cautioned,warned.consulted,taken the advice of.contempt,scorn;disdain.discussing,talking over.execution,beheading.
expelling,driving out.
musketeers,soldiers armed with muskets.
1.Some time after the execution of King Charles the First a dispute arose between Oliver Cromwell and that small body of men that was all that remained of the Long Parliament.There was a wish on the part of the leaders of the Parliament to bring in a number of Presbyterians once more.Now,as Cromwell feared this section,he opposed their admission into the House.And when he saw that some were determined to have them in,he took the bold step of expelling the Long Parliament.
2.On a certain April day,while he was discussing the affairs of the Government in his lodging at Whitehall,one of his officers,named Colonel Ingoldsby,ran in to tell him that the Commons were passing a Bill to admit the Presbyterians,and that they hoped it would be all over before he heard of it.He lost no time in going to the House,dressed in the usual sad colours of the Puritans-black clothes and gray worsted stockings.With him marched a smallband of musketeers;for what purpose he scarcely knew,since he had not quitemade up his mind what to do.
3.Leaving them in the lobby,he went into the House,and for some time sat silently in his place.The debate went on;and he listened with grim,composed face,until the Speaker was about to put the matter to the vote.At that moment he turned to Harrison,a man who was anxious for a Republic,and said to him,“Now is the time.I must do it.”
4.After Harrison had cautioned him,he sat down for a moment;and then rising,took off his hat,and began to speak.He grew so very violent after a while,that some one rebuked him,saying that he was using language not fit for the Parliament to hear.“I know it!”he cried,appearing to lose all control overhis temper,and rushing out into the middle of the floor,with his hat pushed tightly down on his grayish hair.
5.As he walked up and down,speaking with the greatest violence,he presented a figure more remarkable for rugged energy than for beauty;for he had a swollen,reddish face,and the marks of toil and anxiety had left furrows in his cheeks.
6.Sir Harry Vane and others tried to put him down by loud speaking;but he could match them all.“I’ll put an end to your prating,”he cried.“You are no Parliament.Get you gone,and give way to honester men.”
7.The stamping of his foot on the floor was the signal for the door to be opened suddenly;and in poured a number of soldiers with steel caps and doublets of buff leather,holding loaded fire-locks in their hands.
“Fetch him down!”he cried twice,
pointing to the Speaker in the chair;and that venerable personage rose and retired,the hand of a soldier having laid hold of his robe to pull him from his seat.Then pointing to the mace which lay on the table of the House,he said,with much contempt in his tone,“Take away that bauble.”
8.The members did not venture
to offer resistance of any kind;but they walked out of the House as quickly as their dignity would allow them.As Vane passed by on his way out,he ventured to say,“This is not honest;yea,it is against morality and common honesty.”To this Cromwell replied,using that style of language of which the Puritans were so fond,“Sir Harry Vane!Sir Harry Vane!the Lord deliver me from Sir Harry Vane!”
9.In a few minutes after this there was not a single member in the House.Cromwell gave orders that the door should be locked,and sent one of his colonels off with the mace to Whitehall.He went thither himself too with the key of the House,and told his officers how “the Spirit of God had come upon him,”and “that he had not consulted flesh and blood”in the doing of this daring deed.
1660to 1685A.D.-25years(公元1660~1685年,共25年)dregs,remains.lurked,remained hid.plague,sickness.
rioting,noisy revelry.
wail,cry of sorrow.
1.Great was the joy throughout England when Charles the Second entered London.The road was strewn with flowers,and the bells rang merrily for the Restoration of Monarchy.The people,weary of the strict mode of life of the Puritans,were very glad to have the throne filled by a King who cared for little else than worldly pleasure;and the serious mood of the former time was exchanged for a gay and heartless spirit,which too soon spread over the whole nation.