7.On the way they stopped at various houses.On these occasions the King,pretending to be sick with the ague,always went to bed at once,and had his food carried to him.Day by day Lord Wilmot,a faithful friend,followed the journey with a hawk on his wrist and a couple of spaniels at his horse‘s heels,pretending to be occupied in fowling,but really keeping a close watch lest any danger should come to the King.
8.Charles had many narrow escapes.The mare he rode having cast a shoe,he was obliged to stop at a smithy.As he was holding the animal’s foot,the blacksmith said that he had not yet heard of the capture of that rogue,Charles Stewart.Thereupon the very rogue himself-no doubt having a quiet inward laugh on the subject-said that,if Charles were taken,he certainly deserved to be hanged for bringing in the Scots.
9.In a certain house he was recognized by the butler,who had been servant to one of his attendants.Eating bread and butter and drinking ale in the buttery with some of the servants,as was fitting in the circumstances of his disguise,he heard a man,who turned out to be one of his own regiment of guards,giving a minute account of the Battle of Worcester.
10.“I asked him,”said Charles,who appeared to be merely a groom,for his hands were stained with walnut-juice and his dress was hodden gray,“what kind of man the King was;to which he answered by describing exactly both my clothes and my horse;and then,looking on me,he told me that the King was at least three fingers taller than I.Thereupon I made what haste I could out of the buttery.”
11.Having learned that no ship for France would leave Bristol for a month,Charles went secretly to a house called.Trent,on the borders of Somersetshire,and from that place sent Lord Wilmot to bargain for a ship to carry him off from Lyme,in Dorsetshire.
12.The bargain having been struck,the King went to an inn at that place,and found the whole house and stable-yard full of Cromwell‘s redcoats,apreparing for an expedition against Jersey.
There was nothing for it but to
put a bold face on;so Charles led his horse right in among the soldiers,who began to storm and scold at him for a blundering fool.This boldness served its purpose,and nobody suspected him.
13.But at Lyme as well as at Bristol he was disappointed.It happened that the skipper of the hired vessel told his wife that he was going to sea at once,and that he was to be well paid for it;but she was either so afraid of his mixing himself up with a secret business,or so angry at being kept out of the secret,that she locked his door on the night fixed for sailing,and would not let him go.
14.After a failure at Southampton,a ship was found at Shoreham,in Sussex.Before the arrangement was completed,the King amused himself atbStonehengeone day in counting the stones-a proof of his easy temper andhis great coolness in time of danger.
15.At the inn of Brighton,before he embarked,the landlord suddenly kissed his hand as he leaned it on a chair;and the master of the ship knew him right well too.But they were too faithful to betray him;and he got safely off the English shore at last.
16.When the ship in which he sailed was just in sight of France,a suspicious-looking vessel appeared;on seeing which Charles and Wilmot took to the little cock-boat,and were rowed ashore.The ship that frightened them turned outcto be merely a French hoy,and not,as they had feared,an Ostendprivateer.
a Jersey.-One of the Channel Ialands,off the north -west coast of France.
b Stonehenge.-Circles of huge stones,in Wiltshire;supposed to have been a Druid temple.
c Ostend.-On the west coast of Flanders,in Belgium.
d 伍斯特战役:在伍斯特周边进行的作战,时间为1651年9月3日。
a 波斯科贝尔:位于斯塔福德郡边界上的一处孤零零的房子,被一个名叫彭德雷尔的农民住着。
a 泽西岛:一个狭长的小岛,与法国西北海岸相对。
b 巨石阵:由巨型石块组成的圆形阵,位于威尔特郡,相传曾是督伊德教的一个神殿。
c 奥斯坦德:位于比利时佛兰德斯的西海岸上。