
第108章 公元1603~1881年的英格兰(16)

6.He also thrust Roman Catholics into offices in the University of Oxford;and he drew up a Declaration of Indulgence,which allowed every one to believe what he chose,and to worship as he liked.This he ordered to be read in all the churches.The London clergy refused to read it;and seven bishops wrote a Petition against the Declaration.

7.James,in anger,sent them all to the Tower,where they remained for a week before they were brought to trial.The jury declared them “Not guilty,”and shouts of joy rang through the streets of London at the news.When James heard this,his anger knew no bounds.He then resolved to bring his people to obedience by force of arms.For this purpose he sent over to Ireland for soldiers,who,being Roman Catholics,would more readily support his cause.





a Taunton.-On the Tone in Somersetshire;12miles south-west of Bridgewater.Kirke‘s soldiers were ironically called “Kirke’s lambs.”

b 莱恩:或莱恩·雷吉斯,位于多塞特郡,离都切斯特以西22英里。

c 塞吉木尔:萨默塞特郡布里奇沃特以东。





a 陶顿:位于萨默塞特郡的托思,布里奇沃特西南12英里。科克的士兵被人讽刺性地称为“科克的小绵羊”。




ammunition,powder and shot.approach,going near.confusion,bustle;turmoil.consequently,therefore.indistinct,dim.

poaching,killing game unlawfully.preparation,making ready.surprise,take unawares.unfortunate,unlucky.

violently,very much.

1.Having landed at Lyme,in Dorsetshire,the Duke of Monmouth,one of the sons of Charles the Second,fought a battle with the troops of King James the Second on the waste and swampy field called Sedgemoor.There has never since been a battle in England.

2.Intending to surprise the royal army,which was commanded by a lazy andpleasure-loving general called Feversham,Monmouth,pale and anxious-looking,rode out of Bridgewater at the head of his soldiers about eleven o‘clock one moonlight Sunday night.A mist,which lay on the moor,served as a cover for the approach of the rebel army.

3.That army had been hastily raised.The foot-soldiers were merely ploughmen and miners,who had tied scythes on poles,and had rubbed oil on the old rusty guns with which they had been in the habit of poaching and of frightening crows.The horsemen were even worse off,for scarcely one of the clumsy cart-horses on which they rode had ever heard a shot fired.

4.They had six miles to go,and the success of the attempt depended ontheir making no noise:consequently there were strict orders against the beatingof drums and the firing of guns.The watch-word of the army,thus creeping over the moor in the foggy moonshine,was “Soho.”

5.In two hours they had reached a place where deep ditches,containing a good deal of slushy mud,ran across the moorland.The army walked quietly across the first ditch,on a pathway made of stone.At the second ditch,a mistake which the guide made about the proper path caused delay and confusion;and in the bustle of finding the track again,a pistol went off by accident.This spoiled all;for some of the Life Guards were startled by the shot,and looking in the direction from which it came,saw the indistinct figures of Monmouth’s men through the mist.Firing into the fog,they galloped away to rouse the royal troops.

6.Drums began to beat the signal for falling into rank;and Monmouth saw that unless he made a dash all hope of victory was gone.He therefore ordered the cavalry to charge in front,while he led up the foot behind.As the horsemen went forward at a rapid pace,they saw something black before them for which they could not account.Drawing a tight rein as they approached it,they found to their dismay that it was another ditch,of which they had received no warning!

7.On the opposite side the musketeers of James were lighting their matches in preparation for a volley.A short quick talk took place across the water.“For whom are you?”cried a royal officer.-“For the King,”was the rebel answer.-“For which King?”-“King Monmouth-God with us.”-The reply to this war-cry came back in the shape of a shower of bullets,which emptied several of the rebel saddles,and scattered the whole troop of horse.

8.Then the foot-soldiers of Monmouth came up to the ditch,and began to fire across it at the royal troops.But they were not used to the firing of volleys,and,although they were very cool and brave,they aimed too high,and sent their balls over the heads of the enemy.Monmouth himself was among them,with a pike in his hand,directing the attack.But in the confusion causedby the flight of the cavalry,the drivers of the carts which carried the powder took fright,and whipped their horses into a jolting gallop.This left the brave infantry in the unfortunate position of having guns,but no ammunition to make the guns useful.They cried eagerly for “ammunition;”but,getting none,they were forced to turn their muskets into clubs,and to beat at the enemy with the heavy butts.