
第107章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(15)

4.A few years later,a disgraced clergyman,named Titus Oates,spread a report that a plot was laid by the Catholics to kill the King,destroy London,and massacreTHE DUTCH FLEET IN THE THAMES.

a Sheerness.-A sea-port on the island of Sheppey;40miles from London.

all the Protestants.This caused so much alarm that many Catholics were put to death,two thousand were cast into prison,and thirty thousand were driven out of London and forbidden to come within twenty miles of the city.

5.As Titus Oates was rewarded with ?1,200a-year,other wretches,hoping for gain,came forward with similar tales,causing the death or imprisonment of many persons of all classes.

6.In 1679was passed the famous Act known as Habeas Corpus which prevents any one from being kept in prison without trial.

-an Act

7.The last great event of the reign was the Rye House Plot,laid with a view of murdering the King and giving the crown to the young Duke of Monmouth,a natural son of Charles.The plan was,to stop the royal coach and shoot thebKing on his way back from Newmarketraces.For this purpose a cart was to


be overturned in the middle of the road,near the Rye House.

But the whole

was found out,and the plotters were put to death.Monmouth fled to Holland.

8.Charles the Second died in 1685.Before his death he declared himself to have been a Roman Catholic,though he had said all his life that he was a Protestant.Charles‘s love of pleasure gained for him the title of “The Merry Monarch.”

9.The Test Act,requiring all officers of the Crown to declare themselves members of the Church of England,was passed in 1673.The names “Whig”and “Tory”took the place of “Roundhead”and “Cavalier.”




a Habeas Corpus.-A writ addressed to the keeper of a prisoner,requiring him to produce him for trial at a certain time.It is so called from its opening words,addressed to the jailer,Habeas corpus ad subficiendum;which mean,“That thou hast the body for the purpose of reproducing it.”

b Newmarket.-Thirteen mile north-east of Cambridge.

c Rye House.-In Hertfordshire near Hoddesdon;about 16miles north of London.

d Church of England,英国圣公会英格兰主教派和礼拜仪式的国家教会,在坎特伯雷有主教。--译者注e John Bunyan(1628~1688):英国传教士和作家,著有《天路历程》,描述基督徒们从毁灭城到天堂城路途的讽刺性寓言故事。--译者注3.英国在海上和荷兰打了一仗,战争打了几年,英国获胜;不过,荷兰舰队卷土重来,航行至泰晤士河,烧掉了许多英国船只,毁掉了西尔尼斯a港口,然后撤退了。此前,伦敦人还从来没有听过敌人的炮声,在那以后也再也没有听到过。







a 西尔尼斯:谢裴岛上的一处海港,离伦敦40英里。b《人身保护令》:针对囚犯看守人的一项法令,要求他在规定时间内对囚犯进行审讯。c 纽马基特:剑桥东北13英里处。

d 赖伊豪宅:位于赫特福德郡豪德斯登附近,离伦敦北部约16英里。




1685to 1688A.D.-3years(公元1685~1688年,在位3年)foul,wicked.

knew no bounds,was so great that he could not control it.

mass,a Roman Catholic service.

petition,prayer to the king.


scores,large numbers together.thrust,forced people to receive.unfold,carry out.


1.The Duke of York,brother of the late King,now came to the throne as James the Second.Being a strict Roman Catholic,he was no favourite with the people;but as he promised to uphold the Protestant religion,none opposed his being King.He,however,went openly to Mass,and soon showed that he could not endure any religion but his own.

2.A plot was therefore set on foot for taking the crown from him,and giving it to the Duke of Monmouth,his nephew.The Duke of Argyle was to head a rising in Scotland,while Monmouth was to land on the south coast of England.Argyle,however,failed in his attempt,and was taken prisoner and beheaded in Edinburgh before Monmouth landed.

3.When Monmouth arrived at Lyme,

he had scarcely one hundred

followers;but as the common people were in his favour,he was soon at the head of 6,000men.He was met,however,by the King’s forces at Sedgemoor,and totally defeated.He fled on horseback as far as his horse could carry him.Then changing his clothes for those of a peasant,he wandered about for two days.Thereafter he was hunted with bloodhounds.He was found in a ditch,half-starved,with a few peas in his pocket.

4.When taken before the King he begged for life;but James knew nomercy,and had him put to death on Tower Hill.His followers who were taken prisoners in the battle were cruelly treated.Many were murdered in cold blood after the battle by Colonel Kirke,who hanged them by scores on the sign-posta Lyme,or Lyme Regis.-In Dorsetshire;22miles west of Dorchester.

b Sedgemoor.-East of Bridgewater in Somersetshire.

of an inn at Taunton.

Numbers more were condemned to most cruel deaths inthe Bloody Assize by Judge Jeffreys,who,for his zeal in this foul butchery,was made Lord Chancellor.

5.James,feeling now safe on the throne,began to unfold his great plan-which was to make England once more a Roman Catholic country.In order to favour the Roman Catholics,he granted freedom of religion to all classes of nonconformists,Romanist and Protestant alike.