILTON,from whose letter to a friend this extract is taken,was one of the most distinguished patriots and officers of the Revolution,and was the first Secretary of the Treasury under the Constitution.

1.NEVER,perhaps,did any man suffer death with more justice,or deserve it less.The first step he took,after his capture,was to write a letter to General Washington,conceived in terms of dignity without insolence,and apology without meanness.The scope of it was to vindicate himself from the imputation of having assumed a mean character,for treacherous or interested purposes:asserting that he had been involuntarily an impostor;that,contrary to his intention,which was to meet a person for intelligence on neutral ground,he had been betrayed within our posts,and forced into the vile condition of an enemy in disguise;soliciting only,that,to whatever rigor policy might devote him,a decency of treatment might be observed,due to a person who,though unfortunate,had been guilty of nothing dishonorable.His request was granted in its full extent;for,in the whole progress of the affair,he was treated with the most scrupulous delicacy.The board of officers were not more impressed with the candor and firmness,mixed with a becoming sensibility,which he displayed,than he was penetrated with their liberality and politeness.He acknowledged the generosity of the behavior toward him in every respect,but particularly in this,in the strongest terms of manly gratitude.

2.In one of the visits I made to him,said he,“There is only one thing that disturbs my tranquillity.Sir Henry Clinton has been too good to me;he has been lavish of his kindness.I am bound to him by too many obligations,and love him too well,to bear the thought that he should reproach himself,or that others should reproach him,on the supposition of my having conceived myself obliged,by his instructions,to run the risk I did.I would not,for the world,leave a sting in his mind that should embitter his future days.”He could scarce finish the sentence,bursting into tears,in spite of his efforts to suppress them;and with difficulty collected himself enough afterward to add:“I wish to be permitted to assure him I did not act under this impression,but submitted to a necessity imposed upon me,as contrary to my own inclination as to his orders.”

3.When his sentence was announced to him,he remarked that,since it was his lot to die,there was still a choice in the mode which would make a material difference in his feelings;and he would be happy,if possible,to be indulged with a professional death.He made a second application by letter,in concise but pursuasive terms.It was thought this indulgence,being incompatible with the customs of war,could not be granted;and it was therefore determined,in both cases,to evade an answer,to spare him the sensations which a certain knowledge of the mode would inflict.

4.In going to the place of execution,he bowed familiarly,as he went along,to all those with whom he had been acquainted in his confinement.A smile of complacency expressed the serene fortitude of his mind.Arrived at the fatal spot,he asked,with some emotion,“Must I,then,die in this manner?”He was told it had been unavoidable.“I am reconciled to my fate,”said he,“but not to the mode.”Soon,however,recollecting himself,he added,“It will be but a momentary pang;”and,springing upon the cart,performed the last offices to himself,with a composure that excited the admiration and melted the hearts of the beholders.

5.Upon being told the final moment was at hand,and asked if he had any thing to say,he answered,“Nothing,but to request you will witness to the world,that I die like a brave man.”Among the extraordinary circumstances that attended him,in the midst of his enemies,he died universally esteemed and universally regretted.









